Ballinafad UCW celebrate 20th anniversary ajlHaifradfatJd September meet fog of the United Church Women celebrated the twentieth anniversary of United Church Women Previously there were two groups of women one group was the Women Miss ionary Society and the other was the Women Association working for the United Church In 1M3 they were united into one group and have been known since then The September meet of Ballinafad UCW was held on Tuesday September In the basement of the church It began with a buffet upper Members of St Andrews George town as well as past presidents had been Invited During the meal Rev Thomas Bandy conducted an agape service Inter spersing the courses with scripture prayers communion and hymn singing Each past president lit a candle and placed it on a beautifully decorated anniversary cake commemorating her term of service The first president WUla Shortill and the acting president Joyce Clarke cut the cake Grace con ducted the worship period basins her thoughts on the last chapter of the book of Solomon and the vir tues of a woman and Peel president Mrs Ann Greene gave a message entitled The Time Is Now composed and read a poem Twenty Years for Our UCW remind ing the members of events winch had trans pired during the past twenty years Excerpts from some of the minutes of the meetings held in the first year ISC were read and brought back memories of some of the prices of the activities current at that time Rev Bandy brought a very pleasant evening to a close with a benedic tion One of the happiest evenings ever was spent In the Community Centre on Friday night The congregations of St Andrews Church Georgetown and United Church with their families and friends gathered together In the hall for a corn roast and dance Despite the rain Paul Schwarx with his helpers managed to keep a good fire turning outside to keep the huge pot of corn boiling In the kitchen there was an ample supply of weiners and rolls coffee and orange drink for the kiddies To top off the meal there were cookies and cakes for those with a sweet tooth Talent from Georgetown and Ballinafad made up the five piece orchestra Jesse McEnery called off for square dancing Rev Bandy spoke briefly and welcomed til He said although this was the first of such a gathering be hoped It could be made an an nual event We were sorry to bear his wife could not be present as she was ill at home with the flu Among those present were Walter Behle and his wife Mr Behle took charge of the Ballinafad and Georgetown churches this summer while Rev Bandy was on vacation It was good to see many young people out as well as the children with their parents Those respon sible for the exceUent were Charlie Crimes who played bass violin Terry Champ pianist and Ron on the drums all three from Georgetown Ernie and Eileen from Ernie on violin and Eileen at the piano About midnight the party ended and an enjoyable time was had by all Wl Ballinafad 4H members named bursary winners by Doris Lindsay The Woman Institute Bursary award was won by Catherine daughter of Mr and Mrs N Loyinski RR Georgetown To be eligible for this award applicants must be graduating this year or last from Grade or 13 with at least per cent continuing their education this year having completed six agriculture or six Homemaking units be a resident of Halton or member In or their mothers must be an active Halton Women Institute member Kathy had si per cent average In eight sub jects at Erin High School completed 13 homemaking clubs in was a candy striper at the George town Hospital Is enrol led at the University of Western Ontario in gen eral science with hones of specialising in phy steal therapy next year daughter of Mr and Mrs Joe Erin was the winner of the Ethel Chapman Schol award an nounced by the Women Institute bur committee Applicants must be a graduate of or 13 this or last year completed six or more 4H club units or a past member who has completed units and Is furthering his her education this year and be a resident of or a club member in Halton has com pleted units as a member of the Ballinafad club and is furthering her ed ucation at the of Guelph major Ing in Human Nutrition Board appoints Halton Board of Education Thursday evening approved the appointments of Miss Lia to Acton High School and Mrs Ann Marie to Georgetown High School effective Sep tember The board also ap proved the appointment of Mrs Joan Cooper Speyslde as Acton Prl mary Junior Special Education Consultant Household Hints To dean under your telephone dial use cotton swab dipped in Remove from by unking cold water then with warm audsand Oil acrytc or latex pa can be rubbed hand and I la wiih baby oil you the sum between al law paper and To remove dampnes and odor base ment place small cup of ng oda a up once a week and replace every Weekday 96 Saturday FREEZER FRENZY Acton Wednesday Sept SAUSAGE 2SS PIZZA SHELLS FRESH OYSTERS 9 SERVICES AVAILABLE ON OUR PREMISES photo LET US LOOK IT OVER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM OUR 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