The Acton Free Press Wednesday Juno 3 This week thru Era at Ceatral Brian GreenwMd per form comet ml the Central Band concert Governor John Is welcomed to Acton by Jack Carpenter and Mayor Peter Robert plays solo on the xylophone at the concert lens National Legion official Dave CapperanM Jack Tattan of Walker Lodge associate band director Captain Ron McCaUam director Major Derek SUnoard Jim of Branch and Jack snare a Joke at the dinner Saturday Centra Band song with Sergeant on the trumpet Master of Ceremonies Warrant Officer Don employed his stunningly beautiful tenor voice in the opera number by Puccini from the Turondol stuck around to cradle the audience In romantic lyrics John Denver Perhaps Love Sergeant Kob joined him In the duet with Warrant Officer Terry Connor starring on he acoustic guitar The grand finale was a medley of music from the three Rocky films and featured Corporal Thompson and Warrant Officer Ken Klllingbccks marvelous voices Governor rose to thank the band on be half of the entire crowd He noted he has re presented the Crown at over events since assuming the post months a go- and his night in Acton was one most enjoyable He could have attended any one of the nine band of this tour but chose At ion because he wanted to come to small town Ontario He noted in a job like this one make comparisons but he was going to bend the rule in Acton and declared the Central Bands per for mo nee as an evening when he had never been more entertained And that included attending the final concert in the old Massey Hall the previous evening Governor suggested he was probably the first person to hold the post who knew all the words Continued from page 1 Joey Harrison makes his trombone talk In Chattanooga and he had never someone make a trombone talk before Also he re called they make Corporals like Corporal Thompson when he was in the service On behalf of the audience he expressed gratitude at a simply marvellous show and thanked Carpenter for his many efforts during the tour and he was declared an honorary band Sergeant As his first order Car directed my band to play an encore They didn disappoint as they played Hearts of Oak the marches of the Lome Scots and the March Past before again thanked Acton for its hospitality They concluded with O Canada with the audience joining in lustily Before the evening performance the band members were guests of honor at a Wellington District Masonic Branch 197 dinner at the Acton Legion and Mayor Peter presented with a certificate from the town In the afternoon dressed in their whiles the band played for a small crowd of local children They de lighted the youngsters with Raiders of the Lost Ark Annie Rocky and themes from many television shows including Hockey Night in Canada Archie Bunkers Place Private Benjamin Happy Days and Shirley Fame The and Hill Street Blues Mary Moore of Acton joined Laver in Annie and entertained with an impersonation and high pitched rendition of Shirley Temples Good Ship Lollipop Board comments on negotiations On behalf of his Separate School Board committee William Haw ken expressed deep appointment and regret concerning he position token in the press release by the teacher chief negotiator Joe Walsh and his committee The purpose of the meeting on May was to re from the teachers a response to the board not until six years later that he moved in with his daughter in Acton He is an avid reader and that takes up a lot of his lime now that he has given up travelling The birthday man had always told his family he would throw a big party when he turned 100 and he kept his word Besides the over 100 who attended an open house some went to dinner in Milton Saturday evening Special were his two great nieces Joyce of Bristol England and Margaret Wales Naomi Smith from Winnipeg Manitoba who met the Babbtdgcs in a train station in Europe grandson and Mrs Gordon Morns Calgary Mrs Roy Freebume Calgary granddaughters Nancy Morris Bame and Dr Trudy and her husband Allan of Toronto Granddaughter Sherry and her husband John of Acton were also present Mr proudly displayed plaques from federal opposition leader Joe Clark MP Otto Jelinek Lieutenant Governor John and one from Premier William Davis presented by Julian Reed Mr has seven granddaughters and one grandson and II great grandchildren OWN A BEST SELLER previous proposal Walsh in his remarks at that meeting suggested postponement of negotiations until the fall as one alternative Walsh also in sisted that if the teachers tabled a response the board must respond that night with a counter pro posal The boards committee could not commit it self to respond the same night without a thorough review of cost implications Although Hawken invited Walsh to tabic the teachers position Walsh refused On a motion by Walsh the teachers ad joumedthemeeting The per cent increase indicated in the teachers opening position docs not reflect the true cost of their package In addition to he per cent on the salary grid automatic annual increases add 5 per cent teacher allowances are increased by 31 per cent and the cost and coverage of all benefits are substantially increased Under the board s current proposal over half the teachers will receive salary increases which average in excess of There are currently no settlement trends to assist either party in pursuing a fair and equitable con tract Past negotiations Illustrate that the board and the teachers have achieved fair and amicable settle ments lt is regrettable that an artificial con Irovcrsy has been created through the impatience of the teachers chief negotiator THE PLACE TO SAVE WEIGHT WATCHERS 345DAY MENU COOKBOOK 8264200 10fl GEORGETOWN Off I IOO BRING IN YOUR PLANS AND IDEAS WOOD PATIO DOORS Iniutglaxtdwhh and Hardware 478 20 OFF DEXTER LOCKS UNCLAIMED DIRECT FROM 50 OFF MANUF LIST VINYL WINDOWS WOOD or VINYL CLAD Double Gland ExampU VINYL CLAD Off SEASON SPECIAL ALUM PATIO STORM DOORS 3t9 Slock Only WINDOWS and DOORS PATK DOORS ALUMSTORMOOORSBWmDOWS REPIACEMENTWINDOWSDOORS WE ALSO INSTALL FREE MEASURING SERVICE SUMMER RECflEATION BROCHURE Today