The Acton Wednesday Mar 1982 Josephine tone sod Laurie Cook were the leaden and Rev Jean Stain centre World Day of Prayer draws 50 worshipers About JO people took part In the World Day of Prayer service Friday at Trinity United Church Pastor Jean Stairs of Acton Baptist Church was guest speaker She spoke on this year service theme selected and written by women from North and South Ireland The People of God gathered for worship scattered for service She explained the women met on neutral ground to put together this year service which was used all over world Josephine Force and Cook shared the duties of leader while eight women from seven different churches in town spoke various line They were Edith and Florence Hodgson of the Pentecostal Church Barb Salvation Army babel McDonald Knox Presbyterian Ruth McMahon St Joseph Mar Landsborough Acton Baptist Marie St Albans and Gerda Kulpery Christian Reformed Ethel Denny and a choir made up of members of the Trinity and TAG groups sang Barb looks through Items on sale at the rumage and day at sales lady Eileen looks on Smaller quantities of hashish also seized Drug trial this June David Lawrence Dunn who was recently arrested and charged with one count of trafficking in marijuana appeared in Provincial Court Monday His case was put over to June 17 tor trial Half load limit roads approved Halloo Hills council imposing half load limits on a number of rural roads from the start of this month to May 15 Following are the Acton and area roads in Halton Hills where half load limits will exist First Line from 17 Sideroad to 32 Sideroad Third Line from Regional Road 9 to Regional Road Third Line from Lot to Regional Road Third Line from Regional to Churchill Rd Third Line from Churchill Rd to 32 Fourth Line from Regional 9 to Fifth Line from Regional Rd to Regional Rd Fifth Line from near Regional to 32 Sixth Line from 17 Sideroad and Sideroad 32 from the west Town Line to Trafalgar Given from the Third Line to the Fourth Line fromthewestTownLinetoHighway2S Sideroad from the west town Line cost to the Third Con cession from the Fourth Line to Trafalgar St Helena from west termination of the Second Concession to Highway Guest at dropin Deborah Oakley who recently joined Region as the new director of social services will be the special guest this Friday at the ward one dropIn The public Is Invited to and ask Ms Oakley questions about grants welfare day care and other region social services programs The dropin runs from 1 to attheActonYM in the rear of the town offices police station Citizen of Year deadline this Monday The deadline for nominating people for the honor of Acton Citizen of the Year is next Monday The nomination ballot appears in today Free Press for the third and last time Names of nominees and a short explanation why the person should be selected for the award must be mailed to the Acton Chamber of Commerce Post OftlceBox41S ThedeadlinetsMarchi5atnoon Photography opens worlds winning photograph was a black and white shot of a skeleton holding a head With this month exhibition he says it is a good opportunity to m show his work as well as He does some people themselves and one appointed meet other photo- photography but he view he may capture on Both Mrs Knechtel There are a lot says tie likes to confine camera may not and Andrews agree they of people in this area that to just relatives and necessarily be what that have been bit by the who are interested in students at school He person feels they are shutter bug and are photography and are explains everyone has a Thus they are making the most of it good at it different perception of Hashish or cannabis resin In quantities ranging from one gram to a pound were seized by police who arrested and charged of suspects In a series of drug busts recently across the region lower than eight grama were also allegedly sold to the undercover officers including as a gram Four Acton men were Arrested and Last week this paper reported charged with trafficking In marijuana Hashish was purchased in lots of eight grams to almost one pound to individuals charged with various total two pounds This was correct drug offenses Police seized about However in checking further with ISO worth of drugs In the 30 cases his paper learned quantities combined Region slashes budget tax hike down to