The Acton Free Press Wednesday TELEPHONE Buw Founded in 1876 ever Wectoesdav by Printing Lid at S3 Street Anon Ontario L7J Telephone cop per year in Canada other than Canada The Acton Free Praia a on of the Ltd which include Nswi Au Banna Era Aurora Banmr Newmarket Weekend Edition The Bolton Guardian The Pott The Weekend Post The Guardian The Independent and Sun The Milton Champion The The Weekend Edition The North York Mirror Beaver Friday Beaver Tha Woak Weekend The Richmond Liberal The Scarborouflh The Tribune The News Don McDonald Publisher a accepted on In conOrtion that in the event of typographical portion of the occupied by the together with i or not charged for but the balance the pad for at the applicable rate In the event of a g may be a regutration Number 051 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor Gord Murray Editor Helen Murray Sports Dan Darkroom Peter Mm ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Manager BO Cook Advertising CerormArtem National Advertising Sale Rep- Dan BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE Office Manager Rhone Thomhel McAnhui CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager Marykn McAnhur Dead megaprojects means I Ottawa save feather firms It may seem far fetched maybe even absurd but the cancellation of mega projects like the tar sands plants in Alberta and delay of the Alaskan pipeline could be a real bless ingfor Acton Let us explain For some time now while the economy went down the dram it has been obvious the Trudeau Liberals have been hitching their hopes for economic recovery on the mega projects the jobs they d create and spinoff investment mall sectors However with those projects dead or in limbo the govern will obviously have to totally rethink its economic strategy quickly so that better times return before the Liberals must face the elec again And included in that rethinking of the economic policies will have to be another look at little things little when viewed in the overall economic picture like import quotas on shoes Without new investment and job creating projects in the energy field looming on the horizon Ottawa can t afford to continue its tight money policies hence high interest rates and keep up the strategy of fighting inflation on the backs of the ever increasing number of unemployed small business consumers and farmers etc Nor will the government be able to allow any more in dustnes to go down the tube Undoubtedly there was some other reason in the backs of Ottawa minds for lifting import quotas other than giving the leather and shoe industries in this country the big flush The lobbying of the leather and shoe industries as well as by unions must be getting the message across to the cabinet that the industries could well disappear without quotas unless the heads that run Canada are even thicker than most people figure Leather firms and workers here as well as now the local merchants have been doing a pretty good job of hounding the politicians and mandarins in Ottawa Reports are that the same types of pressure are coming from other leather and shoe communities in Canada too So unless the Liberals want to become nothing more than a Quebec based party after the next federal vote and even wouldn t want history to record him as the man who left Canada with just the Tones and NDP the government is going to have to start acting and acting fast to turn the economy around A good and sensible starting point for federal economic action would be to preserve the industries still breathing enough to at least employ some people Needs task force urged for board by Fisher Bruce Parents taxpayers without children In school people from business and Industry educators councillors and many others from all walks of life have an opportunity lo tell Ha It on Board of Education what they con sider to be the needs of pupils and how costs con be cut if Trustees Betty and Bruce plans for a task force are approved by their colleagues Last Tuesday night Ha It on Hills councillors endorsed call for the board to reconsider its whopping per cent tax hike for Hills and also invited trustees to come to council and explain why the tax Increase is so staggering this year Monday night Fisher and Esquesing Trustee Belly Walker came to council and announced plans for the task force as well as the board move to zero based budget ting tier request that council not endorse s resolution and instead start working with the board to help solve their financial problems was ignored Fisher announced she and Bruce have lied a notice of motion calling for a needs task force on which all types of taxpayers would sit to totally review the Halton system and determine what is really needed and affordable and where cuts can be made She explained board spending went up Just 13 per cent over in he new budget but taxes soared because has begun to pierce funding ceilings set by the province provincial grants