Tlia Acton Free Press Wednesday Doc 30 1981 news review May Hon with gilts but one of I he best In his book wis stick from Irene and John Bab introduces charter Branch 1ST member Fred Wright at the Golden Anniversary banquet In lute March Town hall restoration supporters learned there arc same problems in connection with provincial grants and they only have until the end of July to finalize applications and nail dawn cos Is which have escalated The restoration committee decided to urge council save the building exter lor and conduct a structural study of the building Acton Chamber of Com mere and held a sue Monte Carlo night to raise funds to promote Acton as a leather tourist attraction in May the trial transit service for the disabled began operating In May A federal student work grant was secured by to hire three students for the summer to research Acton history Once again bears were seen in the rural area Just north of Acton a rural Rock wood resident headed for Cameroon an nation for a summer cultural exchange organizers were busy mak plans to run the lottery for another year In cooperation with the Ministry of Environment launched a study on chemical waste runoff to determine the extent of Impact if any on the environment The study would be completed by the end of Hay and Lila Atkinson of Acton won in the Provincial lottery A preliminary consultants study In dicatcd Acton t grow much If at all because of limits on the sewage plant and the receiving stream cap acity Developer Jerry Sprackman unveil cd a scaled down plan for a plaza on thecastsldeof Acton Hills has been opposing proposal or a couple of years now and the mat Is before the Ontario Municipal Board pending a hearing Street was jammed with people for the first Market held of the lottery a first year July Hon Skeirington has left Acton for the Philip pine June Looking back at 1981 April The region finally nailed the figures down and Councillor Dave Whiting announced the deficits pil up over the past four years by the level of local government was Si 1 million The BIA won be able to bring a circus to town a little known bylaw prohibits such attractions unless a long list of requirements are met and a licence ob tained The province approved tentative design plans for the new St Joseph School to be built on Mill St West Taxes were soaring With budgets finalized the average increase In Acton for Hills was 21 for education and for the region Tax hikes weresimilar in announced plans to move out of Acton later in 1981 and open a new factory in All of the firm employees would be Invited to work at the new plant Developer Jerry Sprackman who wants to build a plaza on the cast side of town objected to the rezan ing for the new plaza downtown to the Ontario Municipal Board putting the development on hold Staff and ex students of the late Gory former principal of M Z Bennett and McKcnzle- Smlth schools recalled the Actonian b dedication to education at a special program in April The trib ute to the principal who died suddenly in July at age Included dedication of the Smith library as the Gary Memorial Haiton Hills council decided to reject property tax reform through Section Acton councilors Staunchly supported the plan A golf course would be part of a plan to develop land cast of Churchill North and north Highway 7 The proposal called for 1 homes for people Miss Acton Fall Fair LIsaMcGrath was selected runner up Miss Sea Maid at the Canadian Spring Boat Show held in Ma 1 1 on A municipal administration building costing an estimated million was included In Hills five year capital expenditure forecast After its first year of operation in Acton just over 10 per cent of households were participating in Conquer a garbage recycling program Leathertown announced plans in June to try and bring the draw show to Acton later In the year An Acton man was charged with criminal negligence causing death failing to remain at the scene of an and impaired driving In con nee lion with a fatal hit and run dent in which a man was killed just north of in 1D7Q Hills council heard a pro posal to build a municipal complex to be rented to the town beside a small shopping plaza in Georgetown Well known Acton sportsman Legion member and Ron MeKnight was announced as Acton a Citizen of the Year and honored at the end of the month At a police church parade at Knox Presbyterian Church Chief James Harding pledged to continue efforts by the force to become part or the Ac ton community with a medal of bravery for his work during the famed Miss train derailment skating star Jean Bonner left in June for a sports tour of China There was another highly success ful Pioneer Day celebration held in Rockwood lit late June Council approved an updating study for the town noil but stopped short of committing to restoration of the building Acton High School students made a big splash In northern Ontario on their second voyageur canoe trip Kymm La kin was sent to Ottawa by the Rotary Club on their Adventure in Citizenship trip Developer Jerry Sprackman ed to withdraw his objection to the plaza to be built downtown While no firm decision has been made yet closing of the Acton hydro office had been discussed by Haiton Hills Hydro Commission it was re Queen s Park agreed to kick in half the cost of a study of the town hall and the consultants who will con duct the study will hold two meetings and survey the community to see if residents wont the building saved Reporting on his first eight months in office Councillor Dave Whiting said the region was on the right track towards solving its financial problems but there was still a long way to go The Yugoslavian Centre south of Acton officially opened in July exchange Undent Dcnise Dllbey decided to go to Japan this fall while another Acton High School dent Ron Skeffington was headed to Manitoba and later the Philippines Five local poslal clerks went out on strike with other Inside workers across Canada shutting dawn the mail system Acton and area residents mourned the death of Marathon of Hope runner Terry Fox A Burlington man pleaded guilty to careless driving and was convicted In connection with a car bicycle dent In Burlington In in which a former Ac ton resident was killed Plans were unveiled for a major re creation complex Waterfalls Park Acton Baptist Church Jean Stairs Scott Malcolm became Acton first In piping female minister petition in Scotland Grace Robertson and Helen Robertsons Flower Slioppe We re more than a nice place to eat Hew Tears Day Dinner to Enjoy our cosy comfortable timing It Licensed by the L FOR CALL 8533440 PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Meet The 1982 Liberal Leadership Candidates MB DAVID MR JOHN MM MCHARO THOMAS MONDAY JANUARY 4 1982 VRISCHEftHOF RESTAURANT MHttv Ontario Charge KM AUCTION SALE taunt mmt 1982 MAZDA May well be the most successful New Car purchase you have ever made SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE Mtuda thomora you look mora you Achilles Motors Ltd THE CE FOR BLE PRICES A NO SEft VICE 357 QUEEN ST EAST ACTON including a 100 room lodge golf course indoor and outdoor tennis court indoor racquet sports and in door pool Theplanwas received cool by the Niagara Escarpment Commission An Acton man homing pigeon set an Ontario speed record A booming local business the Hide House which draws lots of tourists to Acton added a fur salon and gift shop to its ever growing a I ion Ifalton Separate School Board was still aiming to open the new St Joseph School next spring after the province approved schematic draw ings A former Acton firefighter Wayne was honored with pre sentation of the Ontario Fire Services Long Service Medal His wife Mildred was honored Developers said they hoped to get started on the new plaza down town in September Consultants studying downtown Ac ton came out strongly opposed to any plaza development outside the core area Three youths assaulted a Regional policeman in Ac ton 49 Eastern Ave Acton 5198531031 In the centre or Town by the CNR Crossing GREAT CANADIAN COAT SALE Suggested Retail Over quality coats and jackets at Spectacular Savings such as Sale Price 69 99 Suede Bombers Suede Blazers Sheepskin Car Coats Ladies Full Length Suede Fox Fur Trimmed Suede Coats English Shearling Coats 650 399 The Finest Full Length Shearling 975 DECEMBER 26 JANUARY 3 ONLY CLOSED NEW YEARS DAY OPEN EVERY DAY AVOID THE CROWDED SHOPPINd MALLS AMD COMPLETE YOUR SHOPPING DAY WITH A MEAL AT JACK TANNERS TABLE ONTARIO S NEWEST AND MOST UNIQUE DININQ EXPERIENCE Enjoy the lasting luxury of Leather its worth the drive to Acton