Another two days later wax decided to put him in the M After trail meat Scotts sora were dear and dry Agnes Evan one of the patient a daughters explained both par ents went to Chers in May IMO after leaving Acton Rest Home She visited them regularly She did not until her father was in the hospital During one of her visits to the home Mrs Evans said Mrs was tend tag to her fathers foot and asked him if he wanted to go to hospital He did not tier parents home had to be to pay their rest home care Mrs Evans said Another daughter Grace Adair said her father never com plained about bedsores Si noticed her father was failing but she felt it was old age Wllma SUenstra a registered nurse with the Regional Medical Office of Health said she was visiting Chers on another matter when as she arrived Scott slipped from his wheel chair onto the floor The sheepskin he was silting on had slipped and he went with it When she and others attempted to pick him up he cried out There should be changes in the laws governing rest homes Peter Cole Hnlton Medical Officer of Health stated His office is asked to go In and assess patients and facilities in the case of subsidized patients Because of his concerns over rest homes Dr Cole also feels private residents are his re sponsibility too Regular inspections of rest homes are not car out Nurses go In on request or if a new resident Is taken in wanted to know what would hap pen if Cole office feels a patient is not being cared for properly Cole said he had the power to hove the place closed down if certain changes were not mode However because of the stress involved in mov ing older people and the shortage of rest home beds this was not likely to be done Cole said he init ially went to Chers on June to in vestlgate a number of allegations none of which could be proven But during the in process found three other concerns the number of residents the level of care these people needed and the distribution and storage of medication When these concerns were brought to the Cherwon attention he re ceived considerable cooperation Cole said the pre sent laws arc limited in that they do not give specific qualification re quirements for staff He admitted he has all the powers he needs in rest homes Cole said Chers offers adequate custodial care of residents but inadequate medical and nursing care In the case of Dr Cole said he was concerned that on June 16 the doctor left certain orders yet nine days later it Scotts lion had gotten as far as being one of worse cases seen the doctor said Dr Cole said he felt too much reliance was placed on rest home staff to take note of residents conditions He suggested at least a nurse should make re gular visits to rest homes to assess the residents The person providing the care should be able to identify the level of care the resident needs wondered if rest home to send a resident to a hospital cauw they would not be receiving compensation or the vacant bed Prices effective thru Saturday October 23rd Beans I ianil kg PAIL US 131 EATING NUTS REDSKIN OR Peanuts 1 California Trail Mix l Party Time 179 Mix I Orange 1 Crystals l Red Glace ao Cherries RED GREEN Glace Cherries J Glace Mixed 133 Fruit 1 Glace Mixed 1tt9 Peel I Jumbo Jellies 99 99 Sunflower vuuncu Chocolate Chips cScoa I J Rait OgPKG Bran 59A59 InShell naa Peanuts 2 Seasoned Salt 59I Pepper MIX Paprika Seasoning