GcotQCtownlAaon Wednesday Oct GEORGETOWN ACTON CONVENIENT NEW SERVICEYou may now charge your Advertisement to your Ctergex Account Ask us for detail ChadtVourMM For Accuracy OnThaFkrst pendent and the Acton Free t not rMpontM the cost of mora then on incorrect haft Ion Any errors In the Classified Sections of CtoMt- d Deportment etter first Insertion Ad- degree reduced value of ad or 8632010 MondtrrtoFrictoy It delighted With new She arrived on October 9 weighing 7 lb on Proud parent are Lou Colleen Many thanks to Or Irani and OB Staff for everything Gary and Cindy are pleated to announce the arrival of their first child Brandon John October at 10 a Georgetown Memorial weighing Ibt on Proud grandparent are Mr ana Mrs and Mr and Mn Max Stafford and proud great grand are Mr and Tony and Mr and Edward Stafford Special thank to Or Thompson and nursing the hospital I and pralie the Lord for the birth of their daughter Jen nirer Ibt on October A little tiller lor Jamie Christopher and Mark Thankt to Or and all the nurses on the OB ward and Brian Judy Robinson announce with joy the tale arrival of their grandchild Timothy Richard born at October 13 weighing 7 Ibt oft proud are and Rick Llsiak St MILLER and are happy to announce the safe arrival of Utter and Ice Lorraine bom on and Jo are pleated to announce the birth of their daughter Maria bom October IK lib Proud grand are Barb and Ken and Manuel and Maria and are pleated to announce the arrival daughter Lindsay Michelle on October iff weighing lb it Thanki to ma at Georgetown Memorial WALKER Paul and Br end neeMcClure are pleated to an Ihe birth their daughter Julie Ann 16 on October 7 grandparent are Ken Dorothy Acton Mr viola Walker Owen Sound and great grandmother Mr Margaret McClure WARWICK and violet are pleated to announce birth their daughter Michelle Courtney a Ibt on on Sep tember IS Iff at Peel Memorial a new titter for Davd Proud grandparents are Lit and Bob Barnes and Ray and Valerie Warwick all or Georgetown MR AND MRS James Georgetown would like to announce trie engagement their daughter Llnoa Marlon to Mr David Scott Harris ton of Mr Robert and Patricia tort both of Erin the engagement of their youngest daughter Judy Lynn to Mark Cunningham ton of Mr and Roe Cunningham of Nerval Ontario MURRAY SPEAK Joan Rotiei It to announce the for th coming marriage of her only daughter Rhonda Speaker to Gordon Murray ton of Mr and Mrt Kenneth Murray Marriage wi take place on November 13 iff at In Trinity United Church Acton Ontario TED Lawton ton of Peg Flanders and the late Paul Lawton and Rydi were united In marriage on October at Our Saviour Lutheran Church Milwaukee Proud grandparent are Ha and Lino Mario and Batty Oaket LEE ddenly on Friday October at Georgetown and Memorial Ken Lee Nerval Husband Fee Ming loved father Jean Robert and John Grandfather of Elizabeth Railed at Jonet Funeral Home Edith Street Georgetown Funeral held Monday October IS from Nerval Presbyterian Church interment Mt Pleaient Cemetery Toronto in memory contribution to a charity of your choice would be appreciated WE WOULD like to Barb 8 Irene and all the frlendi and neighbors of Elgin SI for the lovely gift and good on our leaving Georgetown and to Norma and my frlendi from Varlan Jean and Tommy Graham NELSON Patricia suddenly on Tuesday October mi at the General Hoipltal Patricia O Donovan beloved wife of John Nelson dear mother Virginia Ferguson Julia and Allan No I son Retted at the Jonet Funeral Home until noon Friday Funeral service held Friday a Iter noon a I clock at St Alban Anglican Church Cemetery CtrdiDlTiunkt 1 SINCERELY want to thank my relative and for their cards v It I It lloweri and the thoughtful did while I patient In Georgetown Hospital and since returning home cannot what really to me Your win always be ap preciated Special to Ihe nurses itaff Ford and Mcintosh Marlon Cunningham THE FAMILY of would like to thank relatives and Ighbours lor all I heir I during the Ion of a dear father A special thank you to