4 A A Churchill Celebrate 114th anniversary TheAcion Free Press Wednesday Eden Mills Church celebrate its 120th Anniversary Sun Rock wood grade Si visited Montmorency I alii In Quebec lait week Rockwood Students visit Quebec by Barbara Funk Centennial Grade students returned home on Friday evening after spending four days in Quebec City Tuesday was pretty welt spent on the bus Just getting there In the evening a good majority of the class went swimming While they were in Quebec the class were billeted at the Pavilion La cert the campus of Laval University in Stero Early Wednesday morning the group went by bus along the coast They crossed over to the He Orleans for a brier visit While there the tour guide explained that the provincial government has passed legislation preventing any type of building on the Island except that which will fit in with the Islands history After leaving the island re sumed their tour through some small villages They stopped at an outdoor bake oven where they sampled warm bread with a generous helping of Next the wirkshop of wood sculptor Atelier Pare who is famous for his many re I igious sculptures that can be seen throughout Quebec and the rest of Canada After leaving the workshop they continued on to the world famous Anne de Beaupre where they visited the church of SI Paul Beaupre and viewed a degree painting of the crucifixion Before stopping for lunch they visited Montmorency Falls where a few had a shower from the mist The falls are 100 feet higher than Niagara After lunch the class began their walking lour of Upper and Lower towns They were provided with cassettes and maps along with a questionnaire A tired group returned to the university for supper and then swimming or a trip to a roller disco took up the evening hours On Thursday the class was de lighted to view a sound and light show at the Musee Fort The show recreates the six of Quebec City They then travelled on foot up to Complex G where they were able to view the whole Quebec City from he circular observation deck on the floor here they visited and were given a tour of Quebec a Parliament Buildings which house the National Assembly After lunch they hiked over to La Ciladelle where they had another guided tour and were almost blown away by the high winds While there they viewed the Plains of Abraham from the walls of La Ciladelle Next they toured Artillery Park where four boys were dressed up in uniforms two French and two English of early Quebec Then it was back to Laval for supper and then out for some shopping at a nearby plaza After breakfast on Friday they boarded onto the buses for the long trip home with a short bus tour of the Olympic site in Montreal They arrived back in shortly after tired but I think happy and a little more knowledgeable of their Quebec cousins 1 hope they all had their assignments finished and handed In early Monday morning Mrs Georgina Kelso has released the new summer hours for the library beginning in July The library will of course be closed for July but will be open on Tuesday and Thursday to to p and Saturday to noon New arrivals at the library are The Target by Adam Hall Doctor Daughte by Frank Slaughter Blue City by Ross MacDonald The Bloodhounds of Broadway by Damon The Dean a December by Saul Bellow What a mess and the Cat Next Door by Frank Muir and Juliet Together by Marjorie Weinman by Richard The Root Cellar by Janet Prince Andrew by Graham Fisher The Polish Canadians by William Kurelek The herpes book by Ric Hamilton Lemonade New Car Guide 1982 by Phil Edmonston and finally The Term Paper Step By Step by Gilbert On June Saturday from m to the Rockwood and District Lions club will be having their annua chicken barbecue Prices are to be for 13 years and over and for 12 years and under There will be chicken of course plus desserts and beverages It Will also be licensed In the evening the Lions will be having their usual monthly dance beginning at 9 pm On Monday the BrookvlUe Girls Atom Baseball team defeated the Atoms IS by J Tamer Anniversaries are times for stones dated guest preacher Jean Stairs as she based her morning sermon on the parable of the three stewards and her evening sermon on the story of the good Samar Let go of your church resources and reach out to share them with others less for tunatc be over cautious about investing time and money in ministering to human need within the com munity This was her momlng message to a well filled church The Anniversary of Churchill Community Church brought together many old friends and the ladies of the church served a buffet luncheon afterwards to give folk an opportunity