Acton Wednesday Oct 20 B3 On the Some people win Hoop lo anything to hurt other people A friend of mine spent many marry bom Raggedy Ann dolls to be told at a very dim margin senior the work put to the dotla be appreciated twice as much This lady who haa brought Joy to many in town took her dous over to how the quilting ladles at Trinity Untied Church last week However she forgot to take them home but thinking they would be safe in the church she did not worry too much The next day she re- turned to retrieve her prized possesions only lo rind them missing A thorough search of the area turned up one of the dolls crammed Into a closest and the other in the freezer compart of the refridgerator Both had had the clothes removed My friend is very upset about this incident Not only was all her work and money for noth ing but the very thought that someone would steal something especially In a church is dis gusting Hazel and Lino Mario and Betty Oakes travelled to Milwaukee Wisconsin this month for the wedding of their grandson Ted and TUh Rydtz October 9 Ted is the son of Peg Flanders and the late Paul Law son About 150 people attended the ceremony and champagne brunch After a two week honeymoon in Tahiti the will be making their home In Milwaukee The Acton Arts and Crafts group Is holding l heir 13th annual exhibition and sale Saturday Albans Parish Hall Work by Jean Florence Del Hows Irene Holmes Judi Shannon Christine Fray and Laura will be 1 recently picked up a handy brochure about the upcoming municipal election The cover stated You decide Your vote works for you every day I felt ihe brochure put out by the provincial government tells it all Whether anyone believes It or not politics at any level Is serious business and not to be taken lightly I cringe when hear people saying they are going to vote for him because he goes to their or his signs were up first or she has nice clothes yes people really say that Even voting for someone merely because they are friends is what I consider irrespon sible rking on a newspaper I have gotten to know almost all of the candidates many of whom I consider friends And all know they do not automatically have my vote they must earn it In some cases I have friends running against friends It s a tough decision but I consider each individual and vote for when I believe will do a belter job with my rrmoey I only hope other people are as responsible as 1 am Some students parent volunteers and staff members from school lly attended The Magic Flute performance at Keefe Centre grade and students enjoyed dinner The Organ Grinder before going to the This was the third time students have gone to the opera and was the biggest turnout so or Because of the success ft he evening therewllldefinetlybennother Tie League groups in North are now offering a series of meetings for couples who are interested In Information about breastfeeding and in meeting Infor mally with others with young families As well La Lechc League continues to offer a series meetings for women For further information on either series call or An Acton woman represented Avon at a three day convention in Montreal recently Ma gal Vasquez one of 522 top sales achievers from across Canada at the three day event Magaly who won Avon Let Yourself Go To Montreal sales competition attended dinners special tours received special gifts and was during a spectacular victory banquet hosted by the president of Avon Avon products are sold by approximately million representatives In 32 countries In the Free Press editor Cord Murray noticed a name on a press rdetae which came into the office this week and when be phoned for further infer Port Hope where grew up Turns out be had and be remembered Gord from his high school days The ironic part of the entire episode was that Just a few weeks before that same man had seen other former students and they were asking about Because had moved away from Port Hope years ago no one knew what had become of him Now the former teacher can spread the word whether it be good news or otherwise DooVfles Restaurant Rockwood was wel comed Into the Halton Hills Arts Council via the councils Calendar of the Arts booklet The booklet says Visit this charming old homestead renovated In 1979 and enjoy the friendly atmosphere and delicious cuisine Also mentioned in the booklet is the Artisan Village at the Hide House was a local name on the program for the annual Women Institute tlon Guelph area this week