Georgetown Acton Wednesday Nov 17 19B2 BS GEORGETOWN ACTON Askusfordetafe John thankfully art the birth of James William November 11 A brother lor John and Simon Special to Wong and the nursing stall General WATSON Jvlli and Trie la ere happy to announce arrival their brother Andrew Thomas lofting lb or on Sunday November at General Hospital Proud parents Dava and Brands Grandparent Jack and Diana of and Tom and Watson of s boy Ce lest In ve thrilled to announce the arrival or their son Glenn on November weighing lbs I Arm grandson for Mrs Evelina Ma I el from and Mr and Nicholas lesson from B Thank you to Dr Ford and wonderful nurses the OB at the Georgetown Memorial Hospital Ron are pleased to announce the birth of their son Cameron Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital on Friday November Sin A first grandson for fi Doris Davles Scarborough end Mr and Mrs Samuel on assignment in Lisbon Portugal A very special I hen I to J Ford an obstetrical staff a our many friends KAY and Keith the arrival of their first Michelle Cowan born November weighing a 16 at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital First greet granddaughter for Gene test adder end first greet grandchild for Ted and Irene King Congratulations Gary and Cindy MACLEOD John are happy to announce the birth their first child daughter Elena Marie on October and weighing In at A lbs Proud grand parents are Ed and Theima of and Gerald and Jessie MacLeod of Acton you to Kumar and the OB staff Georg Hoi pi Morlarltyl are very pleased to announce Ihe birth of their first child a son Brandon Thomas born November iff weighing lbs Proud grand parents are Mr and Mrs A Manuel and Mi- and Mrs all Georgetown Great grandparents are Mrs and Mr M Moore and special thank you to Me m I ta I are happy to announce birth of Melissa Ann on October weighing 7 lbs 10 Proud grand parents are Ray Laura and Freda Isabel Mavaal Special thanks to Or Ford Or and nurses of OB start at Georgetown Memorial Hospital Parkin Carrie of Stewart town era extremely happy and proud to announce the debut of Bern Ice Mist Canada Alans was born el 5 on Sunday November ittl weighing lbs el Georgetown Hospital A beautiful sitter for David and Special thanks Or and the OB staff EG Celettin who passed November I Georgetown I District Memorial Hospital In his year Husband of Glend Dilation and father of Marty and newborn Glen Also survived by brothers and J sitters In Georgetown and New Brunswick and his parents Mr and Mrs Nicholas also of N Rested at Jones Funeral Home Edith St George town where funeral mass was held day November at a from Coeur Church Interment Greenwood Cemetery Thank you from all of the family those who sent flowers cards and a special thanks to all those et William Construction George Elizabeth Tuesday November 181 at Georgetown District Memorial Hospital Elliabeth Nelson beloved wife of William Binnie and loved mother of Andrew of Scar borough Mrs John Ellis of Erin Margaret Mrs George of Richmond Hill Sister of Meg of Scotland and predeceased by Isa and William Loving grandmother ten grandchildren and one great granddaughter Resting at Jones Funeral Home 34 Edith St Georgetown where funeral service will be held Thursday at noon at 30 oclock Interment C CAMPBELL James Howard Suddenly at General Hospital on Monday November 183 James Harold Campbell Acton aged years beloved husband Margaret Jane McDonald Dear brother of Jack and Mrs Nellie Mitchell of Acton Mrs Annie Howatt of Fergus and the late Dan and Fred camp bell Rested the Shoemaker Funeral Home Acton where funeral service was held on Wednesday today at p Interment Fair view Cemetery Marlon HendersonPassed away peacefully on Sun Nov at SI Josephs Hospital Guelph Marion Hood of William SI Guelph In her year Beloved wife of the late J Gordon C leghorn Loving mother of Margaret Mrs Toth John of and Mary I Mrs Jot Telford Peterborough Survived by eleven grandchild Predeceased by her Grace Mrs a McKenile Funeral service was held on Nov la from and Funeral Home I Delhi St