to visit In the evening Pastor Stairs led her at ion to place them selves mentally in the role not only of the good Samaritan but also in the roles of the priest and the Levite who must have made some very excellent excuses to justify their actions as they passed by the wounded man In the ditch Community neighbouring involves giving of oneself without reservation or negative rationalization Special music for the occasion was supplied by baritone soloist Hughes from North- minster United Church Toronto who sang The Lord is my Shepherd at the morning service and Nobody knows the Trouble in the evening Mr Hughes is a friend and colleague of our minister Rev Emrys Jenkins who conducted both services and Introd uced the guests Philip Levy violin and John Duenk cornet assisted organist Marie And erson with the music and It was a treat to hear the orchestra again The church choir sang at both ser vices with Jack Denny taking a solo lead in The church was fragrant with lilacs and other garden flowers and two lovely formal arrangements also adorned the sanctuary placed by the family of Mr and Mrs Elton Cole and the family of Mr and Mrs Joshua Thompson in memory of their parents Please note that while Churchill Church now changes Its hour of wor ship to the regular sum mer time of am next Sunday is the Sun day School picnic and service will be at a with the bus load ing at Tor the trip to he picnic grounds at Kelso by Mrs G MacDoigaU Mr and Mrs Ralph Thompson spent a couple of days vtsting with Mr and Mrs J Gambell of Colhngwood Mr and Mrs Ted McNamara Laura and David of were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Jack Chamberlain Eden Mills Presbyterian Church celebrated their 120th anniversary on Sunday with guest speakers Rev Donald and Helen Sinclair who bad spent a previous 10 years at this charge Following the service there was a luncheon when friendships were renewed and old memories brought to light The flowers that graced the Communion Table were Cars collide atcorner There were no injuries in a two car accident at the corner of Eramosa Township Concession Road and Highway last Wednesday OPP report a car driven by Donna Parker RR was In collision with a vehicle driven by Peter Little RR Belwood Both vehicles were east bound at Cone when the crash occurred Police say the Parker car sustained an estimated In damages and the Little vehicle in damages No charges were laid placed by the McLean family in memory of McLean Sr Guest soloist was Paul Howie a member of the Salvation Arms band and special anthems from the choir and band who were helped by Paul Howie and Dora Kemper The second annual Outdoor Skill Day will be held at Camp on June 12 This is planned for the entire family and open to all local residents There will be sessions on edible wilds backpacking canoeing skills bird houses fire building and cam ire cooking The cost is and children 12 years is Please phone for your reservations by June to Judy Brown at Mrs Gilbertson Mrs T Hamilton Mr and Mrs MacDougoll Tara and Troy attended the service at Holy Rosary Church Mil I on for the Fin Holy Communion for Duslln son of Mr and Mrs Dean MacDougall The weatherman coopera to too for the Ball Tournament but with a true ball spirit four teams played on a rather soggy diamond on Friday night and things were a littler better for the Saturday games and the affair was a successful event The Tournament Championship went lo the Mary hi learn who beat out Select Cleaners with a 1 victory Randy Mahn was chosen as most able pitcher and Kirk Douglas as most valuable player Bum Guides earn badges Stolen car is found A car stolen from was found and vandalized in the Limehousc area on the weekend The car owned by Tony 149 Guelph St was stolen from that property between 2 a and 30 a May according to Guelph The keys had left in the vehicle police say The car was later found in a field in the Lime house area with the windows broken and the hood and trunk damaged An AM cassette player was stolen Police have no suspects Quick thief takes goods from car It didn take a thief too long to move in on Jen Doherty car after she left it last Wednesday OPP report the Erin woman left the vehicle on Five Sideroad after It broke down at 30 When she relumed at p m the driver window had been smashed and a guitar else and blanket were all taken Stolen goods totalled in value Police have no suspects THE PLACE TO SAVE by Doris Hoes five Brownies of the 1st Pack were received into Guides at their final meeting or the season in Sen auditorium last Tuesday evening With a Guide lead Ihcm Janice Root Lisa Renee Golden Andrea Barnstaple