member of the Credit Lodge their lovely the staff Funeral Home Rev Peter Barrow the ladles who provided the lunch alto the Georgetown Volunteer Ambulance driven staff of the Georgetown your help wet greatly appreciated Sincerely Jessie Norman Barb Dob Betty and grand Children WOULD like to thank the neighbours and relatives of late Cecil their kindness at Alto special to and Legion members who visited him while in hospital Thank you to th doctor and mine In cared for MILTON MONUMENTAL LETTERING PINE STREET L9T1L4 MARKERS PLAGUES JIM CHALMERS Caret at THE girls would Ilk to Opportunity to thank two very special people In our lives Harold and have not only been loving neigh but have alto been our clot friend throughout yean We especial ap preciate their kind support toward our mother during difficult time during our lather Their kindness wilt always be rem em bered and E WOULD like to express our tincere thanki to relatives neigh and friends for their gift of flowers Mast card donations and kindnesses during the lots our dear daughter and liter Marianne Alto special to the Catholic Women League and the Shoemaker Funeral Home Your though tfu In will be long remembered Don family I In Mtmonims MEET THE SABRES dance Acton Band Kail Sat Nov S3 lunch admits ion per person ticket available from any player or executive member or at Sports Store Acton ACTON Brownies rummage and bake tale Sat Oct 1 pm at the Scout Hall on School Lane Games draw and lunch served ALLEN in loving memory of our dear parents Mamie who patted away Oct 12 and Wei who patted away July 30 1945 Silent and tender Just to show we Hill remember Lovingly remembered by the family and grandchildren BUS trip to area Saturday October Leave St Alban Glen Williams am Return at 5 But Call or EMMERSONln loving memory of a dear huiband father and grandad who petted away October 1969 whom we loved go out of tight but never out of mind They are cherished In the heart of those they leave behind Ever remembered by wife Lena and COUNTRY Bazaar at United Church Saturday October from 1 Crafts baking Queen site quilt FLEA Market Saturday October noon St Paul Anglican Church Town Line loving memory of a deer husband and father Peter Dale who left October 15 t 8 yean ago you left and month brings sad regrets We remember the day lost you And the day God mode you til the end of But with all our tean and heartaches This on thing hat us glad That you chose us to wonderful yean we had So cherish him dear Lord In your won garden of rest Because on earth he one of the best Till we meet again Sadly ml tied end always loved by wife Violet and children HILTS in loving memory of my dear aunt Beatrice Hilts who away October my heart a memory kept For an Aunt I loved and will never forget Sadly mitsed and always remembered her niece Muriel lilts OATES Colleen On October It one year since colleen taken sway from Why or for what reason do not What ask is mat people remember what happened to her or not lust that gone but the love affection and caring she showed everyone She touched many a heart with her caring and unselfish way the was to people So matter what happens lives In the remember the good times and happy timet all devotion and every loving thing did for us Sadly lstd and remembered always by husband Kevin en Wren Amy and VAN NORMAN- In loving memory of my husband Earl Von Norman who passed away October IS God knows how much miss htm Never shall his Loving nought shall CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOVEMBER 12 13 14 IN ROCHESTER Tour day Accommodation Hobday Inn Downtown Baggage handling escorted JHau PARTNERS Are you a single parent wishing to meet other Without Pan 8778361 FOR tasty treats loin us at Trinity United Church Acton on Nov from Gingerbread Featuring baking autographed Glnge r bread people Mini Gingerbread houses unique cralti Christmas knitting sewing kids ony fish pond plants white leonants Join us in he Tea Room for delicious tea and an opportunity to win a Gingerbread House See