egion Saturday August lit going to be a busy day for Legion member I with something for everyone The Branch baseball team have I been practicing hard land Dave Manes says I they are now ready to represent at the I annual Legion to be held under the auspices of the Erin Branch Games will be played at both the Erin land the ball I fields Turn out and support our team I Our annual Com I Roast Is also on I Saturday and the corn I should be ready by There will be I music for dancing after i have your fill of Free corn and free make last bash of the a real bargain ball players will be working up an appetite in Erin and to give the other member a chance to get some before getting to the corn Bob Doyle has organized some horse shoe pitching ft starts at p so if you are interested come on out Terry Ingleston our entertainment chair man has been given a work assignment In the United States for a few months by his company and Charlie Rees has been appointed to fill this position during his Your cooper ation with Charlie will be appreciated approved Rezoning for a real estate office In a house on Main St north was approved Monday night by Illlla council The applica tion was made by and Before the rezoning bylaw is processed a site plan will have to be prepared and approved Council will have to approve a parking drainage and grading plan as well as provisions for snow storage and plans for the vehicular entrance Construction measures to meet the fire and building codes will also have to be approved GA owner Dave Mine and BIA chairman Ed Wood made one of the final draw for the Blue Jay tickets Saturday morning Ito see Jays The final round of Acton Business Area BIA Blue Jays ticket I contest draws were I made Saturday mor and another local residents won a rip to this Fridays game against the New York Yankees Ticket winners during the four week I promotion are I reminded buses will I load at School on Acton I this Friday to take ihem I to the game at p m I Following are this I weeks winners D Young St Susan Main St N Freezer Frenzy Clare Main St Lillian I Graham 153 Elmore I Emily Health Foods Profile Beauty I Salon Acton Travel Wooden Heart Restaurant Terry 1SS Book Nook Loruile Brock I Gudgeon Division St Fabric Shop Ed 129 Cobblehill Sue Stone 166 Poplar Ave J and T Sports Grenville Masales Elgin St Acton Family Cleaners Barber Acton First Line TV J Cres Chew Acton Family Restaurant Vera Vanltem Acton Nielsens Clothing John Mowat B Frederick St OBriens Meats A Boyle IS Acton Pharmacy Janet Fleming Cobblehill A Rob Allen Agnes St Eds in n out Final draw Tamrnle Hammond 12S Rd Greenore Cres Elo RR 4 Acton Paul Nolan Elgin St R Turner Maria St Donna Mitchell l Acton Randy Van ned Willow St Benlta Edison Main St FOR SALE and known Sunshm Setworj s East seventn concession Town of Has farmer Townsnp of Esquesog on ode of and Norm el Steele For further 335 local be received Wednesday September 1962 Welly Ctnlnwin Director TOWN OF HALTON HILLS TENDBtS One One Man Garbage Packer 82 2 Thru Four Cylinder Pick up Truck Cab Chassis 9 Motor Grader Rental Seeled tenders clearly marked as to be received by Mr Richardson A M C T Clerk until 1200 noon local lime Wednesday September 1 for ihe above noted Tender forms may bo obtained Mr Patterson Purchasing South Hilton Hills Georgetown Ontario Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Mr A Park 36 Mem Street South Helton Hail Georgetown I Ontario BE AUCTION SALE For Henk and Stephanie Krzyzanowski Friday Evening August 27th at 630 PM Location In Milton the Fairground In Agricultural Hall on Robert Si Sato Constating Of- Antique modern furniture trie abeutifu9pc modem pine overs vary nice framed coloured prim appliances glass collectable lawn tools mlc etc Elgin key Note Owner TERMS CASH OR CHEQUES WITH ID Lunch PREVIEW FROM40CLOCKON8AtOAY Owner or Auction not responsible for ac cident Bale day Auctioneer Chris A Schoutan will be holding on Auction Sale on SATURDAY AUGUST AT 12 NOON at Plnagrove Communhy Centre Helton Hllta 138710 north of on Traf Road turn Eaat at Pfneview School on No BSIderoad emllea to Auction WATCH FOR SIGNS Furniture China Glass Bras Pewler Lamp Silver Elaborate Silver Tea Service Crockery Miscellaneous Collectible Mbcet leneous Household Items Appro Items Thl81SAHNEQUALrrV6AL THE TO BE HELD QUAINT LOCATION Term of Sal Cash or Cheque with Proper Identification Owner Auctioneer ate Nat Responsible for Accidents or Lot Article Auctioneer Jimmy Fort AUCTION SALE for The Pat Pattersons of at the farm Mon September at AM Pine corner cupboard sideboard pnedrytmk pair pel bed Mahogany roll top desk walnut J sideboard cherry rug hanging lamp primitive china vor tool miscellaneous farm next week WBfd Auctioneer 8784730 ACTON CLUB HALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL BEDROOM noma on quiet street Acton law Land scaped lot petto attached tor inquiries call per month Call FOR RENT In Erin month