were trimmed the province has Imposed cosily new program requirements on the schools and the board had no reserves to cushion the financial blow Councillor Harry Levy observed other boards cushioning the tax blow using reserves will Just be caught later with staggering tax hikes and bo praised for not building up reserves over the years He said he taw many gluing examples of hug percentage spending Increases in the board budget and urged trustees follow Hills method of setting a spending Increase limit at the start of and not going over no nutter what He noted Hills must be realistic In its spending because the municipality collects taxes for three levels of government and drastic spending cuts are made at the local level A board finance department of tidal Ron Warren said the board did set a target of 13 J per cent spending increase and wound up spending 13 more with the budget He and Walker explained there were requests for program expansions or new programs costing million but million was chopped Fisher observed taxes were originally going to go up per cent i i Hills and the board managed to slash that down to per cent For the first time finance com will meet all year long to keep a close eye on the budget and the committed used zero based budget ting for additions and expansions for programs this year and will expand that procedure to the entire budget for 1983 Zero based will allow trustees to know where every single cent is going She agreed it ian t fair for the board to set its budget and hence put the squeeze on Hills plans and thought the needs ask force would help solve thai problem said cuts haven hurt the schools for 1962 and said if school cuts have to come then the board might as well give up She said changes in administration and staff cuts are being examined now and Warren noted the number of teachers will be chopped this fall Councillor Pam Sheldon said children are receiving too much in formation and too many programs that wants and needs are confused and needs must be related to costs She said a lot of information students are being taught programs they receive Just necessary Children left enough time to grasp and conceptualize the knowledge they receive She suggested children could be a quarter less volume than they are now and there would be savings Fisher said what Sheldon was suggesting was exactly what the needs task force would examine She said the board s goals would be reviewed programs people feel are needed now and in the future iden tified costs of programs reviewed and their educational benefits in relation to costs assessed Walker suggested the task force could supply theboard with ammunition to fight the province when they push new programs on the board by showing what the com munity feels it needs from the schools Fisher said at the very least the task force would determine hat is needed and what can be afforded Councillor Ross Knechte said he wanted to assure the trustees there Is a deep rooted disturbed feeling among taxpayer about board spending and the trustees must Continued on page On the Happy anniversary greetings go out to Ed and The couple celebrated years of marriage on Monday May They were married in Acton Bouquets should be thrown in Scott owl an direction for participating in the district level of the Optimist Club oratorical competition In Vanler near Ottawa on the weekend Scott got as far as the semi finals John Hendry has a problem Dr Hendry is from and is trying to get in touch with May from Hawaii What does that have to do Acton May is apparently vacationing in the area and Dr Hendry a wants to see her Unfortunately he t know where she is staying May telephoned the veterinarian sister a few weeks back to say she was in Acton but failed lomentionwhoshewas Dr Hendry was in Guelph on Monday and stopped into the Free Press office on his way through town to see if we knew where May might be staying May used to be with the vicecounsel for the British Embassy in Hawaii but has since retired and Is still living there The last time the two met was about years ago when Dr Hendry stopped at Hawaii on his way back from a trip to Australia and New Zealand Anyone knowing where May Is staying if she is stilt in the area can call meat and I II relay the message to Hendry The Coop Nursery is holding Its annual tea and bazaar this Saturday at the Centennial School The co op has about families supporting It with about 10 from Acton There will be many interesting tables in cluding crafts baked goods white ele phant and penny table There will also be lots for children to do and there will be a draw for prizes donated by local stares I made my first appearance on the basketball court in 12 years on Sunday and today feel as if it will take me another 12 ears to recover i II be the first person to admit I am lacking a few inches in the leg department people are falling all over themselves to be the second but I old a good Job of