Educators respond to Haton ARF drug report educators are taking some Addiction Research Foundation advice after a recent study shows that a quarter of the region students arc at limes hi class under the influence of alcohol tobacco or drugs Halton Board of Education director of education Lavender said that even if the board does every thing it can the drug alcohol problem will remain be cause schools can not compete with liquor and beer life style advertisements and rock music Schools can do some things and we will try Lavender told a press conference at Ookville Trafol gar High School Monday The disturbing result is that experimental use of cannabis and alcohol is in grades seven and eight Lavender said He added that the board curriculum in the subject of health needs to be examined in Grades five six seven and eight A review may be token in grades nine and ten Other steps the board will undertake include giving principals and parents information concerning drugs Hope we can present from some fact sheets on the best research said Lavender ARt Director Peter Marks an Acton dent said the board is being offered free training of teachers and consulting service also puts the onus on the board to lead in the battle against drug and alcohol abuse The appro report recommends the board share resources and expertise and take the initiative in developing community awareness concern and participation in a cooperative community effort to meet the drug on needs of youth was not laying at llio feet of educators all problems related to drug and alcohol abuse The school will play a key role only if parents the electorate arc responsive Marks said Parents I don think can afford to sit back and let school boards make decisions he said The study which ARF earned out in produced results which confirmed trends across the province Teachers would find the results surprising said teacher Bob Richardson According to the survey results teachers would be the last adults students would ask for information about alcohol or drug The order of preference concerning who to ask about alcohol started with ARF and went on to the library friends another user parents a doctor and then the teacher ARt carried out the survey at Oakville Trafalgar High School at the request of school authorities On November a self report questionnaire was given to 1 students There was no warning to students however all parents of the survey Much of the results of the test match those obtained In a recent provincial wide survey which was also performed by There is no reason to believe that similar results would not be obtained by repeating the survey at another local high school with a general student population states the report ARF chairman Marks is urging the Board of Education to make health class a credit course Then we to do homework with the ministry of education to make it compulsory According to Marks the current board guideline for having drug alcohol education in health classes is for five lessons from grades nine to And because health Is not a compulsory course only about per cent of students enroll In contrast the body of knowledge on drug education suggests that compulsory curriculum of at least periods a year be related to the subject Thai would last from Grades to 12 The current classes on alcohol and drugs take place in Grade 10 however according to the ARF survey boys between grades five and eight arc expert mcntlng with cannabis And the girls ore not loo far behind their first try with drug An Inland Community Newspaper Out Hundred and I fih Year Vw ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY JUNE 191 Plan included theatre The color parly of the Branch 197 of the Royal Canadian Legion and the Acton Citizens Band stand at attention during Sunday Decoration Day ceremonies at Fabview Cemetery A few hundred members of Ihe Legion Salvation Army Acton Firefighters clergy public showed up for the parade service and Decoration Day revived lemorotelfae Second World in several yean Photo by DIANA Market value assessment to be aired at meeting The advantages and disadvantages of market value assessment be aired during a public the Aclon High School Hills council is shifting the place of its re meeting from the Trafalgar Road offices to Acton because of the public response lo the issue of market value assessment Councillors last week voted not to switch to mar value assessment in Hills unless ihe pro vince pushes the mailer Under market value assessment some residents would pay more than they do now for taxes while others would pay less Market value assessment would mean that out of 1 properties in Acton owners would be pay ing more taxes would pay less while would be changed Rosemary Road resident Pat Smith is in favor of anything that will bring about equity m residential Car care guide taxes At the councillor dropin Friday she spoke mainly m favor of market value assessment The first step however said Mrs Smith is lo understand the process Why should I pay 905 when the guy down the street is paying Why should I be pertained for coming late If you keep adding ten per cent in taxes a year I m going to have to move someplace else Mrs Smith told councillors Ross Knetchel Terry Gnibbc and Ed In cod We re willing o pay But we re not willing to support everyone else said the Rosemary Road resident Mrs Smith drew up a list of town properties and from the tax rolls determined the rales for most of the homes Research by Mrs Smith shows two homes on Rosemary road which she identifies as the same are valued to different amounts one is at and the other four numbers away is at The chart opened up more questions than it wered said Mrs Smith No one can tell me when the last general assessment was done No one remembers It was that long ago June 16 meeting will start at with a re council meeting After regular business is fin ished the public portion concerning the market value assessment will about m Hills Clerk Administrator Ken Richardson said the treasurer engineer and parks and re creation director ore likely to attend the meeting and give presentations as ore someone from the re gion finance department and the school board Halton Hills is setting up a committee of staff councillors plus citizens to find out more inform ation concerning market value assess men Bad rad a summer motoring worry Now that winter is behind us motorists look for ward lothecarefree summer holidays But summer as carefree for jour car You have to look after your car in the summer time as you would in the winter says Les Pelilis owner of Achilles Motors a car like the cold Overheating is the major problem for most car owners in the summertime Area mechanics such as of and Ford and Earl says the first thing on the list of a summer tuneup is checking the radiator Look inside Is it rusty That from water Salt -inside- A garbage behind the cemetery raised at recent ward one councillors dropto still bass t been remedied and one resident is tired of waiting for town action Milts us planning three day bash the cod of tin month to celebrate years as a Police Village Details on page Students from a private boys school in Eton toured Ketes