The Acton Free Press Wednesday June TELEPHONE 8532010 Founded In 1878 Busmen and Editor by Printing Ltd at Willow Street Aclon Onuno Telephone 5191 per year Canada 30 other than Canada Acton Free n of the Printing Ltd group Of which includes Advertieer Aurora Newmarket Ere Banner En Weekend Edition The BoNon Enierptne The Burlington Poet Th Weekend Pow The Guardian Georgetown Independent Mid Suit TH Milton Champion The New Weekend The North York Mirror Friday Beaver Week Oihawe Weekend The Richmond The Scarborough Mirror The Tribune t Vaughan Don McDonald Publisher accepted on the condition that in the event of typographical that portion lh occupied by mm together with ranonabl for aignatuni not be charged for but tha balance of adve be pud for at ihs rata In vcnt amir advancing good or iwrDng price or may not be mold merely an off er Member Canadian Community and Th Ontario Community A notation Second ma Number EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Gord Moray Nawa Helen Murray Sport Dan McGatowey Darkroom Peter Mat ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT fcU Suaan Stone CiMalnedi Adirerttalna Nation Seta Rep Dan BUSINESSACCOUNTING Omca Manager Rhone MaryinMcArthur CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Manager McArthur Losers are those who missed bands concert So theres nothing to do in Acton Thats a continual re frain in this community Well twice on Saturday a total of about children and adults learned there was indeed something very worthwhile and extremely enjoyable to do in Acton on a rainy Saturday Unfortunately another adults and children missed out and unquestionably they are the losers Of course we are talking about Saturdays two per formances of the Central Band of the Canadian Forces Are there enough adjectives to describe just how great the band is The remainder of space allotted to this comment could be filled with accolades for their performances here Suffice to say the band was absolutely tremendous Saturday afternoon they played their childrens pro gram for only about 100 you ngsters and a handful of par ents mostly cub and brownie leaders Saturday night the crowd was better around but far short- of capacity Jack Carpenter his helpers from Walker Lodge of the Masons here in town and in the district and arena staff were understandably disappointed They put a lot of effort into bringing the band here But like all others who heard this highly talented group of Canadian musicians they couldnt be disappointed with the shows About tickets were dis tributed to area schools for free admission for students to the afternoon show Another were for sale for the evening performance at each The list of excuses or explan ations for the failure of so many in town to take advantage of the chance to hear and see such a highly acclaimed band is al most as long as the number of no shows Maybe there were some small failings in promoting this event and ensuring there were big crowds for the band But ultimately the ind ividuals who could have at tended and didnt must accept responsibility for the fact that Acton was somewhat barassed in front of visitors on Saturday There are a number of sad notes to be sounded on this matter A goodly number of parents called late last week to see if they could take their children to the show and not expecting a dismal Saturday afternoon crowd organizers said no And possibly the saddest note of all The poor crowds likely wont encourage the Masons or other groups of volunteers here trying to do things for the com munity to attempt to bring first class attractions to this town in the future That will mean to do in Ac ton To the band members from the grateful who heard you a final heartfelt thanks Our readers write Thanks for band concert Dear Sir I would like to express my sincere for a wonderful musical exper ience afforded by the exceptional performance by the Central Band of the Canadian Forces held in the Acton Community Centre June Tilts concert was one of the two high lights of my life In Acton and I would like to express my appreciation to Mr Jack Carpenter and the Masonic Walker Lodge for organizing and making such a enjoyable evening possible Again many thanks Marguerite Taylor Central Band was brilliant Dear Sir Saturday evenings outstanding mus ical concert at the Community Centre Arena was on occasion for the town and the Show band Committee cannot praise the Central Band of the Canadian Forces enough for their brilliant per formance courtesy and profession alism They arc I he finest Canadian ambassadors The majority of the audience met the band for the first time and like many thousands before them became instant fans impressed by the spec tacle surprised by the versatility and more Important proud to be Canad ians The Wellington Masonic District were generous in their efforts In bring ing the Band to town but it really was a community affair with the cooperation of many and we should thank the band once again for creating the incentive Thanks to the many people who supported the concert especially those who dressed so elegantly and added color to a dismal rainy day Special to Ridley Cartage Acton Agricultural Society A Food- land Lakevlew Centre Mackenzie BuildAll Nielsens Clothing Goy Car tage Shoemaker Funeral Home Hal- ton Cable TV Tultmans Garden Centre Roof Trusses and Components Acton Figure Skating Club Halton Regional Police Royal Canadian Legion Branch 197 Ladies Canadian Legion Acton Free Press and the many advertisers Mayor Pete Pomeroy Harold Townsley and his arena staff Jim and his electrical crew for the excellent light ing and piper Stuart While of Carap- Above all thanks to His Honor the LieutenantGovernor for graciously accepting our invitation and thanking the Band on our behalf A truly community affair It was all made possible by this long list of citizens and the tireless group of men who transformed the arena into a un believable well lit colorful theatre for one night and returned to leave an