Modem hew to there with Mom All modem convenience Female only OLDER Mtnl for rent Mill St Georgetown monthly ROOM tor rent In en Acton farmhouse share kitchen with younger mam close to GO Bui suitable for student monthly STORAGE indoor and outdoor for cars trailers boats motorcycles etc Brampton STORES suit offices business Includes kitchen end bathroom facllltle Downtown Georgetown to DO In eludes and water BACHELOR apart furnished carpeted balcony clean miles from Georgetown first end last months rent required non smoker I BEDROOM apart no pets first and last months rent no appliances all utilities Included child welcome month bedroom apart ments heat hydro appliances Included from to p Monday to Friday to m Saturday 3 BEDROOM apart tor rent available September lit BEDROOM end one bedroom apartment for rent 519 533 WW FEMALE wanted to there townhouse a month Includes utilities Available FURNISHED been apartment In per month Including heat and hydro Adult only fM PARRY SOUND Heart of the 30000 Islands 1000 Inland Lakes For yew round vacations writ lor tree page color booklet on keeping cottage lodges mown campgrounds offering swimming sailing canoeing skiing DtrL CtASSinEPl winners Carls Wood of Rocfcwood the of the sreeUy I Acterlo dm fir Vic lucky Saturday nine two sets of chant vouchers I One ticket be tared with hai wife I Puny no snnthw with lUQies of ICurMroo St Vic took hots voucher from Stedmans Acton Pharmacy Acton Nielsens Acton end earners and Eds In N Out Ron Knechtd Rosemary won vouchers from Jug City Family Cleaners and Acton BwUnnUneewhueO from Home Hud- ware Aetna Family Restaurant and Family Cleaners FREE PRESS SPECIAL FOR DISPLAY AT THE ACTON FALL FAIR AMATEURS ONLY Best Colour and Black and White Photographs Childrens Category for up to 13 years old Picture Subject a scene children animals building flowers etc of general interest taken within miles of Acton Three per person permitted Please have name and address on the back of each photo No negatives please 1 DEADUNE FOR ENTRIES FRIDAY SEPT 10th First prize three honorable mentions at 4 each in each category MLbbb or drop off toe North who does it STANS BICYCLE REPAIRS SERVICE Monday Saturday 5198532113 Repass to makes Ettimata on Have Your Camera Checked ACTON PHOTO CAMERA Leethertown VStgt CARPENTRY For tree pnona We otter custom end framing home Im provements and repairs tana quality workmen Looser and Sort Formerly Acton Woodcraft B530788 Glenn Carpentry All types of carpentry work or your none collage and office FREE ESTIMATES lksmio CERAMICS II ELECTRICAL J CONTRACTORS HALTON HILLS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LIMITED Hour Service Industrial Commercial Residential Prop LytePruater CHIROPRACTIC CUNIC Hours Wed am Tub Thur am to Saturday morning by appointment RICHARD TELFORD D C CHIROPRACTOR TOM THOMPSON CHIROPRACTOR S Acton Monday thru Friday Sam 7pm 8533460 ACTON PHOTO CAMERA Laathenown Village 86JO250 Dead or HMfthy Home a lb FERGUS or be nmovad Phone Lie llIJjllllIIM PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING Pick Up Prop Waning Hen Removal by FJecuolytt EVENING SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE For Free Consultation Call 8533273 QBARJ ENTERPRISE ACTON 6198530038 Johns Custom Farming TuTTMAirS CENTRE Landscaping Sodding Indoor Plantscaplnfl Maintenance Evergreens Ftoivcring Shrubs Trees Roses Sod Patio Ties Inter locking stone PLANT CARE A indoor car Acton Wednesday Aug C3 INSURANCE INSURANCE I ROOFING CONTtUCTQItS Hoi Tar Rooting Soffits Steel Barns Doors Dennvslnsu ranee ITMWSl Wen Acton Personal Commercial 8530150 OWICE HOURS AFTER HOURS CAU Milton HaroM Denn CASSaiMAN FUELS WE PUMP OUT BASEMENT FURNACE Oft TANKS BC9BHSl lions GUS MOWBRAY LTD 878 2381 GRASS ROOTS Lawn Garden Wefld Crass Cutting TreePiunmg Planing 8777143 mm Street iiiiiiimi Dr Saturday available Milton Mem Si PAINTING Exterior Interior Paper Vinyl Hanging QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED For Estimate Call RUDY HANOUSEK 8530679 KING VALLEY PAVING LTD ONTARIO ASPHALT PAVING CALL ASK FOR 8771181 Toronto r j company that serve 6 M of Consume lion and Bltar Bwinmst Burmau WATER PUMP PROBLEMS Wb are equipped to handle all bis jet and piston pumps Were as near as your phone for all your plumbing needs BOVES PLUMBING 8664232 nor oim or BBS SIMMS CARDS Call ACTON FREE PRESS D Roofing Shingles Qujlty Dave Dale CONCEPTS DESIGN CONSTRUCTION RENOVATIONS REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION DECKS PATIOS FENCING RECREATION BOOMS BARS DOORS WINDOWS DAVE DUNN 8532559 WE SPECIALIZE OH TIME QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ON TIME Additions FREE ESTIMATES fijr EM SANDBLASTING HAEFNER SIDING HOOFING FIRST LINE TV Phone 8531057 ft Motorola Dealer LOOK TO THE CLASSIFIEDS lUMJIlJllNlJLI SOFT- WATER THE WAV IT SHOULD BE COMPLETE LINE Treatment Equipment tor Farms and SELF SERVICE A mi Has BILL VAN Oein