and Brenda were blasted off Into out space steered through the Galaxy of stars comets and moons and arrived safely through the Black Hole to be welcomed by Mrs Helen Dubeau captain of the 1st Guides Brownies were given badges they had earned Receiving the Golden Bar were Shannon Argudin Wendy Barn staple Jennifer Bot Gibson Terra McDonald Jodie Roseanne Vliet stra TcrriAnne and Angela Banish The Golden Udder was presented to Bonnie Campbell Tara CargUI Eileen Coleman Terri Leslie Deanna Louth Joanne Scott Jcnna Woodbum Dawn Addison Kim Hicks Renee Golden and Brandy Strelec Six girls received the Golden Hand Andrea Barnstaple Janice Root Lisa Carol Bridge and Gol den The Brownies served refreshments to the parents and guests who attended Mrs George Fletcher received surgery on her knee at General last week The sore knee Is recovering nicely at home with the help of her family McKinnons and friends had another highly successful garage sale which was largely attended despite the unfavourable weather One lady remarked it Is the social event of the The 1st Ospringe Brownies went camping recently at Camp Corwhln They went in two groupshalf the girls going one evening and the other half the next night They worked for their athlete badge among others One act they enjoyed was treasure hunting for buried treasure The Ospringe Guides have also been busy They planted trees at Guelph Lake Inter pretive Centre and one Sunday they went swim mtng at the Acton pool They also helped with the plant sale at ringe School Wilfred Webb of Boswel Is visiting for a couple of weeks with his sister and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Dan Winter and Danny Bob and Isabel Craig and son Steven of Lon don and Mrs Glenn Howard of Mississauga were recent visitors of Mr and Mrs J R How ard Steven stayed and helped them get ready for their sale which was Tuesday evening The president of Ospringe Ladies Aid Mrs Word Bruce began the May meeting reading a poem Hooka day to search for God For the devotional she used a reading about the Lord leaving the world unfinished so we could use our Imagination as resources as raw materials of nature He depends on us to refine them A poem was read I will follow the upward road to nigh The devotional concluded with the hymn For the Beauty of The Earth The meeting was at Ihe home of Mrs William and the roll call was answered by a Blblcal agriculture verse The study book was taken by Mrs Gor don following the themeNew Life In the Community Acts 4 was the basis of the study which showed the begin ning of the church com with sharing of belongings and food the high ideals of the church and early prob lems These were compared to the times and ideals of the present day Mrs Ward Bruce in charge of the pro gram read a short story called The Axe by Gregory Clark Mrs Byron Bruce read a poem The Orphan Girl The hostess Mrs Rupka closed the meet with prayer then served a delicious lunch PHONE 8771180 BRING IN YOUR PLANS AND IDEAS WOOD DOORS Safety and 20 OFF DEXTER LOCKS UNCLAIMED WINDOWSDOORS DIRECT FROM FACTORY 50 OFF LIST VINYL SUDER WINDOWS WOOD or VINYL CLAD ExamolaROSXtt 1SB 89 ALUM PATIO DOORS aba SECONDS ON DOORS g95 WINDOWS and DOOR PATH DOORS ENTRANCE DOORS ALUM STORM DOORS ft WINDOWS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS DOORS WE ALSO INSTALL FREE MEASURING SERVICE THE PLACE TO SAVE NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE TOWN OF HILLS THE ONTARIO WEED CONTROL ACT I to sons possession of land with Town Holton Its woods by as necessary Ih tho season sends and dopoisai of Town of Hills may enter destroy those woods The coat I bo gad property owner and collected in manner of pal Tokos ratios Chicory Poison Ivy woods considered noxious and must be destroyed whorovor found regard no Dondelon will not be are not considered no under Weed Control Act Anonymous complann wll not be accepted KEITH LESLIE Weed I rupee lor Town of H lis CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP NOTNUMBERSHIP on Savings Accounts interest paid monthly on 14Ji For 30 Day Deposits 1214 Daily Interest paid monthly COME IN AND SEE US TODAY AT ANY ONE OF OURS CONVENIENT COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION BRANCHES uJontr v hi mm MEMBER ONTARIO SHARE AND DEPOSIT ffiF INSURANCE CORPORATION j Competitive Prices at Jolly Powders 39 Dug Food 69 IT BfcfcipM 149 79 Catalan lJ Yogurt Cream Parlor lea Craam wi 79 Sir 1rWL atfi AMR Moron CootadHam SI SI Bacon Head Lattuce 395 as a Mushrooms 79 sjss a 79 HI TO tout MMtowtnaiMiHTTOUMrrouAHTiTiia People Come First at FAT Acton IGA DOWNTOWN ACTON PLENTY OF FREE PARKING