Nov Eden Mills Villagers meet their candidates jssjtb speaker guest cancelled la meats JLrwlrI Lance UU the GaSfftrtt3e A retot ESS Ed a Titer will be a New of the are Larry at tor the mini- Year Dance la the Jita DufDela cenotaph at cat auction sheread try at Knox College ban Price not yet Mike Marshal and John Su November and then to Racemose Toronto been act but wear- made to the Board at Gives Graciously and Miss Una nectk to last J Seeling Toronto has been a contacting Irene Cole at weeks Craft service of church closed with A Prayer recent visitor with ner November mane tor lor by meeting of the Community Mrs A dainty USpnnge Women November lunch was served by by the 5Sr oreaident Mra Ted rf L ho8leM 4H girls making bread Halloween party big success by Deri Fine sweet rolls Tbey meet pants kept falling The goblins and other Monday nights at down- The most trad- creatures around Mimosa church costume was InblMkri must have Group Sherri CoutU as a WJ been Indulging in Loafers have five pumpkin and Sherri A Guelph man witchs brew as they all members They have Howell Michael turned out In Cull force been making smoking ghost The suffered head injuries Saturday evening thus buttermilk bread scariest Sarah and had to be removed missing the wet and health bread and Nancy Dubeau and from his car by fire- iruBerable Sunday Deb rye bread and the best couple was fighters after he lost night their home projects Debbie Sinclair and control of his vehicle on i were to make potato Van Manen who Wellington County Mrs teddy bear were dressed yellow and It flipped over in In Juvenile Primary bread The president is chickens and favoured the ditch Courtesy extended Roll Call by Mrs McLean ftftss very quiet In the treated with games and songs AH Tales 7- actual vgetWsyear Many The gave a while the pumpkins and you I Quake and secretary- which they had on tape iWi commented on Halloween party at costumes werejudged by C Jordan Daniels Bruce and Ka the large number of Centre for Costume winners Duck by C Bulla and sons Brent and Kyle Mlsurka they had Eramosa children on were Cheryl Thomson Cyrus the Craig knocking at their Saturday They had Aaron Heather Sea Serpent by Bill The Sunday School Kelly Green The Blair Patrick Cleary ST Wed a leaders this group are A J i and Debbie Storey In there Hallowe en parly at the Mljutk af I Honorable mention goes What to do When You church Sunday mor- Mrs to Charity McDmTee Get Your Hands on a Thirty Boys and Tata Cameron Todd Microcomputer by girls bobbed lor apples Tuesday evenings at Graham Tracey Hilton Charles and took part in a Mimosa church Jennifer Hawkins The Art Robert mummy wrapping con- Kristine and by Robert test and ihe parade and SrdWard In Judging of costumes was with ghosts In the pumpkin Celebration by Trevor The WSj carving category win- Hall The Unfolding girls are SlSSi S well Beth be day Churchill Waldies wed performed by Rev were Beth rove Archie Jenkins and mi hool Halloween parade A large number Sweet DoughGkls have Sf patents came to view the costumes and see nm Here are some in- officers are dates from presidentCarol history In Gustaw vice Prizes were given for Jennifer Henry Strange president Shirley the best costumes The Kristina purchased acres Fletcher secretary fanciest was Janice Charity which is Lynn Cole treasurer Root The moat original j7 characters Jennifer now situated In the Susan Cole and and they really were fir S had hem HawUnT Bryan March first Post Office was Lisa Chris Berner as a bunch go SarSedfor opened with John Swat Under of grapes and Paul ana a voriuus as Post- the direction of the Jessop as a mop The Kerr observed their was followed by a rec Johnston wedding an- eption at the Waldie Bradley Powell Greg by on October home at RR 2 Acton Shannon Here A number of friends Churchills Annual Kingsbury from Churchill Halloween party at- called at the Kerr home traded a good turnout on the Fifth of small spooks big McLean Monday evening They clowns and lots of other McDuffee trimmed Colleen Hammond for Srnellere 3SS masr In StajMipiS was Mike spent 3e pub mtSaS ft i I been inaklng was Tammy Andrew rcjndie wtoutrw hji ned old Goring and Mrs Janice Cosgrove and Jason Magines3 have Funniest accident on Indian Police Village And Fletcher a clown and visiting with ducking looking at family eating on a w iw photos and recalling string and the Trail and on Saturday finally In 1B13 hydro was potato bread and Shane Adams a clown old times Eleanor traditional Halloween night they attended turned on for the first Thompson and Barb activities Ten scary Ihe annual bridge burn- e Col I supplied Halloween Jack