Guelph interment Wo I awn Cemete WILSON John Clayton on Wednesday November 10 ltd at Georgetown District Memorial Hospital Clayton Wilson beloved husband of Edna and loved father of George and Frank of RR 3 Georgetown and Bern ice Mrs Williams of Ft Worth Texas Brother Guy Wilson and late Edna Mrs Stanley Earl Wllmott Arthur and Frank Wilton Grandfather nine grandchildren and Rested at Jones Funeral Home 34 Edith St Georgetown where funeral service was held Friday I jo clock Interment In memory to the Georgetown a District Hospital would app Memorial Hospital only ton of the late Mr and Mrs Louis Orion Laird brother of Joy and Marie Mrs Harris uncle of Greg Rested at Coaie Funeral Home funeral service Wednesday afternoon In man- to I Memorial Hospital Building Fund Lynch Street Brampton L4N I WOULD like to press my sincere thanks to Dr Van Bent staff of Acton Medical Group Ambulance service and to the men of the Acton Fire Brigade To Taylor Chang Nursing staff of Guelph General Hospital during my recent Illness Also thanks to the Royal Canadian Legion Br 17 for arranging transportation for my family To my son Steve and Carol and neighbours Taylors thanks to Bob end Theresa Han ley Thank you all I WOULD Ilka to thank all my friends and relatives for flowers cards gifts and Inquiries while I was a patient In General Hospital and since returning home Frank Bartolo the emergency ward during my acute tack of also the nurses on fifth floor while patient there also daughter Nancy for transportation to and from the Guelph General Hospital John Winter i WOULD sincerely like to thank the nurses of the 3rd floor General Hospital for the prise birthday dinner for my birthday Sunday Your kindness will alt be remembered A special thanks tor the kind continuing shown to my wife who a patient at Guelph General Hospital Joe Fuller I WOULD like to thank the Acton Fire for answering our call quickly Also for ambulance was more trouble to you Irian the smoke Also thanks to Ethel and Tom for looking alter Gordon and to my neighbour Isabel Nlcholl all neighbours Eliiabeih Dr Lll Wagner WOULD brother John Grace for looking after most of arrangements cor father Dan and Dor It Ceidcr and Ken Donna I heir moral support of my friends and relatives who paid last Randy Grace Calgary Alberta behaid of Family I would ilka to thank our and neigh hours on Pennington Crescent for your I no expression of and support patted on to us In the past couple of weeks I have trouble finding the words to tell you how much your thoughts have meant to The best I can do f God Bless you everyone Noreen a Memorial THEfamllyof the late James Boyle would like to thank friends neighbours and relit Ives for flowers mass cards donations to the Ontario Heart Fund visits and cards and many other acts of kindness during our recent lost of husband and father A special thanks to Father Dave Cote Dr Thompson the ambulance crew and the MILTON MONUMENTAL LETTERING PINE STREET MILTON ONTL9T1L4 JMCriUMUtS tfe Bea Stan IN loving Allen Mo Snow who died November ft fondly remembered is mi Too ever to be fee gotten Fondly her family BLACK David memory of a father who passed away year ago November t74 Loving and helpful In all hit ways Upright and just to the end of hit days Sincere and kind heart and mind What a beautiful memory he eft behind Forever remembered and dearly misted by Sandra DERSON loving memory of a dear husband father and grandfather James who passed away November M Those we love we never lose For always they will be Loved remembered and treasured Always In our memory Sadly misted by wife Amy Carol Bill and boyt Pearl and children John Mary and children Patricia Anne and John KERSHAW In loving memory of a dear aunt and friend Kershaw who November 1977 You were more than a relative Aunty dear Our love will always keep you near Ever remembered by Stan Carole Norton Sherry of a dear who was suddenly taken away November had a cheery smile a pleasant way A helping hand to all so kind so generous and true On earth he nobly did best him Jesus heavenly