C4 Wednesday Oct First class staff Tfc Ha I too Centennial Manor earned pet la I recog nition or work recently when tbey received an award from Ontario Home or Aged Association for achievement In resident rooU and participation Diane Bowlen Martin Home adjuvant and Carol Petti House right display the plaque they accepted for op Reed wants conference on future of Ont parks future of Ontarios puts system to enure the puts continue to be source of enjoyment environ mental protection and productivity Reed is the Natural Resources Critic for the Liberal party In a release this week Reed declared The future of Ontarios parks is a matter of increasing concern to many people who believe that we have a trust and a responsibil ity to preserve and pro tect our unique and wonderful natural heri tage for future genera tions A conference aimed at bringing together people and groups who represent a wide diver gence of views and objectives will be a major step in ensuring that Ontarios parks continue to be a source of enjoyment environ mental protection and productivity have an present their views to him at public meetings in eight Ontario centres in November and December At a meeting in Toronto October organised by the Sierra Club of Ontario the Minister said he was fully committed to the preservation of existing parks and the creation of new ones Many at the meeting were critical of the public consultation Julian Reed and of Meanwhile Natural recommendations Resources Minister to drastically cut back Alan Pope has said the number of new Ontario residents with parks designated by the an intent In parks will year MOO Mileage hike Regional officials using their own cars on business will be paid more Council voted recently to increase the allowance it pays such employees to 23 cents per kilometer from 1ft cents According to information supplied by the Canadian Automobile Association the cost of owning operating a car has risen IB in the last year Out by Lars Fletcher has benefits as In the and areas as much as six inches of the product hampered not to mention the slow fishing due to cow rising rivers Most areas in the north are back to normal tola week with medium to slow fishing success Inland river areas to top fishing In Georgian Bay Trolling dose to the blue water line at Meaford and Owen Sound harbor la producing some of the best fishing of the year One of these successful fishermen Frank Borg of Acton is shown in the photo above with a limit catch of choice fresh run Steel Head Rainbow Trout In the two to eight pound range By the look of the smile on Mr face he is sure contemplating some wonderful eating The Acton crew has returned from their annual trip to Wawa and Lake Superior waters with reports of good Lake Trout fishing plus some medium success for the late run Rainbow Plenty of snow and rain plus cold weather makes for tough fishing in the area north of Lake Superior at this time of year although the quality of fish taken are tops in the fighting and culinary departments Members of this expedition included John Arnold John Goy Jr Keith Andrews Steve Goy John McNabb John Goy Sr Harry Otterbein Ron Heller Jeff Goy BUI Cook and George Arnold had the first catch at a m October 17 Andrews caught the most fish and Cook the largest at pounds A party of Doug Mason son Wayne Jim Bert Crole Jim Coleman Keith Cassey and John have returned from a suc cessful moose hunt to the Chapleau area bagging one prime bull moose The party was quite happy with their count of one moose giving each a good amount of choice meat We need more good sportsmen such as this party hunters who enjoy a weeks holiday and are satisfied with a reasonable return for their efforts A leading employer comments on five realities affecting its business recovery When the business environment improves in Canada and other industrialized nations Canadas recovery will be bolstered by its forest industries the countrys number one business activity Consider this fact one job in ten depends on our forests The Canadian pulp and paper industry is poised to regain strength But it considers that some basic facts must be recognized to keep Canadian forest products competitive in world markets Pulp and paper is a leading industry in nine Canadian provinces The economics of more than towns Pulp and paper leads in many areas value of wages paid value added by manufacture transport use and contribution to the Canadian trade balance Two facts underscore how much depend upon export success a Exports account for eighty per cent of what leaves Canadian mills The men and women of the industry could produce all of Canadas needs for pulp and paper between New Years Day and March Exports of forest products contribute more to Canadas trade balance than any other group of products Now Canadas traditional strength in world pulp and piper markets is facing a double squeeze On one hand some Canadian costs are being pushed too high on the other this is stimulating the construction of competing mills in other countries For Canada to hold its share of world markets vigorous leadership is required of management labour and governments at all levels to build on their recogni tion of the following realities Canada has a successful record of selling pulp and paper abroad Although Canada has of the worlds forest reserves it accounts for about 30 of the pulp and paper sold internationally The US is Canadas principal customer and prin cipal competitor but competition is intensifying everywhere Brazil New Zealand South Africa and Chile are new competitors Scandiiavian companies are historic rivals in European markets Companies in Africa and Asia are supplying more pulp and paper for their domestic markets cutting into our export poten tial to these areas It is a whole new competitive world for pulp and paper Longterm the prospects for pulp and paper are good World demand will grow substantially by the end of the century However many countries arc building new mills to serve their own needs and compete in international markets Canadas pulp and paper companies have modernized by committing record amounts of investment funds to improve productivity and reduce costs These pro grams have had a high priority and will again when financial resources permit Only uptodate mills and machines have a chance of competing in world markets Reality The Canadian economy is resourcebased and HEX CONTRIBUTION OF EXPORT DOLLARS UN BULLIONS Reality Even In a good year the pulp and paper sales dollar can only be stretched so fan DIVIDENDS TRANSPORTATION 16 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES REINVESTMENT 10 Reality US Form renewal be accelerated TREES PLANTED morocco This chart shows where the money from sales goes Note that the largest single area of payments is wages salaries and benefits to employees Other major categories are energy and transportation Dividends paid to shareholders is only 3 Management employees and governments all have to examine these contributions to pulp and paper costs It is possible for Canada to cost itself out of world markets Only of Canadas production of pulp and paper used domestically Every load of pulp and paper shipped abroad supports hundreds of jobs across Canada Without foreign saks the pulp and paper in dustry would be onefifth its current sac Reality Other countries hunger for slice of our market share Reality Canadian must be modern and efficient sob SIS SOB si a BILLIONS OF Sourer Although Canada is blessed with bountiful forests their productivity can be improved The goal is to assure a plentiful supply of lowcost fibre forever Forestry experts are sure that the efficiency of regeneration can be raised Steps must be taken now because it takes a long time to grow a tree in Canada The most urgent need is reforestation of lands that have been harvested or destroyed by fire planting of trees on productive land that is not suitable for farming and better protection against fire insects and disease In recent years new commitments to increase forest have been made both by governments which own per cent of the nations forests and by in dustry This momentum must be Canada can continue to be successful in pulp and papa But only if we can compete around the world and our forest base is strong For more on the lading in booklet from Public Santa Pulp Aimcimkm Float Moo rat The Pulp and Industry of Canada REELECT R0SSKNECHTEL fl AREA COUNCILLOR it FOR ACTON I think like a taxpayer when in Council More industry for Halton Hills A budget that is sensible and fair Experience expertise credibility Advance Poll Trinity Church October 30 A VERY SPECrAL SALE EVENT SALE OF DISTINCTION Savings On Sets Place Settings and Open Stock Com and a our taction of pattern for oil of Includ ing fin china atonawaraandVanw- china in 8780050 FREE COFFEE ft COME IN AND SEE US