staying up with the taller ones of my basketball playing entourage who hit the courts at McKeniteSmith for an hour and- game I got through the first half in great shape if you don t count the fact my head felt tike it would burst I breath and my legs had turned to rubber It was the second half that was my downfall On a pass from I got bopped in the Not to worry took it on the chin so to speak Then another pass from was stopped by my glasses whack But I withstood A ihtrdpan from you guessed it caught toe square in the mouth may be he was trying to tell me something But I was strong I hung In After all if our friends seven year old kids can so can I Then a fourth pass from good old green eyes make it to my head I managed to catch it but sprained by finger doing so After the game I discovered what I thought was a cut on my leg One of my more athletic friends said It looked more like a burn mark from a running shoe scraping across my leg Okay guys got the message But the agony really came out the next day- and the next My muscles muscles are sore I had my injured finger taped up using the next finger as a splint with a nice soft tissue between to cushion them It off now I can once again move my finger my swollen lip has gone down and the mark on my leg is almost gone But the stiffness in my muscles Is the lin gering concern I guess the only medicine is to get back out on the court and over come my with the game Rick Bonnette wants everyone to know he has not exercised his right of free enter prise He has not gone into the aluminum siding business Rick of Acton Travel got a call Monday morning from a lady wanting a quote on how much it would be to cover her house in aluminum siding She said she got his name and number from the yellow pages Sure enough there on page of the Regional HaltonPeel yellow pages under Aluminum Products was Acton Travel Ltd Rick checked under the travel portion of the pages where he was supposed to be and guess what he t there Ricks good at giving quotes but not the siding kind It Great to be Alive the story of ChrisUne Allemang of Kitchener will be presented at Trinity United Church on May 19 It is a personal testimony of Christine through song of the difficult life she has led After two major operations for cancer one leaving her paralysed from the waist down she has become a song writer and public speaker and is booked into women and church groups until the fall The evening is sponsored by the Trinity Activity Group and Marlon also of Kitchener will accompany Christine for some of her musical numbers For more Information coll Ruth Kellough at 3406 The Hills Arts Council has already booked their Series for the 198383 series All the concerts will beheld Wednesday evenings at the Cultural Centre in Georgetown On September Felix a one man band will be playing various instru ments January Robert and Sarah Feuer stein from Rumania will be entertaining She plays the classical piano and he plays guitar On April York Winds will be perform Tickets are on sale now and many people some from Acton have already purchased them Call Yvonne Rosenquist for further information The Arts Council is also looking for new members by Mabel Barkman Rhubarb Pineapple Jam Soon it will be rhubarb season and if you get tired of rhubarb pies try making a bit of rhubarb pineapple Jam which is delicious with homemade biscuits Dlcflenough rhubarb so that when added toa bit of water and simmered it will make two cups of sauce Now add one cup of crushed pineapple and half a box of Certo crystals Bring to a full rolling boil and add about two cups of sugar Go according to taste as some people do not like too sweet a jam Bring this to a full boll and stir so that it will not burn In a minute or two it will look thick enough to pour Into your jam con tainers Let cool put in fridge and your Jam will be ready for a Spring breakfast Clergy Comment by Rev Art Tribe The Wednesday noonhour lunches and addresses sponsored by the Acton Ministerial were very well attended with over 100 people coming each week to have fellowship and to listen lo Rev Bern Warren informative and challenging addresses We were all encouraged by this en thusiastic turnout to witness as Christians and to take timeout during the middle of the week from our busy lives and address ourselves to the call of God Mr Warren topics were Jesus in Acton In her people In her churches In her daily life We were asked to consider If Jesus was Lord our individual lives It is only by accepting His lordship in our life that our churches can really and truthfully their mandate to be part of the Family of God and the Body of Christ In the stressful busy life that we lead it is all too often the case that we go about our dally tasks without having Invited God to become part of that day In our house each morning we gather together as a family and I commit each one of us Into the loving care of God asking Him to guard direct and