empty arena by 1045 Sunday morn ing Thank you The Central Band for making it all possible Sincerely Jack Carpenter Praise Masons for concert Dear Sir I imagine that the Free Press is doing an editorial on the program presented by the Central Band I trust that credit will be given to the local Masonic Lodge for the part they played in bringing a program of such high calibre to Acton As one of the audience I can assure you that I have never been more en tertained and the performance was outstanding and a credit to the Canad ian Forces to have such a fine musical band Yours truly Harold Denny Concert was super It was a super concert The band was superb The trans formation of the arena was unbel ievable jack your rendition of the Musical Sweepstakes was great We would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the Masonic Lodge the arena staff and anyone else involved for bringing such high calibre entertainment to Acton The ads often read Something for everyone The concert truly provided music for everyone A very sincere thank you to ail Bern and Stew Elizabeth Dr On the Leavell Some interesting revelations have been uncovered since the Free Press reported last week Acton was left off the new prov incial road map Two local merchants have gotten Into the swing of things and used their road signs to promote the Tyler Travel sign says This is Acton Not on map Famous for its town hall At Halton Hills Furniture and Appliances it says Welcome to Acton Ontario Jim Snow Country referring to the minister of transportation and communications at titude about the entire Issue And longtime Acton resident Near last week brought in a December 1978 National Geographic magazine containing a road map of Ontario On the regular map Halton Hills is de picted with Just a dot No Acton or George town mentioned But on the blow up of the area Hills is listed and so Is Acton There is no mention of Georgetown Acton has its own dot but Georgetown must be the Hills And to cap it off Hills recreation director Tom Shepard also called the Free Press to point out on the American Auto mobile Association AAA and the Canadian Automobile Association CAA the map of Ontario for shows Hills and Acton but once again George town is left off The maps are for use of members only f the to put her veins where her Cross Association annual meeting In January Hills councillor Terry Grubbe said at the next blood donor clinic she would give a pint of blood Well Terry and everyone else the next clinic is next Tuesday starting at pm at the Legion Push up your old sleeve Terry Birthday greetings go out to Laura Dlltrich who turned yean old on Monday Talk about finding a needle in a haystack Downtown Paul Nielsen can go one better Paul was approached by someone who had lost a diamond ring set In Lake Ontario He donned his scuba gear and headed for the spot he jewellery was last seen And guess what he found the rings Acton High School Is holding a car wash Saturday from noon until 5 pm Proceeds go to help pay for the graduation celebrations Rain date is Sunday Trinity United Church is holding a fare- well reception Sunday June in the Church Parlour to honor Rev and Mrs Chuck Beaton who leave at the end of the month for a new church In Hamilton The reception runs from to The North Hospice is looking for volunteers Anyone interested Is welcome a meeting next Thursday evening June 17 at Milton District Hospital North Hospice is a volunteer agency which has been in existence for 18 months laying the groundwork for a very sensitive but needed service The Hospice services rely completely on volunteers The goals of the group are to make holistic total care of the terminally ill family member more readily available for those who want this service during a terminal Illness to provide supportive and educational services to bereaved In dividuals and families in the area of death grief and hospice care and to encourage and assist the integration of a Hospice care principles into the existing health care system For more Information call Eva Sansom at Mothers and motherstobe interested In informaUon about breastfeeding are welcome to attend the next meeting of the Acton La League It will be held on Monday June at a pm at the home of Anne I Acton The topic for this meeting Is The Art of Breastfeeding and Overcoming Difficulties end the In formal discussion will include en couragement and Information on how to establish a happy nursing relationship A lending library on childbirth child care breastfeeding and nutrition is available at the meeting Babies are welcome For further Information call or Acton readers of the Toronto Sun were surprised to find Miss Acton Fall Fair I960 Lisa on page 3 as last Wed nesdays Sunshine Girl The given said Lisa was Miss Blue CanAm and reigned over the CanAm race hist weekend It also noted her 20th birthday was on Sunday Lisas face Is not new to Sun readers Last year she appeared as a Sunshine Girl and readers voted her Girl of the Month Her picture also appeared In the paper earlier this year when she was Miss Out doors for the Sportsman Show in Toronto by Mabel The battle of the black fly Every year I try something different to keep the pesky black fly from biting me But no matter what I try I get a lot of bites and have to endure tile itching and the sores resulting from scratching The sprays are so expensive and although I keep some on hand as a last resort search the kitchen cupboards and medicine cabinets for an effective remedy This year I am keeping cloves of garlic in my pocket and when the files get troublesome I take them out and rub them a bit I have also taped bands Ids behind ray ears because this Is a favorite place to bite So far havent had a bite but never fear The laws of nature never seem to change much Outdoors BYLORNE FLETCHER Crosseyed from picking the proverbial night crawlers Be happy If you have any left on your lawn after the application of herbicides weed and feed and fancy chemical fertilizers Large chemical