GoorguwtfAcuriWoiinoidOtti3i9S2 Get Well Box for sick kids What yen do If a nothing to better Ibey come into Joy do In bad the library to pick up who nu InitUtar of the to There are two boxes the librarian have Me Older people Library for kid from roar to ill some boohs picked out bare library an wheals ha toads and from seven to so why not of hi Get Each Just to lor IBM your crafts and two weeks the get Joy read about lbs for boxes bare already idea in an American Free of the be as group been a boost to when was Get Box fj Parents must parents One woman called a get bag crammed of the box either In In Acton said she was But Joy said people creative ideas to- Georgetown or Acton and vase were enthusiastic and a foOy bound sad ceo ken it until godsend said George- the bag grew to be a manual What to do reeling town children box Regions executive structure just fine exec- department too Joan little committee members to fine Us Jus plain Eventually the mem be reappointed to the Just as Is ceaadOors to route the entire com- decided to amend same groups to provide decided after a two sod membership Mr Berlins proposal continuity among the a halt how debate last to allow some committees week In a ft 12 Main St Acton THE PLACE TO SAVE he Duuls Per I only I to the agenda format current used by the R recepUon from council lors such as a proposal to continue changing committee appoint ments year concerned about moving con stantly from committee to committee but its also wrong for a to stake out a data In one particular According to recommendation added Regional chair man Jack Rains we should move Just or the sake of moving and we should be very cautious of that Under the current st Heltons com mittee are changed at the every year a system that some councillors feel dent eve them a chance to warn the tot and outs of YOU CAN WIN this 5plece sliver teacoffee service a symbol of our first 25 years OR a 5 oz silver ingot In HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNIONS 25TH ANNIVERSARY DRAW One free ticket to each member making a transaction at any of our five branches during October COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD Ontario Shw and Insurance since THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF HALTON HILLS NOTICE OF SALE BY TENDER Sailed wider clearly merited Tender or Pert Lota and a Plan known muniopafh church Street Wd the dty of October tor the purer of the pro- perty Zoned General Commaroal Each tender at tad deposit nicest by Council at the meeting November lit or m close thereto a possible The successful bidder thai to complete for Offer to within of being ad- of award Such offer agree to a date not more then days after recssn of forma Off to Purchase If formal Offer to Purchase on the same term and condition in not rrada within the day period the bidders deport ahal be forfeited and the aha have the to make another award AN other deposit shut be returned after Officer to Purchase Last date for receipt of tenders be noon focal tJme Wednesday October Tenders be opened at that time In the Cornmitlee Room MuriidpolAdmlrtlstTalionButldng located on Trafalgar Road any tender wit i The highest accepted riecessanly be Patterson Purchasing Agent Town of Hits 36 Main Street South HILLS Georgetown Ontario L7G4X1 GEORGETOWN SERVICE Visit Ovr Showroom types omwttxooona LEADED GLASS DOOftB OUHNO DOORS DOORS POORS NOW IS THE TIME To Install Enemy Saving our replacement window display types In aluminum BaTTKHUSHOKOBIIUWl STORMSCREEN COMBINATION SAVE ON STORM DOORS CURRENT STOCK ONLY ALUM I WOOD I ALUM Miranda I I OFF I 00D PATIO DOORS T LIST SHERIDAN COLLEGE There Is a limited number vacancies In the machine shop program at our Campus This program Is designed to prepare the student for entry Into industry as a machinist apprentice machinist or as a machine operator Grade 10 or equivalent Duration 40 weeks Applicants may be eligible for Manpower sponsorship For contact your toes Canada EmptavBnwt Contra or Colt Congo THE PLACE TO SAVE Sheridan College Apprenticeship retraining and trade divisions openings are available at the Brampton Campus In the following daytime programs Clerk Typist typing English record keeping Bookkeeper Typist bookkeeping typing English Accountancy Assistant bookkeeping accounting typing English To anroll or or further Information THE RETBAINittB OFFICE Brampton Campus NOBODY UNDERSELLS STUAKrelvWIMDY