Region preliminary budget slashing Is underway and already it has resulted in a reduction of the average tax hike across After the preliminary budget was unveiled staff was predicting the 19 per cent increase would result in region taxes going up and for the average Halton house Far Board Busy since annual meeting Now the budget Increase has been sliced to 16 per cent or a bike of for region taxes for the average Halton house And over the next two weeks the increase Is expected to be further reduced as more budget meetings are Ben of the Acton Red Cross drew the Ac tickets Saturday Actario winners Peter Hyndman of Guelph was the winner of the weekly draw for Wilo Near Mill St East won merchant bonus vouchers from Nielsen Clothing Acton Photo and Camera and Acton Family Cleaners while Jake Acton went home with vouchers from Acton Pharmacy Acton Bawling Lanes and Family Cleaners Pat Boysen Guelph won vouchers from ABFoodlandandJugCity The winners of the super shopper containing vouchers from s Ed In Out Family Cleaners IGA Home Hardware and Acton Family Restaurant were Lil and George Williams Peel St Acton Agricultural Society has been very active since its annual meeting in January Fair board members were guests of the Acton Sabres Hockey club at a league game on February A and the following Saturday the Fair Board s Annual Ladles Night Dance was held at the Acton Music Centre A capacity crowd was entertained by Marlon Country Band On February and IB a delegation from our fair attended the Ontario Association of Agri cultural Societies OAAS Convention at the Royal York Hotel In Toronto This convention includes representatives from faira and exhibitions in Ontario Mtss Acton Cindy McGUloway was one of 104 Fair Queens at tending the convention Others representing Acton Fair included Mr and Mrs Brian Evans Keith Mr and Mrs Norm Shea Maggie Hall Mr and Correction Due to a typographical error there was a mistake in the story about the study of the Prospect Park water well In last weeks paper The coat of a full treatment plant at the would million not A million as was reported The Free Press the error Mrs Brent Marshall Linda Helen Medland Marg Lister Mr and Mrs Russell Murray Mr and Mrs Don Swnckhamer and Mr and Mrs Ed McGUloway The Fair Board next event Is a Fun Nit Saturday March at the Curling Club In add ition to curling a pro gressive euchre and games are planned Further information and tickets may be obtained from the directors Cookie week Hills council will proclaim the week of April 24 to May 1 Girl Guide Cookie Week wllhin the Town In accordance with Town policy if the Hills division of Girl Guides wish to have the proclamation published they must do Boat their own expense Competitive Prices CHECK OUR SUPER FOOD VALUES IN OUR FLYER DELIVERED TO YOUR D THIS WEEK If you do not receive an IGA flyer contact the Acton Free Press at 8532010 ACTON Plenty offrtte Parking WERE MOVING The store will be closed until March IE 1982 as we move to our new locution MUST ACTON WATCH FOR OUR fieOPBNINGI Willow St WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TOP with vegetable potato soup or salad coffee or soft drink Will serve a combination or to adults and children DAD carves tl MOM portion vegetables Don forget SCtVOftS THURSDAY Is Hue Entertainment In the Lounge FRIDAY ant SATURDAY PATRICK DAY for Reservation Call EASTERN AVE ACTON FINAL WINTER COAT CLEARANCE FUR TRIMMED SHEEPSKIN and SUEDE and LEATHER SHEARLING a vul selection of coats with an extensive collection both raccoon and to collars now Ladles from plus HUNDREDS of first quality brand name GENUINE LEATHER HANDBAGS 9 5 60 plus CANADIANA FURNITURE Oak Pedestal Table with I 12 leaf and Chairs now Double queen OakCannonball Bed now FLOOR MODEL CLEA Complete your visit with a meal at JACK TANNERS TABLE worth drive to Acton Work Boots Large Selection of Motorcycle Jackets PRICED Wete proud to be Canadian A nation of broad horizons and unlimited potential a country filled with promisethe Canada we love We re proud to be a partner in this unique Confederation nch in diverse cultures now renewed in common bonds Our new constitution is one more step in the building of a brighter future Government of the Province of Ontario William G Davis Premier Thomas L Wells Minister Ontario Ministry of Intergovernmental Affairs