rest Sadly missed by brothers Clare Johnny Gregory Snow sister and brother In law Myrna Jane and Bruce Cooksley SNOW In loving of our dear Allen Snow who died in a accident November Those we used to The problems we always shared All stored in lifes short measure Knowing how much we cared Deeply loved and I tied Mom and Pad STEELE In loving memory of our parents Jean and Murwood who pasted away January 1977 and November Honesty and com passion were your style Love laughter and a generous smile Memories of you are very dear Many times still we Fondly remembered by daughters Dorothy and family MR and Mrs Cecil Lilian Tyler formerly of Acton celebrated their Wedding Anniversary on November Son Barry St Guelph held a reception for their friends CTU FRAME CLEARANCE SALE 1000 to choose Lowest pnees Canada One Day Only I Thursday November Lion Halt Georgetown Evert BANK CLEARANCE SALE Display island 6 glass shetves da- play cabinet with locking glass doors I960 MITA Photo copy All like new See Nov 20th at St Pauls Anglican Church Hall Nor val Do you want to be on TV The Hide House is the sub ject of CKCOs Tempo program Christmas show Anyone interested in fun and free coffee please come November to The Artisan Village Hide House Eastern Ave Acton Ont CHRISTMAS BAZAAR St Georges Church 60 Guelph St Georgetown Nov 20 a to 3 pm Sake sewing while penny sale and country kitchen Children Fun Fair to 12 30pm Snack Bar Are you a single parent wishing to meet Dinar Parents Without Pari 8776691 or KIDS TV Could your chad act on TV CTSTV is now seeing new children lor TV Studio direction lo act In TV Commercials Series Movies after school S weekends Ages A 13 Places limited Parents can 1 ANNES Annual Christmas open House Ceramics fine tewing decorations ornaments toys and hobby crafts We provide gilts and things utt for you All taste all ages all seasons We welcome you with coffee and dessert to compliment the best prices and best values of the year November Jocelyn Crescent Moore Park Georgetown ANNUAL meeting and banquet for United Cooperatives of Ontario Helton Group November Acton Legion Halt Tickets available local CoOp BAZAAR and Penny Salt Sat November am Kid gel your picture taken with Santa m Sponsored by Legion Ladle Auxiliary Georgetown CHARIS Pottery A Fall Happening Saturday November and Sunday November 10 Grace Knight in vltes you to view her newest designs and select a special gin from the unique and varied disomy of pottery A special Invitation to children to create their own pot Refreshments wilt be served Main St Glen Williams 770947 ANNUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT TURKEY SHOOT Sart Nov 27 Sot Doc pm tAlbionl Gravel Pit Una above dan Church Bat Saturday Novembe Heme Sinclair CREDIT vaitey Artisan Christmas craft workshop at Community Centre Georgetown November sis includes all materials teacher Marilyn Sheen wreaths corn husk fit decorated ad Further In mat km call Janice Smith CREDIT Valley Artisans Christmas Sale Saturday November 10 a to Park Maple and Mam Georgetown Free admittance EXPLORATIONS Instruments and their music the the six series of in formal musical presentation from the Hamilton monlc Orchestra Woodwind Basics and Repertoire with the Quintet Wednesday November m In the gallery of the Helton HItit Library and Cultural Ire Subscripts series only some tickets may available at thi GEORGETOWN District Memorial Hospital Auxiliary presents their Christmas Ball on Friday December mi at the Holy Cross auditorium Music by Dave Small wood Buffet at midnight a couple Tickets available at Hospital Gift Shop call B774M1 or 107 All proceeds to Georgetown District Memorial Hospital GEORGETOWN Opt Mrs Club Annual at Knox Presbyterian Church Main St Georgetown November ID a Bake white elephant penny plant and craft tables Door prizes to be drew end of Baiaar Tea room with light lunch available GLEN Williams Town Hall Annual General Meeting Thursday November IB a Town Hall All HOCKEY Moms Christmas day November LAKESIDE NOV p Acton Legion auditorium Everyone welcome