Region preparing financial rescue to keep Social Services Centre open Details been down vet bmHalton necessary move from the building to the former of time before it receives its Details been nailed down yet but Haltoo Region win came up with a financial rescue plan for the A So Services and Information Ceo- The consensus of councillors on the Social Ser vice Committee is that we find the money in someway shape or form The Centre will remain open Councillor Dave Whiting announced tins week If the Centre receive an infusion of cash it will have to dot for three or four months start in midJanuary at the latest After making its I building en Mill East near the tracks in May the Centre has discovered it has increased operating costs As well renovation costs cut Into the operating budget While the move has proved most beneficial business at the Centre baa In creased substantially since the move the Centre needs in additional funds There wasn a quorum at last week Social Services Committee meeting so no recommendations were passed But Whiting said the consensus was the region won t allow the Centre lo be dosed for any period Allcandidates meeting Oct 20 The Acton Chamber of Commerce hold ao SBcandidates meeting fro the November municipal election on October at Acton High School from candidates running in ward one Acton will be invited to attend So for there are races for school board trustee incumbent Arlene Bruce against Bert Hinton incumbent Ron Knecbtei Esther Taylor Brace to be elected hydro commissioner incumbent WOf against Doug Masco and Regional Councillor incumbent Dave Whiting against Ed Wood So far Mayor Peter Pomeroy is Cable Television will broadcast a tape of the meeting later and there will be press coverage of what the candidates say Former Acton Reeve and well known local citizen Ted Tyler will be the moderator Anyone wishing to participate should contact Corey 100 Frederick St Acton CO- between and JO or Janet Coy at in the evenings the program may be arranged of tune before It receive its operating He reiterated previous assurances that regional councillors know value of the Acton Social Ser vices and Information Centre that It very cost efficient and the region would spend much more if it had to provide the services which are handled through the Centre on its staff and region staff will be getting to gether to work out the financial rescue plan Whit ing said He noted region believes the way to go is paying the Centre directly for the time and space it uses the Centre for services like welfare health unit etc This plan said would tow the region to put money into the Centre on a regular basis and would also mean the region would receive per cent of the money paid to the Centre from the province The province doesn t kick in for grants just for purchases of service This solution also solves the problem of giving the Centre a grant and other groups in Hal ton then also seeking additional grants Staff Is already preparing a report calling for a six per cent grant increase limit for next year Whiting says be be urging a five per cent grant hike celling A grant for the Centre next year cover its increased operating costs buta purchase of service arrangement would J The catling for the new Krneger Eric Katie Karen offices of he Acton Social Services and Inform Spears and Pat Little Id May the offices moved to Centre took place last Wednesday afternoon the former Gab location from the with various representatives attending Lett to Memorial Building DropIn In rile has increa right Sally Smith HaltoaHUb greatly sine he move according to Peggie Councillors Ross Knecbtei and Dave Whiting BalUnd Mayor Pete Pomeroy Peggie Rod A Community Newspaper One Hundred and Eighth Year Issue I 3 Acton Ontario Wednesday October 1982 38 PagesThirty Cents The Ue Hide Hmk Artisan Market was officially opened tail Wednesday Mayor Peter Pomeroy John Assbtant Deputy afternoon and was the finale for a big media tour of the North Halloo Heritage of Councillor Dave Whiting Freed of the Hide Area were on hand for the ribbon cutting ceremony Left to right House Councillor Ross Knecbtei Don DawUns of the Hide House and are Steve DawUns of the Hide House Jo of he North Haltoo Tourism North Haton Tourism Assoc gets Haton Hills grant The newly formed North Hilton Tourism Association has received a grant of from IheTownot Hills Steve president of the Association and Jo Lister executive director attended Coun cil Monday evening to explain their organisation and ask for the one limeanly gran Mayor Peler revealed there was 750 left in the Business Development Fund and encouraged it be given to the Association He stressed the eventual monetary gain to the municipality The mayor said be recognizes tourism a big industry and wants the town to take advantage of the potential of living within easy driving distance of several million people pointed out he town spent in advertising and promotion with the region for other industries and businesses Answering question from Councillor Run admitted he did not know how much of a grant they needed taking into con It is now in the middle of municipality fiscal year He did however point out if Milton matched Halloo Hills and the region gave some money all would help The people in North have been ery responsive to the Association according to Mrs Lister She emphasised a lot of businesses are oneperson operation and the membership fee of JIM is a lot of money cannot make snap decisions on Joining For this reason she is convinced the membership will increase from Its in the two months since formation It is hoped another guide next year will be more extensive than the one which was distributed homes from as far away as and Brampton today Wednesday It b hoped national advertising can be acquired