Monday See photos on Gad Profiles page J News Digest on page ami are on page and Digest is on page IS and sand also plug up the rad so chances arc it ould be flushed especially the car is an older mod el said he recommends using anil freeze year round It has a higher boding point and keeps the engine cooler than water in summer Or you could add a mixture of water and antifreeze you must use freeze Since the cooling system of most cars designed to operate under pressure A cap that holds 12 to 15 pounds of pressure per cent freeze raises the boiling point to more than degrees Fahrenheit The thermostat should be checked as well but doesn necessanlv have to be changed to a summer unit A summer thermostat keeps the engine run at cooler temperatures Also check water hoses for cracks and bubbles the water pump and look for boles in the itself Small stones so it v be a good idea to get a screen said drivers should check carefully for gas leaks because gasoline explodes at high Leaks can occur in gas gas tank the car and in the fuel pump Check the tires Are tbey cracked lumpy worn worn on only one side The pattern of wear will show whether the car needs an alignment Again says check the air pressure Heat said wheels should be balanced or tires wear out faster and the ride will be less smooth Brakes are another important mechanism that must be under constant surveillance In the summer a man likes to take his children out for a pleasure drive states But his concentration is lax he not paying as much ion to road and other cars Ihs kids are telling him lo look here and there and meanwhile the car in front stops His brakes must be in perfect working condition for him to also stop safely because he has to Jam them on Is brake pedal spongy Do you have to pump the brakes twice to get pressure Docs it lake long to stop Hear any squeaks Does the car veer to one side when apply breaks Redera says the moment feel something is wrong with the brakes it should be repaired not only because it safer that way but also because it s cheaper Chances are the shoes just need replacing a relatively minor repair job But if let go thewheel cylinder might seize the rotars might need replacing or on disc brakes thecaliperscouldseize While you have the heels of to check the brakes check for ear on the steering parts The battery provides most of our headaches winter but it a good idea to check cor rosion and water lev el Clean the terminals and add water Terminalscanbecleaoedwithawue brush but if they badly corroded Just saw off cut off an inch of insulation from the end of the wire and clamp on a Mall proposal down the drain by Gord Murray Any plans for a major commercial development at the east end of downtown Acton on the site of the old Force Electric plant and the present AB super market are dead according to one of the developers In addition a proposal for a partially enclosed mall containing a movie theatre 000 square foot supermarket drug store convenience store a restaurant bowling lanes and other shops has gone down the drain The saga of the collapse of the various planned developments at the east end of the downtown area is confusing and the situation is complicated by conflicting statements from town officials and the developer There is still the chance some kind of commercial development there could be revived in the future but for now it is on the back burner Neil McLaughlin a lengthy interview Tues developer and real estate day I would have to say agent with Christie and isdead Woods operating out of Earlier this year Milton and Burlington is council rczoned the working with Pro Flectric site for com of to mercial use subject to develop the site site plan approval and McLaughlin said a Continued on page 3 Monday night Elation Hills council honored and firelighters who have Mick Holmes Harold Bailey Vtavne SamTennant Alf Town honors service Ten men who have given nearly years of combined service Georgetown and Hallon Hills works or the Acton and Georgetown Volunteer Firefighters were honored Monday night at Hills council Recently the unveiled a policy for honoring employees retiring leaving for job or given long cars of service lo the municipal or any of he ihree former municipalities Monday night those who have given years or more service were honored with the of beer steins and will recc ve scrolls later Four of the men Bob Lindsay Red Sam Tennanl and were recognized for Ihetr service in works departments while Mick Holmes Bern Van Fleet Leo Wayne Kelley Harold Townsley and Ace Bailey were honored for the r man of work as firefighters Following is a brief resume of the career of each of the men honored MICK has given vears service to the fire department in Acton and later the town of lis Holmes became assistant fire chef in about 156 and chief in 1361 In IT he became full time fire chief and later assumed the post of for all of Hills Holmes was awarded ihe year service medal in 197 by the Ontario Fire College HAROLD TOW He has given years of service to the Acton fire department and is the chairman of the Area One Firefighters Association An active sportsman Townsley has been involved in fire department promotional activities and also served the town as arena manager for the past 13ycars LEO SiNNOTTHe has served the fire department for years perform many chores around the hall Jus been dedicated to service WAYNE KELLEiHe has given service to the fire department and his work with both Acton and Hydro Ccmmwsions has made him a valuable of the volunteers A pump operator he was of the for a time ALF has given years of service Acton and Hilton Hills began his career in 19jI working for ihe old Acton Public Utilities Commission s waier and sewer section rising to the post of Superintendent of Sewers two years later When the water and sewers section under Acton mun control in ij60 Duby became Public Works Super and is now the Assistant Works Superintendent for Hills He also served 23 years as volunteer firefighter and wis sine Deputy Chief SAM TEvAMle has worked for the town works department if years starting cm ployment with in IJH recently ret red from the Aclon firefighters after years vice He is a former el Ihe brigade and served on all branches executive RED He working for works department In 1WG ind has no given veins service to munic pal He acted on qucsiic It Superintendent and was Assistant Road Superintendent floihier a grader operator as a Georgetown for 24 years BOB LINDSAYHchas given ears service to the town starting with in IJ47 Lindsay is noted for skill as a heavy equip operator and after retirei he will havelhemostseniorityam ngtownstaff BERN VAN FLEET He has 2d years service as an Aclon freighter Van Fleet has served as captain ass slant chief and District Chief He has also served as chief of the Beard more Fire Department and worked ihere as a for about 30 years ACE has gnen 25 years service lo the Georgetown fire Department Bailey has held the posts of I captain and deputy district chief and worked many year for Smith and Stone He is the oldest member of the Fire Area Two brigade and once served on the Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance Service