you on Nov 13 Centennial Manor holding Its pint Annual Staff Appreciation Reunion Night Friday October at a In the Auditorium All for staff members are Invited to attend KNOX Presbyterian Church Acton is holding a be war and craft sale Saturday October a m 300 p m soup and sandwiches s SO LA LECHE League offers Information to women Interested In feeding Meeting Wednesday October p m For In lor mat Ion or MARRIAGE ENR ICHMENT Exce marriage film series conducted by Carl and Paul Faulkner throughout North America To be shown at Knox Presbyterian Church Main Street Georgetown Sunday evenings at m October Dec ember Film coffee d Items Ion No charge Everybody welcome Tel H Donkerat877 for further detain REBEKAH BAZA Home made baking Country Store Penny Sale Sewing Table White Elephant Table Lunch served Chill Con Cerne bun and beverage Soup bun and beverage Si Bazaar to be held at Oddfellows Rebekaht Hail on Saturday October 30 commencing at SENIOR alliens Christmas Durham St will be held November from until Afternoon tea children SO cents Crafts white elephant table bake sale Everybody welcome ST JOSEPHS CWL annual tall rummage sale Friday October a p m John St Acton Featuring fall and winter clothing and small portable Hems Everyone Is welcome THE DAUGHTERS of St Georges Anglican Church monthly luncheon will be held Wednesday October Turkey salads dessert end beverage 84001130100pm at SI THE FAMILY of Mrs Mary Allen Invite you to an Open House In honour of her birthday on Sunday October between I and at Park St Glen Williams Best wishes THE Georgetown Catholic Women League will beholding their Christmas and dinner on Sunday November at Holy Cross Auditorium Dinner served S3 children For please call or 2483 HERBAL Medicine with Cheryl Lucas a discussion on the traditional met of herbs In health end medicine and an time tool Saturday October Acton Public Library noon Free programme ED THE OLD TIME GOSPEL BROADCAST CHWO Radio dial 1250 Monday evenings at a rr FLEA MARKET Every Sunday 10am Main Ontario Sit Milton For Information BE EH LARGE REWARD Orange tabby cat neutered male furry answers to name Rorey Has 6 toes on front paws or 416 or 416 GREY female cat lost In Acton ion week FOUND kitten male Windsor WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Cars Trucks or Old SOSttti HO HE Wirt Wl TURN YOUR UNWANTED ITEMS INTO CAH ANYTHING GOES A new consignment shop opening in Acton on November 2 Needs and adults clothing and toys in good onditton Drop off items at Mill St from noon daily or phone 8532953 or 853 2102 for CASH FOR GOLD An gold and silver rings chains models denial Damaged and broken oc copied Special prices lor Canadian and Amor silver coma any condition Also buying foreign silver coins Buying Monday Fri Eds In NOut 10 Main S Acton Ontario Exclusive Agent in Acton or Northland Gold Silver Inc HE ANTIQUE assorted tablet stove fridge two end chairs dress en pictures desk and chain kit Chen suite drapet air conditioners etc 7 antique brass double bed polishing Asking BEAUTIFUL Dell craft dining room suite like new appro I male value Organ like new value Pale green sheer curtains set double second set wide MOO or belt offer Gas dryer BOYS 3 piece grey reg In Sears now site and rocket tubet ill Wooden school desk Blue shag rug El For Sale LOOKING for records Any type of music WANTED to boy Ladles whit figure skates Corbetfe OakviUe SKI SWAP At Our Warehouse ONLY Starts Oct 611 Monday Friday 4 Io Saturday 10 to 5 No goods received before Oct 8451561 BE ALUMINUM door BELLY Done costumes wigs and hair pieces S3 Call877IM BILLIARD taMe 3x8 includes snooker and boston balls and cesser I year old WW or best otter BOW CAPTAINS used tires complete with mag hole wheels nearly new Com modore Pet complete with ad dltional full key board Stand etc 877 CREACER 3 wheels and new heavy duly low bar 1 Chev aluminum Intake 1 hardwood hood scoop Dodge post aluminum mags hydraulic way OTW DISHWASHER trie motor rims old windows skates skis and boots and a lew other