2 The Acton Free Press Wednesday Mar 31 Safety award for Hydro Last Tuesday for the first time in their history the outside workers at Hal ton Hills Hydro were resented the 1981 low accident frequency sward Presented by the Elec trical Utilities Safety Association the award was given for 15000- accident free man hours on the Job The workers al Hilton actually had man hours which were accident free making them eligible for ihe award There wasnt an hour lost on accident said Hugh Campbell General Superintendent at Do Mason centre holds the 1M1 low accident frequency award presented to be outside workers at Hills Hydro Hal ton Hills Hydro AtUwrarelUGeaenlSnperUtendefltHn0CampbeU 53603 accident free hours CANADA GRADE A BEEF BLADEo SHORT RIB ROASTS BLADE BONE REMOVED 1791b CHUCK OR BLADE STEAKS StorB sliced cooked ham BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA boneless ready toserve 14 hams GAINERS skinless wieners 4 J09 BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA semiboneless readytoserve hams TOWN CLUB g pig side bacon GAINERS skinless wieners 18 LIMITED SUPPLY OF FRESH TURKEYS AVAILABLE ORDER EARLY DONT BE DISAPPOINTED FRESH PRODUCE arrives daily at the lowest possible prices MAXWELL HOUSE 1 lb regular auto or finer chip coffee sockeye salmon apple juice FTVE ROSES kg regular or unbleached all purpose flour litre detergent Thfai plain I 219 129 SUNPAC125 frozen orange juice in CAROL lb soft margarine 19 PEL MONTE large 129 129 69 149 wosttas M HEINZ regular CATEUU 1 kg box macaroni long EASY OFF or M BOUNCE A Eft UNCUBEN1b converted rice u0 219 179 129 198 liquid OLD MILL or leaf batter roan fart ocean perch WESTON uwiiuUi3ugini weed bfWK 129 of 10 WESTON or hot ctom buns 99 HOSTESS ft potaCocnfcjM 99 259 Pros Marfr Apr a Dominion hotel fire trial Stunt pointed out the typewritten trans cript of Mercuri s statement at the tune of bis arrest December 1779 be hedged when asked if be knew his License was going to be suspended I answered the questions as best 1 could he exclaimed Stunt pointed out it took him four pages of transcripts to an swer the question I was taken from my wife and three kids on New Years and you expect me lo danceforthem Ididthe best I could Stunt painted out the mortgages on the hotel were coming due April i and Mer has lo refinance them He was turned down by three lending institutions ing the Acton branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia before going to the Federal Bus iness Development Bank Even though he did business with the local bank he was still turned down Stunt said Mercuri said he did not expect to get the money he needed from the Acton bank because Ihey do not deal In such large funds He only went there he admitted because he needed three letters of re jection before the would consider him There he could get a long term mortgage Stunt pointed out during the refinancing with the he was turned down for an additional for renovations which he wanted to Increase his seating capacity The hotel was running at capacity the Crown Attorney said Mercuri noted there was room for or more scats to which Stunt said the liquor permit would not allow for on increase of this size And Stunt said Mercuri was only allowed up to year in capital expenditures You were caught he said to Mercuri You couldnt expand and you couldnt spend more than a year He continued I suggest your back was against- the wall you were in trouble Mercuri said he was not In trouble You were always dipping Into the till Stunt challenged agreed Some sufficient fund cheques Nit went through the banks In July Stunt said Mercuri told the court he had to leave for Italy to go to his mothers funeral His wife was left back In Acton lo care Tor the business and to also arrange for funeral preparations In Canada He did not pay much attention to the business he said Stunt contended if the hotel land and the land to the north which Mercuri also owned were made into one large lot It would be worth more money Mercuri said he did not know he was not a real estate agent Mercuri told the court he would take a gallon for the hotel if the right offer came through Stunt pointed out at the 55000 gallons claims to sell in a year that would put the price tag at at a gallon Yet the Crown At tomey said when Bob inquired as o the price he was told which was later lowered by several thousand dollars said his real estate agent friend did this without asking his permission Mercuri did not remember when his af fair with Gloria Eckstein ended he told the Crown but he thinks it was the summer of 1079 Stunt asked if he had any involve ment with her in June He said he was at her baby Christening for about a half- an hour You said at the time you did not like her you wanted nothing to do with her Slunt pointed out Mercun was friendly with Eckstein at the Christening The de fendant said he was only friendly with her as a customer said he was having no involve ment with her after 1978 He wenl to the Christening as a friend He denied Stunts charges or sitting on the couch with her with his arm around her Stunt produced a picture of the couple silting on the couch in this manner said there was no proof as to when the photograph was taken He admitted It was taken at steins home He did not know when the picture was taken Slunt asked if Mercuri still denied he had an affair with Heather Moreland More- land testified earlier in the Inal they had an affair for about two years Mercuri twice denied the affair Stunt completed his cross examination by once again asking Mercuri if he ever had an affair with Heather Moreland cur said no Stunt pointed out on October 12 Mercuri was under surveillance On that date Stunt said Mercuri was followed to the Shop where Moreland was working at the time and was watched as the accused picked her up The couple was then followed to three motels before finally rinding vacancy at one in Brampton Mercuri still denied the charges Stunt said the couple checked into Room under an assumed name Mercuri said he never did it even after Stunt read off the license number of Mercuri car and showed him the motel registry Four men followed you lo the motel and you still deny if Stunt asked Mercuri said he still dented it Trapman was the next wit to lake the stand Mercun de