ANNUAL BAZAARS A I bans Church Glen Williams held parish hall Main St Saturday November 37 am to 3 Baking tewing crafts decorations White elephant battle tell turkey throw card reading etc lunch available Please ST Johns United Church Annual November at 7 In th Church Hall ST JOSEPH 5 annual and tea room Saturday November 37 Acton Legion 30 am p Sale draws baked goods white elephant table and crafts Photos with Santo m ACTON Unit of The Canadian Cancer Society will toon be packing Christmas bales for Princess Margaret Hospital and Henderson Hospital Donations baking coffee tea and sugar would be greatly appreciated Items can be left at Acton Home Furnishings If pickup Is required S3 1134 or 0530744 THE DAUGHTERS of St Georges Anglican Church monthly luncheon Wednesday Nove mber Turkey salads dessert beverage WOO 11 Georges Hall St TREATSN Treasures Parents Assoc lei Ion of the German Heritage School Queen Park School on Saturday November toys era fit and other treasures All proceeds to the school equipment fund For further detain call Mrs Hoewing starting Toast Matters Club Georgetown Anyone Interested in developing their public speaking skills please call John Walker at YOU Invited to an Open House of art work by Andy Boer nail designs wood block designs collages and gouaches River Drive November from am each day SCOUT GUIDE Saturday November lOcm goads crafts rum mage and western cafe FLEA MARKET Every Sunday MalnlrOnurtoSta Notice of Hearing The Re- Board hold public under The Ontario Act 1974 Section 31 at am Wednesday 1983 Counce Chambers Municipal era lion Build Trafalgar Road Road No 31 the Town of Ontario de termine whether Bylaw No signaling ihe property known as the former Acton Town Ha Street in the Town of Hall on Hilts lActonl under Part of The Ontario Hen tana Act should be repealed The Board may pro ceed In the absence of notice plies and they will not titled to any fur in the pro DATED at this 10th day of Nov ember SF Chairman Conservation Review Conservation Review Board CHRISTENING HELD Elizabeth May Shaw daughter of Mr and William Shaw was christened at Knox Presbyterian Church Sunday November 14th at the church service at a m by Rev Peter Barrow The proud Godparents were Mr and Mrs Clarence Shelter of Ontario Mr and Mrs Shelter are also Eliiabeih great aunt and uncle E months old male Lost Friday November 13 Reward LOST year old female blond Cocker Spaniel in the area of Stewart town on Sunday November 7 Family pet Wayne days or evenings BE FOUND young male cat grey and white Dawson Irwin area Call CASH FOR GOLD Alt gold and silver items rings watches ear rings chains medals dental Damaged and broken Items cepted Special prices for Canadian and lean coins any I ion Also buying foreign silver coins Buying Monday to Fri day 9am to Eds In IB Mam Streets Acton Ontario Exclusive Agent in Acton tor Northland Gold Docket watches tookt crock cNna end lamps for upcoming sale James Forbes 8772619 WANTED Scrap Iron I Can Trucks or art HI ANTIQUES Ck BE BE PENNIESWORTH Childrens Consignment Shoppe BUY AND SELL TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS 98 Main St Georgetown 8771242 FACTORY FURNITURE SALE SECONDS AND DISCONTINUED Coffee tables end tables Hexagon tables book cases and complete wall units HfctH FURNITURE LTD 24 Armstrong Ave Georgetown Open Monday to Thursday a 7 Friday Saturday ANTIQUES ARTS CflAFreJWftWCHMOTE Christmas Gifts For Everyone at TRAFALGAR FLEA MARKET EVERY SIMMY 104 CROSS AVENUE 0AKVUE Opposite GO Station Save On Energy Costs Foe Your Woodttt I Kerosene and Shields coma tint ewe H R Enterprizss FIREWOOD Mixed hardwood or white birch dry b Split Pickup or deliver Tultman Garden Cen tre V miles of Acton 8532480 2 Mb 3 Bag JUG CITY Main North 10UEUH 15191 8243619 Pressure treated lum ber 1 at 22c per ft 1x6S or per lineal ft 1x86 at per lineal ft HOURS TAXtS man where a Hickory Smoked 2 per FREE DELIVERY HILLS TROUT FARMS LTD CLAUDES MIRROA8 Aluminum and doors Thermo glass and windows Glass Screen repair CHAINSAW SALE PIONEER Pianos New Used