the Rocroauon Department distributed the Summer Brochure It otters Summer Op by the Hills Libra the Hallon Region Con and the Recreation Parks Department Thb page Booklet with a Blue Cover in todays raaue of the Irtdepen dent Acton residents will receive their copy by carrier at home Other pickup locations are the libraries post offices and most banks and INQUIRE A80UTOUR LAST MINUTE SELLOFFS EXAMPLE LAST WEEK WE HAD BARBADOS air hotel FOR ONE WEEK AT 319 00 RAVEL 8533580 BEAUTY BEAUTY SERVICE MINI FACIALS BODY WAXING MANICURES I U OFF 10 WE ALSO HAVE A FULL MAKE UP LINE ON DISPLAY ALLERGENIC GLENLEA BEAUTY SALON QUEEN STREET ACTON or Monica 85331 50 nutm Mull semrte school boird 1981 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITORS REPORTS BALANCE DECEMBER with comparative figures for 1980 CURRENT ASSETS Cosh Investments at cost Accounts receivable Prepaid expense Other current assets LIABILITIES ABILITIES Bank and other short term borrowing Accounts payable and Accrued liabilities Over- requisition Other Debt charges due and unpaid Other current liabilities NET LONGTERM LIABILITIES Note RESERVE FOR WORKING FUNDS EQUITY IN RESERVE FUNDS UNEXPENDED CAPITAL FUNDS ALTON ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOl NOTES TO THE STATEMENTS DECEMBER I SIGNIFICANT POLICIES The financial statements have been prepared by the Board using accounting principles that are prescribed by the Ministry of Education and are con appropriate for Ontario school boards dance ally accepted accounting principles except as follows a Accrual Accounting Revenue and expenditure are accounted for on the accrual melhod except No provision is interest on unmatured debt from the date of pay to the end of the fiscal year No provision Is made to record the liability for death or sick leave benefits ace ruing over the working lives of employees Fixed Assets Fixed assets are charged to current expenditure unless financed by long term debt Principal and interest charges on net long term liabilities arc in eluded as expenditures in he period due Fixed assets described as capital outlay to be recovered in future years are included on the balance sheet only to the extent of the balances of the related net long term liabilities outstanding and of the related temporary financing at the end of the fiscal year Approved on Behalf of the Board CG Byrnes Director of Education REVENUE FUND OPERATIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER with comparative figures for 1980 1981 EXPENDITURE Business administration Computer services Instruction 13355745 Educational services Attendance health and food services Plant operation and maintenance Transportation 1342770 Tuition fees 240162 Capital expenditures nonallocable 1393778 Other operating expenditure Debt charges and capital loan interest Nonoperating expenditure excluding transfers to reserves Total Expenditure RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURES boards mLsc Government of Ontario miscellaneous Government of Canada Individuals tuition fees Other revenue excluding transfers from Total Recovery of Expenditure 1672459 1022293 142995 jc Reserves and Reserve Funds Reserves and reserve funds represent funds appropriated for general and specific purposes and arc charged or credited to revenue fund operations in the year appropriated or drawn down of Taxes The difference between the net expenditure of any year and the amounts received to finance these expenditures is carried forward to the subsequent year to reduce the net revenue requirement from ratepayers NET REPAYMENTS Of the net longterm liabilities outstanding of principal amounting to plus interest amounting to is payable over the next five years as follows Principal 1982 1983 1985 2803996 Inter Total 1148B54 1114543 2652 456 514 3406 18964 366883 W67 170381 NET EXPENDITURE FINANCING OF NET EXPENDITURE Government of Ontario General Legislative Grants Iocal Taxation Previous years over requisition Local taxation raised in the current year Increase in reserve for working funds To be applied to the foil owing years taxation Net over requisition DEBT CHARGES ANDCAPITAL LOAN INTERES The revenue fund expenditure for debt charges and capital loan Interest in eludes principal and interest payments as follows IB I Principal payments on long term liabilities Interest payments on long term liabilities Interest payments on temporary financing of capital projects 4 CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS Subsequent to December there were contracted obligations of ap proximately 120000 signed for the completion of new school projects J 1273083 CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS with comparative figures for 1980 Fixed asset and work In progress Buildings furniture and equipment School sites and Improvements to sites Other 99909 1K 065352 FINANCING Unexpended funds at beginning of year or balance at beginning of year not permanently financed Capital revenue fund 1479751 1065097 Transfer to revenue fund 139164 Balance at end of year not permanently financed or unexpended funds at end of year TOTAL LEASE COM The Board leases certain equipment for periods up to five years Future minimum lease payments for the next five years for these operating leases areasfollows 77526 15302 1981 A To the Supporters Roman Catholic SeparateSchool Board We have examined the balance sheet of the Hal ton Roman Catholic Separate School Board as at December the revenue fund statement of opera tions and the capital fund statement of operations for the year then ended Our examination was made in accordance generally accepted auditing standards and accordingly Included such and other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial post lion of the Hal ton Roman Catholic Separate School Board as at December and the results of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles described in Note 1 to the financial statements applied basis consistent with that of the preceding year WE Home Co Burlington Ontario Chartered Accountants March MuxirdpalAuditoraLicenceNo by Bard u