fense told defense lawyer Michael Moldaver on July he at tended to who he had treated since and looked after a broken hand He next saw him August 1 for a routine check and again on August 13 On August he told the court he look the cast which extended from his elbow to his finger joints completely covering his ring and little finger Mercun s solicitor Chapman of Acton told the court he did not find any thing unsettling about Mercuri s behavior at the hearing August The two had briefly discussed an appeal the Thursday or Fnday before the fire he testified Until Ihe lire the lawyer said he never had any trouble collecting his fees from his client Chapman told Crown Attorney Stunt he assumed the license suspension would be held in abeyance until appeal hearing Chapman said he knew of two licenses one in the dining room one in the beverage room Mercuri wife Jean took the stand in her husbands defense yesterday She ex plained as a good family man Mrs Mercuri went over the finances of the hotel with Moldaver and explained that NSF cheques were actually the cou ples pay cheques She said she never ques tioned the banks decision of not honoring the cheques because she felt It was her mistake When Ihe bought the hotel 1 8 locals are the stars of the Leathertown fashion show Eighteen local residents will be the stars of the fashion show next Tuesday night ApriI6 La Kin Velma West Janice Janet Hardy Shelagh Wirth Jessie Coles Paula Stuckey Lisa Marlene Lott Cindy and Mane are the female models while Don McDonald Bill Cook John Arnold John McGrath and Tom Thomp son will the latest in men s spring fashions The evening begins with cocktails at followed by a prime rib dinner The fashion show will start around 30 p Proceeds from the evening go towards Leather town projects and Theta Phi Sorority Rotary Club and Acton Chamber of Commerce are all working with Ihe Hide House Tanners and Leather lown stage this project There will be door prizes from Tanners and the Hide House Price for dinner and the fashion show Is Tickets are available from Hide House Jack Ton John Conic Eds In N Out Glen lea Salon of Profile Heady s and Parlor The Acton Free Press and Dave Whiting Achilles Motors Ltd THE PLACE FOR UNBEATABLE PRICES AND SERVICE QUEEN ST EAST ACTON Mazda B2000 lode Model Fully Loaded 3 Years Full Warranty TAX 1982Mmidast Acton Photo fir Camera Visage Acton TRUSTUSwrtrtyourpraclOUiplcturai BEAUTIFUL COLOR ENLARGEMENTS OFFER EXPIRES APRIL SOCIAL OFFER flag COUPON MUST A CCOMPANY OFFER For a great selection and low prices see us low as Size Continued from page Mrs Mercuri they bought the pro perty the hotel land shares and thing connected ihe hotel She con sidered her husband the owner and she was the beneficiary and secretary trea surer she said under qucsiioning by aver Mrs Mercuri described her husband as being very hurt the day after the fire be cause he had tost his business his lUeli hood Mercun was fond of his staff and Mrs Mercuri regarded them as part of the fam lly Many times the staff and those living in the hotel were invited lo the home for meals she testified She outlined the functions the hotel con dueled Mrs Mercun said she was good friends or Heather and told her to tell the truth dunng any testimony Mrs Mercun just found out about her husband s affair with Eckstein few mon ihs ago she told the court Shesaldshedid not know of the affair with Moreland Moldaver asked how she felt about her husband She replied she still loved him Hes my husband John Smith defense counsel lor Mc Crist all asked Mrs Mercuri if his clients life revolved around the hotel She said yes She explained he worked around the hotel whenever he was needed and was paid for hiswork In hi crossexamination Stunl asked Mrs Mercuri If she knew about the shores She said she did but not too much about Ihcm She said she was aware they were buying shares in the hotel and not the actual building or land added up all the payments made by the Mercuris each month and said they were in the hole each month using the salary draw listed In the records for the owners Stunt pointed out Mrs Mercuri just found out about her husbands affair with Eckstein a few months before the trial but were not the people talking about It at her home afterwards Mrs Mercuri said the affair was never mentioned to her and she did not attend the hearing Stunt asked If she had spoken to her hus band about his affairs with She said no Stunt wanted lo know if the testimony still makes you think he is a good family man Yes she replied Friday break for jury The jury did not sit Friday in the Dominion Hotel fire rial The Crown wrapped up lis case Thur sday and Mr Justice Coulter Osborne decided it was a good chance for a break in testimony which had lasted three weeks to that point Defense counsels Michael Moldaver John Smith and Peter used the long weekend to collect their thoughts before heading into their portion of the trial The trial is expected to finish this week or early next week Choir Continued from page The CorYScren suggested a church would be the best spot for a concert and Watson said he has permission from the Knox Session or board for the concert to be held in the church He expects Knox could hold people and all proceeds would be donated to the choir The Cor YSeren was formed In 1970 and was originally drawn from members and friends of the Bridgend and Swansea Branches of the Burma Star Association During its year existence the choir has travelled quite ex lensively with perform In Gloucester Cathedral Wells Cathedral Hereford Cathedral Bath Abbey Leominster Priory St Mary Bristol and the stately home of the Earl of Shelbourne House The choir has sung In the Royal Albert Hall in London on wo occasions In before H M The Queen Mother and in 1974 before It Princess Alexandra The choir has success fully completed two overseas tours lo West Germany In 1976 and to Canada in 1978 year the choir is instrumental in raising large sums of money for charity including the Cancer Campaign Leukaemia Research Dogs for Blind Porthcawl Best Home Disabled Group Spastica Society and many other worthy causes The choirs conductor Mr Clifford Goes of Bridgend this year cele brates his an in the field of choral conducting Borne Gifts Cards Jewellery MM Street East Acton