advise each of us through out the day li not done by people tt Is no wonder that so many are experiencing a sense of helplessness confusion panic defeat depression discourage ment with the way their daya are turning out You sec God wants to be Important in your life He has pro mised to take the burdens from our shoulders to forgive cleanse and heal us when we have erred Paul reminds us God will supply all your needs according to His riches In glory in Christ Paul also tells us that God will not allow us to be tempted or tested beyond our strength but with the test He will provide a way through the situation to a bright and victorious tomorrow Make no mistake about it God is a contemporary God who knows our thoughts before we think them You can have the presence of God with you if you invite Him into your life Call on that Presence each morning to enable you to be happy joyful and effectively positive in all that you do think or say Jesus said In this world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer have overcome the world Jesus means that He has overcome all the problems of this world including those in your life Invite Him into your daily life and allow Him to overcome your problems and to give you a wholesome fulfilling experience today and all of your tomorrows Back issues 10 years ago May in Mel McCul lough of Acton received the Gold Star Breeder Award at the meeting of the Canadian Guernsey Breeder Association Cathy of MZ Bennett Public School won the public speaking finals on Friday April An assembly of grades 7 and heard the six finalists Co thy presentation on her father was chosen as the best Miss Joanne returned home Sunday from a ten day motor trip to Florida with a group of Waterloo Univer sity students Recent visitors with Mrs J Frank were Mr and Mrs A Gowlctt Parry Sound Acton Chamber of Commerce honored Citizen of the Year Dave Dills at the an dinner and dance last Saturday at the Band Hall The music was supplied by the popular and lively Shaynes 20 years ago May 1 A tradition through the past years was broken In pleasant and charming manner Thursday evening April when the Acton s Men Club included ters at the annual Father and Son banquet About 100 attended the event in the and Mrs Wesley Bcatly left by plane for five weeks abroad Mr and Mrs J Ha r grave celebrated their 44th wedding anniversary quietly at home on Tuesday Mr Richard Harris the Dean of pondents for the Free Press observed his birthday last week He writes the Rockwood news each week and is a frequent visitor in the Free Press office Mr and Mrs T Slaven 4 Acton and Mrs Slavens mother Mrs Agnes Sweeney attended the Guelph District Highland Dancing Association compel lions Saturday evening in and saw their eight year old daughter Margaret capture first place honors in the eight and under class 50 years ago April 1932 Mr and Mrs G A Dills were In Mon for a couple of days last week where the editor of The Acton Free Press was attending the convention of the Ontario- Quebec division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association The annual meeting of the Women Institute will be the home of Mrs G on Thursday May at Mrs FA McLean spent this weekend at the home of her mother Mrs Wm Johnstone Mr and Mrs A and Mrs Kannawin attended the ordination and induction service of Mr Ross Cameron at on Tuesday evening Miss Ruby Clark of Toronto a weekend visitor at her home here The regular meeting or the Duke of Devonshire Chapter of the I0DE will be held on Tuesday evening May at the home of Mrs A Mason at eight clock 75 years ago May The anniversary of the Methodist Sunday School last Sunday and Monday was in all respects successful On Sunday the school attended the morning and even services filling the choir alcove and large platform and half a dozen of the centre pews The annual concert Monday evening was directed by Miss Amy Doly of London an accomplished directress of Sunday School entertainments About 115 took part Miss Doty by Tuesday morning train to commence work on a similar entertainment at Thorold At the monthly meeting of the Minis terial Association Rev Mr gave a paper on The Sociology of St Paul Mrs Barker entertained the members to tea The usual liquor licenses have been granted for the hotels in The Oddfellows presented a temperance melodrama In the town hall wilh 14 Acton young people In the cast The house was crowded 100 years ago May From the Dominion census religious denominations figures for Acton are Baptists 36 Roman Catholics Church of England 119 Disciples 60 Lutherans Canada Methodists 306 Episcopal Methodists Bible Christians 7 Canada Presbyterians 231 Funds are being sought from all teachers pupils inspectors and trustees to erect a monument or some other form of esteem In memory of the late Rev Ryerson founder of the Educational System In Ontario Actons Centenarian Mr Angus McDonald has died at the age of 105 He migrated to Canada in 1832