Halton Hills Images

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1982, p. 19

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BalSnafad Churches plan joint roast GttwQetmm Acton Wednesday Sept lot day after the holiday brought many little tots and older ones out to School They sat in the two bout pews of the church and were Interested in the tittle story Rev Bandy had to tell them except one little fellow who thought he would like to explore a bit around the church before going down to classes Rev Bandy had an in spiring for all It was announced there Is to be an annual com roast in which St Andrews Georgetown and Chur Jointly be host A dance will follow All families of both chur ches are invited to attend There will be no admission charge It will be held this coming Friday in the Community Centre beginning at JO Report en Soccer The 12 season is now almost over and the teams have done ex tremely well Evidence of the popularity of soccer in the village was seen the annual barbecue held on September 11 despite competition from the Georgetown Fall Fair every player on the five teams was at the event for team photographs and trophy presentations It appears that two of the teams win be play for the cup in their Finals Day on Saturday Sept at Cedarvale Park Georget The Major Atom team coached by Klaus Schneider has already advanced and play at JO am The major Squirt team coached by Ray Shire has one game left to play before Saturday but based on their season record should have no trouble If they are successful they will play at 1 IS Many thanks are due all the coaches managers and other helpers for all their hard work throughout the season also to the parents or their unfail ing support and lastly to the players for bringing credit to them selves and the vUlage through their efforts Please come out to the finals and give the teams the support they We wish them Good Luck Start early Start regular medical checkups in youth In families with a history of high blood pressure the condition can begin at an early age MEET THE STAFF WIDDESS AUTO SERVICE 80 JOSEPH ST tyatTeacoStat BRAMPTON O NT GENERAL REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN Tune ups Brakes Exhaust Systems Electron Wheel Undercoat ng Upholstery Shampoo Car ng Acetylene J J9 Sr J OPEN SATURDAYS FOR LUBRICATION WAXING AND MINOR REPAIRS NOW OFFERING WINTER SPECIALS FREE PICKUP DELIVERY can 4535522 DOES YOUR FURNACE OIL SUPPLIER MEASURE UP TO GULF You may think thai all heating oil companies are alike After all they deliver oil when you need it and thats pretty well It nght Wrong Gulf offers you a selection of services and service practices that you may not be getting from your present oil company The following are just a few of many Read them over Isn this the kind of service you want Furnace Protection Plan A furnace breakdown can be more than just irritating II can be very expensive The Gulf Furnace Protection Plan can prevent thai possibility A single low payment covers an annual servicing 24 hour emergency service replace ment of most parts and labour charges It adds up to a 12 month protection package you can ill afford to be without never have worry about expensive furnace repairs again Its good insurance for your furnace and for your peace of mind 24hour Emergency Service a call to our 24 hour emergency number will bring help fast A repairman will come out to put things In working order again fast We won t leave you cold Budget Plan Guffs Budget Plan spreads your heat ing costs equally over 12 months so your bill t get bigger as the winter gets colder You budget better knowing what your monthly heating bill will be and theres no extra charge CALL TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION THOMPSON FUELS Young Street Acton Ontario Helping you save energy 8532174 MILITIA THE SCOTS Want an interesting Parttime Job Earn while you with us CaMRacnjitinfl Officer DAYS 9 BRAMPTON EVENINGS Monday TfnjrJav to THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS PUBLIC MEETING A public meeting will be held on Wednes day September 29th at the Town of Helton Kills office Trafalgar Road commencing at 7 30 p on the Credit Valley Conservation Authority and Fill Line Mapping Interested citizens are invited to attend Richardson Clerk Administrate Town of HaHon Hill 36 Main South Hills Qeorsetown Ontario L704X1 Complete furniture Let us repair and restore your antiques or collect In the finish of your choice of experience me utfieUter you re looking to estimates Jim Murphy Unit rear Georgetown THE CORPORATION OFTHE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS ELECTION OFFICIALS Municipal School Board and Hydro Electric Commission Elections Elections to be hold on the following Advance poling bo he on Salu day Octobo 30th 1962 am to800pm November re squealed mat oil Brest ins ai En 1982 K R cha Town Hilt Man St South Helton la What does community development mean Last year it meant building a new wharf for Point au Gaul Newfoundland Renovating an education centre in High Level Alberta And improving a salmon fishery in the Skeena region of British Columbia This year it means jobs for over Canadians The federal government Canada Community Development Projects will provide million to hire local workers for projects thai improve the communities in which they live Young people men and women and disabled Canadians will be building their work skills and experience while building their communities If you have an idea that will enhance the economic or social life of your community and employ three or more local people full time visit your local Canada Employment Centre Applications and program information are available for sponsor organizations local corporations and cooperatives who ve got the expenence to organize and coordinate communilybased employment programs like CCDP Job creation a vital component of the federal governments six and five economic recovery plan Tell us what you think development can mean your community and all the people who live and work there Ap must be received by September Employment and Immigration Canada EmpWet Immigration Canada CLEANING 8774087 SAME DAY DRY SERVICE MONDAY TO HALTON HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE SPECIALISTS Main St N Acton ACTON CHURCHES ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH PattcxJeanSM Sun Sept CHURCHILL COMMUNITY M Jonk 416I Sun Sopt Mo Worth PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX CHURCH ACTON GealdRennu A Hanson A Sun Sept SALVATION ARMY Gospel Sc eve i Sunday it a THE CHURCH OF ST THE MARTYR lowSl AloontD HARVEST FESTIVAL MISSION S SUNDAY Sun Sept 1982 9 Holy si Mom owed by Pot Luc enough lot you own la 30 a Cl Set TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Sun Stpl 26 a m Mo Woithp Sunday School Bully Fol GEORGETOWN CHURCHES CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 7thLne SERVICES and 30 Rev J Da Jong Pastoral Ah slant Mr L Baiter lion every Sunday to THE BACK TO GOD HOUR 30 am Ham Iton CHAM a GLOBAL TV CH IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Road at Co St Rov J M Sunday School9 n BALUNAFAD UNITED CHURCH niter Rov Or T G Bandy B A TH Mo ng Worth 11 A Worth A Con tun KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cornet Geo 10a Sunday School 11am Morning iy Fac lies PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Cornet of no and No Bartow 121 it ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 11 Speaker The Rev f Not man Young Luncheon follow the to Everyone it welcome ST GEORGE S ANGLICAN CHURCH Recto Rev Jim Boyle Sunday Met HARVEST THANKSGIVING lam Holy Eucnantt IMowJ m Eud Book and ST JOHN S UNITED CHURCH OF GEORGETOWN AND GLEN WILLIAMS Rev 9 Nu to I IK MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Ma Avon EVERY SUNDAY am Fan Sclool Horn m Btbl Wo f Boys IsCluun I no Che ts MONTHLY lows Mm am WELCOMED MOUNTAIN VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH lOZMountonviewRd Rev DoanTato SundaySchool945a Mo Wodhtp and B bio Wodneday ALL ARE WELCOME ST ANDREW S UNITED CHURCH Mo Wo Sunday Set ng a Today THE GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH Mam St Georgetown Peter A Dtv Morning

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