retailers play down the affects of their products on living organisms Most broadleaf weed control products usually force the plant to grow out of control and literally bum itself out This in itself is a form of cancer as we know It great stuff for the dew worms breakfast not to mention the many wild bfrds that feed on these worms Perch fishing and Lake Sirocoe has picked up very nicely with some good catches reported from the north end around the narrows plus the locks at Gamebtidge the latter a good bet for shore fishing with emerald shiners the best bait by far This is the kind of fishing to start a youngster on Usually the action is fast and furious and leaves little time to be bored between bites Nothing tweeter on the table than a mess of perch fillets as these fish are first cousins to the Walleye Plus Use set tht t In these times of short dollars and less opportunity a few pound of ten in the freezer Justifies the money spent in the catching or trying which ever the case may be A few Rainbow are still hitting at Georgian Bay although the tune spent in that pursuit would account for few fish hooked Earl and Gall of Acton have had good luck right up to the time of penning this column fishing in the Meaford area Good spring Rainbow and some Lake Trout are hitting well in the north shore waters of Lake Superior This lake is cold and the spring runoff has Just settled down a good bet for dedicated Trout anglers The Ministry of Natural Resources has started a new program of hat ching trout eggs on a few feeder streams In the Georgian Bay area This program has been perfected In British Columbia on the Salmon spawning grounds A welling box in stalled alongside a stream and it Is fed a supply of running water phis an outlet back to the stream Eyed or Hired eggs are inserted at the Inlet end and alter hatching and moving with the water flow they eventually find their own way back to the stream The advantages of this system ore thai virtually afi the eggs Inserted end up in the stream as living fry with little loss due to predators This should make much better use of money and spent to our hatchery programs Keep smiling In the rain Back i issues 10 years ago June Mr and Mrs of the Holland Shop have just arrived home from a three week vacation in Holland The trip back to the old country was a anniversary gift from the family The strike of Local of the Saw Workers Union against Canada Ltd have had no talks between company and management in the nine day old strike Bill John Hoare Jon Hurst and Tiny Miller travelled to India nnapolis Indiana May to watch he Indy auto race A fifth place finish in a field of at the allOntario high school meet has brought scholarship offers from five colleges for Acton High School javelin Steve Van Fleet Barrie Bruce and his wife Carol both graduated on June 2 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine at University of Western Ontario London Mr and Mrs Bill Stuckey and daughter Pauline enjoyed a trip to the Maritimes Crossing to Prince Edward Island by ferry they were surprised to see many Icebergs gradually melting In the May sunshine 20 years ago June 1962 Mr and Mrs returned home on Wednesday from a five week trip to Europe- Members of the Catholic Womens League will be enjoying a barbecue at the home of Mrs Hartley Coles before their regular meeting Mrs Edith Frank Mill Street and Mr and Mrs Jack Frank spent the weekend with friends In Mount Forest and Owen Sound Mrs Isabelle Wlnfield spent a week recenUy with her brother Mr Watkfns and Mrs near Shelburne a Charles Kelly Browne wellknown nonagenarian and businessman In Acton celebrated his birthday Monday in a quiet manner as he worked during the day In his tobacco and sundries store on Main Street North 50 years ago June Miss Louise Swackhamer has returned home from Schomberg where she has been visiting for the past month Mr John Dennis attended the Con vocation Exercise at Western University London last Friday when his sister Miss Hazel E Dennis RN graduated as a Public Health Nurse The Duke of Devonshire Chapter IODE will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday evening June 7 at the home of Mrs GW Mosaics Main Street Mrs and little daughter Betty of Carlisle are spending a few days at the home of her aunt Mrs McLaren Mr James Plant who has been visiting with his sons in Seaforth and for the past few weeks returned home on Saturday 75 years ago Junes 1907 Mr WD Beardmore asked for the privilege of laying a pipe line from Ander sons Pond to their works and of using the surplus water for tanning purposes At present the firm are using the water from the stream which runs from Fairy Lake but they find It considerably polluted probably from the refuse of the glove leather tannery above They require con siderable pure water for operations They propose to lay a pipe line along Elgin St Council promised to Investigate It seems some enterprising formers have been washing their sheep at the corporation hydrant at the rink Acton Tanning Co is Installing machinery in the immense new building with Individual electric motor systems This will do away with thousands of feet of shafting and consequent loss of power A huge new dynamo has been installed driven from the new horse power engine 100 years ago Junes I The lectures given on Wednesday and Thursday evenings by Prof Kent were largely attended The professor is very Interesting and practical in his experi ments of electricity chemistry and magnetism Mr Mathews has fitted up his Ice cream parlor very nicely A large number of sewing machine oper ators at Canada Glove Works struck for higher wages asking a raise of from five to 10 cents per dozen on glcves Mr Storey declined to concede and young ladies marched out The action of the workers will put the firm to considerable In convenience and we think there should be a little compromising Information has been received hat Mrs Messrs Matthews and who left here about three weeks for England have arrived safely