to help foot a projected Only Councillor Mike Armstrong was against the grant He objected to taxpayers money help ing private enterprise lb b unfortunate Councillor Armstrong b not willing to put taxpayers money into private enterprise Councillor Dave Whiting stated because private enterprise puis a lot of money into our municipal coffers Whiting contended the association would put a lot of money back into the town We can only benefit from it In presentation to Council out lined the Association purpose of attracting the tourist dollars to North Halloa and Eden Mllb By having a united front the businesses can work together to serve the tour in Acton Georgetown Milton CampbellvUIe Glen Williams Lime- bouse Rockwood and Eden Mills belong to the organization which is growing rapidly pointed out in the first three months of existence the Association has acquired the members put out a North Halton guide and held a media tour of all the members facilities A promotions expert Mrs Lbter has been hired Right now have a deficit of which the grant will help offset Huge tracts of land may be frozen for quarries by Gord Murray Huge tracts of land on the east west and south aides of Acton could be protected or frozen from development for years to come until such time as crushed stone is mined and the resource totally depicted In interviews this week Councillors Pam Sheldon Miller Dave Whiting and Ross grave concerns about Regions mineral resource polices as reflected in the Proposed Amendment Number to the Region Official Plan This proposed amendment will be the subject of a public meeting tomorrow Thursday night at the municipal building on Trafalgar Rd and coun are hoping for a big turnout of people ex pressing concern about this situation Councillors are painting a grim picture of many more quarries haul routes all over the place escalating road maintenance costs from the pounding roads will lake from gravel trucks increased iioiseand blasting and dust problems It a very complex issue and nothing has been settled yet but councillors fear it will be finalized at levels above Hills and the Town won t be able to prevent the rural area including parts close to the urban areas becoming he mines for Metro Toronto in the years ahead In addition they say property rights will be taken away from many many residents Sheldon said throughout council s discussions about the new proposed Hills Official Plan her biggest concern has been bow the aggregate issue will be resolved How we handle this In the Official Plan to critical She says the philosophy of the Ministry of Natural Resources Is Inequitable and biased In favor of the aggregate industries because they have such an effective lobby Now their desires to freeze a lot of land for future stone extraction in Hills coming down from province to Hal ton through the region The provincial government was to adopt an aggregate policy back during the Tory minority government but there were 127 amendments made by MPPs and the bill was never passed Now there a majority government but no new bill has been Introduced When It does come Saga continues on CN repairs ItbhopedtheCNtrackscrossingonMlllSt can bo repaired and asphalted before winter town engineer Bob Austin told Hills council Monday evening In response to a question from councillor Dave WhlUng Austin pointed out the town first on the Lit to be done as soon as CN can get the proper equipment Austin noted the saga continuing problem which was first brought up last March Whiting noted he has heard complaints of people losing their mufflers on the rough tracks Sheldon says she sure ihe Minister of Natural Resources will have tremendous discretionary powers to grant mining licences in Hills With provincial policy leaning towards the aggregate Industry through a point policy which was never passed by cabinet and the Hills Official Plan having to conform the region the right and ability to plan is being taken away from us Earlier this year he Ministry or Natural Resources district office in Cambridge came out with a land use strategy showing large amounts land In Hills designated for mineral exlrac The province Sheldon said to Continued on page 1 3000 so far 8 000 fpr oooo Terry 000 inside this week JaUaa Reed Jack RafUs and Acton taint when ft comes Peter comment on raking money for cancer resear provincial restraint program eh More en page a Turn to Newsmaker The BIA and are fire prevention week See Market and page 111 Story and phase on WaUorf Schwab are alter- native schools See story Farm vacations are goat my TaratopagtlS See hi todays pater won a pah- on weekend Story and photos on page it Dwag Wood Dong Mason Ten am Peter are office More en page 2 EOS The few hearing Is stfll op fas So for hat come in from pledge in lait month s Terry Fox Run The deadline for the money October 11 bat will bend the rales and accept after that Pledge money can be handed any Acton bank Halloween now Saturday Oct 30 Tbe goblins and shellouters will be out Saturday night after all Halton council decided tbey would supp ort a move to have Halloween celebrated Saturday October 30 instead of Sunday October 31 Tbe traditional October date also the Sunday when Ontario reverts to standard me making darkness descend an hour earlier The mayor pointed out there to no legal authority over Halloween butcouncllcanonly make it known they endorse the move to Saturday If kids want to go door lodoor on Sunday there nothing we can do about i t Councillor Mike Armstrong pointed out Metro Toronto has made same decision Councillor Marilyn Serjeantson said she had received several asking for tbe Saturday dale and In a random minisurvey she con ducted found Saturday preferred date Both Mayor Pete Pomeroy and Councillor said too bad asking for the Saturday date