lug in Eden Mills Strange and the Rock dainty lunch The Kerrs Olanternswereentered The Soccer w Hydro Com raised three children in the pumpkin carving Clubs annual meeting mission was phimuifiu No I haven been Betty Ann Mrs Bob contest will be on Thursday Tyler In CaWornla lunch brought the even- November at m at J2 Marie Mrs Donald to a die Many St Johns Hall t Marie Mrs Donald InKtoaclose Many tn- a and Bob are extended to The new executive for both living nearby on Bill and Eleanor the coming year will be the Fifth There Thompson and elected that evening W seven grand- Kerr who acted as There will be a Day Cubs and elected that evening There will be a children and one great- and to Marie Remembrance Day granddaughter Archie Anderson who played vice on Sunday Nov still have copies of the has been in hospital in her piano for ember beginning at wok available Hamilton for some the costume parade the cenotaph at m Dales to remember time a victim of Aid- Mrs Elizabeth and continuing to Rock- November Disease MacMlllan has returned Centre A lunch Scouts Friends in the com to her home at will be served following Beavers extend very best Mapleview Lodge after the service heir bottle ana wishes to Joan and Pat a two week visit with public register tape drive Waldie who were mar- her daughter Marion in school is looking for a November to ried In a pretty can- Ottawa morning volunteer toe Liondtes ceremony Mr and Mrs Doug help with word drills Annual Shy Party tor Friday evening at recently re- math drills and reading of is Churchill Community turned from a three If you can assist please wing new November Church The ceremony week holiday to Florida call Mrs at the the Lions annual Las attended by family and They spent a week at school Vegas Night will be friends was Clearwater Beach a Georgina Kelso from at SL Petersburg the Commun- and visited Maple Leaf Library reminds us -l- Estates at Port that the library will be Charlotte Then they closed November 11 Tor stopped off at a favorite Remembrance Day rTnkmj at Myrtle Beach for New titles at the 20yearold RR a few days rest before are in adult fic- man was returning home Hon The case of Lucy charged with careless Friends In the com Bending by Laurence driving and falling to munlty extend sincere Sanders Different stop for police after he sympathy to Mr Henry Seasons by Stephen was chased through Porte 2 Acton and King Motive On Acton and surrounding family on the loss of his Record by Dell rural roads early wife Agnes who passed S Open Friday morning away Monday morning Secret by James had tried at General and Touch the to stop the driver for Hospital Devil by Jack speeding at JO am GEORGETOWN YOUTH SOCCER CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUNDAY NOV 21st from 10am tolpm CEDARVALE COMMUNITY CENTRE fo to the Constitution or bylaw muii lodtjod with Monro Tha Secretary Tal not than Novambef THAT REGIONAL GOVERNMENT IS BIG BUSINESS AND IT MUST BE RUN ACCORDINGLY THE CURRENT Regional Council taxes by THE PREVIOUS Council created a deficit of million dollar not adequately explained THE PROPOSED budget cuts could mean leul Police Protection lew Taachen lest and for Acton people of Acton both need and deasrve sound ledge the energy and the proven to bring j Community a needs before the Region for Positive For CamprinOffle02i MB St WActon DROP IN FOR COFFEE On Nov 8th Yon Vote Your Voict POWER SKATING SCHOOL BOYS AGES I to The course taught by Cynthle Sower Figure ft Power Skating Profaiilonal Consultant Acton Skating Ok A INTERMEDIATE A HOCKEY COLLINGWOOD SHIPBUILDERS vs GEORGETOWN CHRYSLER RAIDERS CANADIAN CHAMPS FRIDAY NOV 5th 830 Gonocai ixott STUDENT DONT MISS ONE Colllngwood on an gam winning bent last week 5 to 3 Police when the chase begac When It was finally over the man faced two charges VOTE BRUCE CARGILL BAHAI PRESENTS fir it of 3 pert aerie Introducing Dynamic I World Faith Part It Come From Mr CULTURAL CtKTM TUCIMOVIMBEII Everyone wel come Refreahment To the residents of Ward 3 Milton for an acclamation to again serve you on the Milton Hydro Commis sion As your Commissioner I will continue to work with a responsible approach to your best interest Murray For Action in Acton TOwmcowKaiioR WARD 1 ACTON roHINfOflMATKICAUH MUSCLE WORKS GYM Winter is almost here so nows the time to REBUILD YOUR BODY LOWEST RATES IN THE AREA COMPLETE LINE OF GYM EQUIPMENT aOOY MUM contL work tug of war M THUM M Mi pan MT M aa I tttMtwtal Street Georgetown Under New Management Rogers Shell Service 318 STRUT ACTON FORMERLY BILLTOTH SHELL New Hours Monday to Friday 6 am to 9 prn Saiuday 8 am to 8 Sunday am to 6 70t aim