VAN0EEST HOUSE OF PIANOS Hwy Just west Wa letdown Closed ye FIREWOOD Mixed Seasoned Hardwood 12- Of kin QOOOINQ BROS Free local delivery mm EXPERIENCED Tun b 930am 8776165 AM cassette car ANTIQUE wood burning stove Call ASSORTMENT drapes reasonably priced Call ATARI plus cover Em eel lent condition Includes Combat Maze Craie Breakout Missile Command Asteroids Football and Indy MO with controllers WS4 BELL piano years old excellent dltlon offer Call mi CAPTAIN Seats poles split rails brace poles at tractive prices Jeffery after 5 CHAIN Mcculloch bar vara ELECTRIC Mini Train with table KB TV game both never used Lots of good clothing plus other items ably priced ENGINES used and rebuilt fully guaranteed We also Install Free towing Also other parts available 1143 a33 FIREWOOD birch and maple Split and delivered kindling FIREWOOD oned hardwoods maple beech Quantity guaranteed Pick up or deliver FISCHER downhill racing skis IPS cm marker racing bindings poles boots used twice flesl offer FRESH stove years old In excellent condition Call FRIDGE stove both In use till this morning for quick sal FRIDGE stove and dish washer avocado green set best SHEER on sheer antique gold cur la Ins sofa and cair kitchen table and chairs cages 1778 deluxe stroll R Crib condition 45 G E range white in good condition after dryer Simplicity washer S355 Admiral fridge 35 Mart Phillips TV WW Hllli Furniture Appliances 351 Queen St W Hwy Acton Mil KITCHEN suite chairs like new track tape recorder with mikes LEATHER ladles site winter weight quilted lining brown worn twice Leather later ladle He 15 tan tram the Leather Attic one season old MOHACANY upright piano with bench excel I condition walnut settee reconditioned 140000 or make offer 4774 MEYERS snow plow electric hydraulic for Dodge MINK coat petite ocelot pattern just like new Asking MOFFAT frost free side by fridge freezer matching range eye level grill years old Avocado green the pair NIKON With lens tripod darkroom equipment lights and stands list ONE Atari no me game plus game car lit PRINTING invoices forms tickets books posters envelopes invitations etc Compete service Printing Acton 807401 QUANTITY of seven foot Bar stakes for enow fencing free support etc 877 BE Far Sate QUEEN bed sola and swivel chair red corduroy sold rocking chair cedar door REC room carpet yd installed Call Jim RUSSETTapplesqt basket WOO Pleas call SEWING Machines for sate reconditioned per cent off All machines guaranteed J Sewing 8786477 SIDE rails for a Ford half ton truck aim large willow trees can have free for cutting up and cleaning up tllT SKATES Lang goal skates site 8 boys figure skates size Coronation blades 150 girls figure skates site golf clubs full set 10000 SKI BOOTS Ladles Lange nearly new Vl Boys Alplna vi Hockey pants and pads after SOFA and chair matching coffee and end tables Beat offer TIRES snows regular ply Parts for Ford pickup 877 TWO used Radial snow tires on rims suit Monarch or Grenada Excellent condition TYPEWRITER IBM also Disc drives with power supply and LNW board for computer 7H3 USED CARPETING for sale assorted sizes Saturday Wallace St Acton one street east of VIKING washer spin dryer Harvest gold In excellent working condition SO after prr WHITE Lady Ken more stove or 13J5 WHY NOT have someones favorite chair reupho I stared for Christmas Pats upholstery aw YOURE living I hard water area Enoy the soft life with Problem water specialists Low monthly rentals or Interest free purchase over month period Celt and compare our rales and service Service Ltd Silvercreek Parkway Guelph evenings and weekends INDOOR GARAGE SALE Sun Novftmbar 21 ffiUaa GARAGE SALE Sat Nov St Pauls Anglican Church Hall Bank clearance of ice and school supplies Rock bottom prices Cards and albums etc AH new merchandise GARAGE SALE Sat Nov 20 Sun Nov 21 10 am to Indoors St Appliances furniture bed gas Bar kit chen ware pktutea and Mtsc Everything must go mil lees NEIGHBOUR HOOD GARAGE SALE Sat November 20th noon Cteewabotm Dr RalnorSMfM Dark room equipment Urge dip sea rug many