at the Arthur Community Centre Speaking this Friday morning is Mrs W Bit giving her reports of Family and Consumer Affairs Acton High School students are taking part in on Arts Day at the University of Water loo today Wednesday The students are attending a variety of lectures and seminars and participating In class discussions Thepurpose of the arts day is to give senior high school students an Introduction to university education Eden Mills General Store was one of seven such establishments featured in a newsletter Your Valley published by the Grand River Conservation Authority It was pointed out In the newsletter that the store is one of the few made of stone in the Grand River Valley Four acclaimed for res claimed for the Ward dents won have to do one and three seat on much voting on Halton Separate School Board Murray Inglla Former councillor was unopposed in his Gus Goutouski is bid Tor the ward three challenging incumbent Mat on Milton Hydro mayor Gordon KranU Electric Commission Bill Johnson was acc laimed as regional Incumbent area councillor for warm one Don McMillan and and three combined as Jim Watson are being was Board of challenged in ward Education trustee Ivan three by Roy Galloway Armstrong Neville and Bryan Johnston was Two will be elected OIL to CAS GAS FURNACE CLEANING HUMIDIFIERS INSTALLED LOrtDAN HEATING LTD call 4518060 8786264 Swales Ave MiKon WtofHwv25 ENTERTAINMENT OCT0ER21tTO23rd DUKE THE DESOTOS TUESDAY Ladies Night WEDNESDAY NIGHT Amateur Night THURSDAY NIGHT Wet T Shirt till 1 Wednesday to Saturday SATURDAY SOS Night Best dressed greasers wins prizes IS me AT THE No I IN NONSTOP ENTERTAINMENT Full Table Service Ladies Fair Board meets The October meeting of the Ladies Fair Board was held at the home of Mrs Rena Morrison As part of the roll call everyone gave their opinion of this year fair Everyone present agreed that It was the best fair ever All the committee con venors reported an excellent showing with many new exhibitors year The District Annual meeting for 1982 will be held In November There will be a bus to transport people who wish to attend so the board would like as many people as possible to go Lottery tickets stolen R M on Main Street in Rock wood was broken Into on Sunday October reported the break in was during the night through the front door in lot tery tickets was stolen Royal Lagan Branch REMEMBRANCE WREATHS Ordar your ftamembronca Wreath right away Thaaa beautiful wreaths tt available for 41800 Anyone can call attar 10 a 8772645 or 8774413 ERNIE PBSEY POPPY CHAIRMAN Home I Hardware IT si Home Fix A PRINT PUBLISHING y BUSINESS SLOW NOW S THE T1METO ADVERTISE WERE FLYER SPECIALISTS Discount Prices Tool CaHmtodayn 8775829 Ramombor tha Mora that you 103 Main St Downtown Georgetown BatmTvhefiMiwnforayiRstaontTr Ebenezer by Mrs McLean Ebeneier United Church Women held their October meeting at the home of the president Sadie Moore Plans were discussed for the to be held Milton Mall October Lois Beeton was the evening convener Audrey Hitching helped the hostess serve lunch Laura Wiese was courtesy convener Hilary Abigail baby daughter of Gail and Larry MacDonald was baptized recently The Masons of Campbell Lodge held their church parade to Sunday night Ross Lodge Master and Neil McPhail Lodge Chaplain assisted in the service The speaker was Rev Bob Hyde of Eramosa Next Sunday October services are cancelled in favor of the Arkell anniversary at which Rev John Allsop of Is the special speaker Maria is lo be the sciolist The Wards and the Diamonds returned recently from an enjoy able overseas trip CANADIAN ODEON THEATRES A GEORGETOWN 3 CROSSWORD CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS t Ottered Doubt 12 A Smooth IS Baal 17 Hard IB insl Han GodOaiso 32 Apart Co Lai 35 Mar Ola 30 Altisnaianloi Si Sata tat Reg St Event AS Essence DOWN Cull Rob Passage Ana Stor 0 Org Cuckoo Rubious 17 Bulla C AppfDifl 23 Cam l Check Raproducl or SkiD Calculator Slice 34 Adoras Venation 42 43 Cosmic i NAME ADDRESS PHONE a Oraah SO Cernaga 52 Aorta From BounOer 55 Paul Baioofibaikal Can Si Togini Each week the first 3 correct answers drawn from aO entries will win double guest passes to the show Mail entries in to WIN TICKETS TO GEORGETOWN CINEMA 3 TMOfOnQCTOWTN THKACIOW Air Deflectors 10 to 14 or floor and h gh or low air 5538 304 Micro Ouster Furnace Iters Clogged I Hers can in crease your heal it by as much as PLUS MANY MORE SPECIALS 134 Guelph St Georgetown