Items 877 AMBASSADOR Queen site box spring and with frame end casters Excellent condition ENGINES Iran smisslons used and rebuilt fully guaranteed We also install Free tawing i other parts liable or REWOOD hardwood face cord We deliver Woodwork West of Acton on FIREWOOD teas 11 or tpllt hardwood Special price for a tractor trailer loadof cords hardwood llvered BergsmeS77 FIREWOOD seas beech Quantity guaranteed delivery FIREWOOD birch and map Spill and kindling BEDROOM Rosewood pieces includes round bed headboard night tables evenings Carefree Carpets Mountalnvlew M gs FAMILY ROOM CARPET Pour Colours To Choose From sq meter INSTALLED 8775004 ASK FOR PETE NORTON PENNIESWORTH Children s Consignment Shoppe 20 Snowsuits Winter Coats Sweaters Main St Georgetown 8771242 Presenting a Collection of Luxurious CHRISTMAS CARDS for for the Buyer PRICED FROM or 2S Cards ALSO Complete Selection of WED DING INVITATIONS and ACCESSORIES EXPERIENCED and Alterations SHADE TREES more IE varieties Alto green shrubs dutch end firewood Birchway Farm Nursery Garden Centre mile North of 7 on Trafal 8774915 ffluac FRESH TROUT Netted cleaned and packaged to 2Sprdotn Hickory Smoked 29 FREE DELIVERY HILLS TROUT FARMS LTD 3730 BE BE Christmas Crafts Supplies BOUQUET 100 SAYELLE ACRYLIC gram ball only I Bouquat Noel 100 Aery Be gram ball only I ft MAIN WIUIAM8 FIREWOOD Dry and Split Pickup or deliver Tultman Garden of Acton 8532480 PAINT tor Sole full gallon 83 pan gallon Interior paint only In various shades of Beige yellow Blue Green Pink and Brown Alto small tort of wallpaper mot per roll some per single roll 5744 UNIFORMS girl guide and brownies to buy and to sell Bring clean to Acton Scout Kail School Lane Acton Saturday October 111 am USED CARPETING lor sale assorted sixes end colours Saturday Wallace St Acton one street east tracks U VIKING range gold Both excellent working condition or j an Long rune spruce or hemlock logs to bo cut to your HOURS Fri SATURDAYS TAXES em p BUmail PAIR girl t Slit 13 IIP PM1LCO color TV years old or best 8533485 after ask for Wayne PIECE suite excellent 853 Call 8303 AGE SALE Set Oct 10 Or Georgetown ehold Items clothing GIANT Garage end Bake Sale Sat Oct 3 Del rex Georgetown A Novice Ice Rep Team CARPORTSALE RiJMMAGESALE Sat Oct 23 13 Irwin Cres Georgetown CRAFT SALE Sat Oct 23 Sun Oct 4 329WestcottRd Acton Knitting crochet GIANT GARAGE SALE Including turn I and lances Acton GARAGE SALE 33 Edward St Georgetown from Sat from 12 noon Sun from noon GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 23 8am 4pm 121 Lynden Circle Georgetown GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 23 102 INSIDE Out of tha weather Every weekend 9 am to 5 m Line- Lime house 1 mile S of Hwy 7 1 KM of Limehouse Electric fixtures tools hardware furniture toys sound equipment Miscellaneous and a brae Fri Oct 22 to Sat Oct 23 9am to noon Glen Williams United Church GARAGE SALE Saturday Oct 23rd 14 Heather Court Moore Park area Georgetown Bicycle froeiur dryer GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 23rd 99 Charles St Georgetown uiniluro GIANT SALE SAT OCT 930a Eden Mills Community Hall Eden Mills CHURCH BASEMENT SALE Sat Oct 30 to SI St Andrews United Church Mountain view I Sinclair Ave Household articles am clothing ran GARAGE SALE Poplar Ave Acton 9 12 noon GIANT Proceed to Major Atom Tier II A great everything you been for and tame stuff you haven I even SAT OCT 23 Marilyn Cres Georgetown tun 1pm GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 912 Airedale Crt GARAGE SALE Sat Oct 23 9 30am Trafalgar Fid between Maple Ave end Sidofld Watch lor Siijiu Maple cha end in 12 gunge shotgun GARAGE SALE OCT fr 94 Confederation St Glen Williams Something lor ovary on el Be bios Idran houseware Motor furniture and equip mom EARLY BIRDS ARE WELCOME GARAGE SALE Sat Oct Sam to GARAGE SALE Church St ACTON Starting at 9AM ACTON B SA8RES GARAGE fr BAKE SALE SAT OCT 10a 1pm Something for every GARAGE SALE 98 Moore Park Cres Georgetown Sort Oct 23 912