B8 Nov 17 1962 GARAGE SALE King Sl to 3 Sat Nov 20 BertM clothes recycled dot FURNITURE quality work oil done by hand estimate 7711 EH Ml Free delivery of twit or mora BLACKSMITH Steve Deforest Normal and corrective Shoeing Georgetown 414- kittens to pood noma grey striped grey 134 after six won PLAN NOW FOR THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVERI SECRETARY FRIDAY Small Georgetown company an experienced person to with typing PET SIT Responsible profes sional to feed care and exercise the pre- pat at Moke your holiday or workday worry yaara work In Veterinary Hospital Special service All apaciaa For Info and rat JUDY 8532113 MALE toy poodle pup brown needle I Alto pup eight apricot ED BIC Brother Association of Hal ton Hint Volunteer needed In Acton Little brother waiting Call office duties Application In writing Including Da of experience and raquke- Merlan Scientific Ltd 247 Armstrong Georgetown Ont L7Q4X6 CLEANER DRIVER with vehicle wanted lor carpet cleaning business 878 RUM needed Apply in person to Nail Centre QUALIFIED Mr daytime evening or weekend Please call Wed or Frl between and PORTABLE WELDING 8779618 CARPENTER 2S years experience Free estimates Work Guaranteed 8770334 PARK I LINCOLN New people ages wanted to tra all lypes TV Comma re part I me assignments Special lor beginners TVS TV Toronto 964 THE Academy School Hairttyllng com plate course In rialrtyllng barber cosmetic Enrolling each month RECEPTIONIST TYPIST required local firm Please submit to Acton Press Box a WELCOME Wagon require programme flexible hours use of a car to arrange en Interview call Mrs after THIS NEW UNIT IS READY FOR VOUI aunotn ana cow a MARINE SALES MANAGER requited on a spare lima bow We require on sales person with previous sales experience and tome knowledge power boa Is cruiser Excellent tunity supplement W POMEROY CREDIT RIVER BOAT CO EH EXPERIENCED MOTHER Will babysit In my home nutritious lunch provided Call anytime for detain 51 1 EXPERIENCED mother willing to home daycare Nourishing lunches and macks available Fenced In yard and fully equipped playroom and craft Located on Prince Charles Dr within walking dlilance of Harrison School and Holy Cross School Any age welcomed end any welcomed Reference available Call Batty at anytime DAYCARE available In my home loving care nutritious lun and snacks Park School area Cm PROFESSIONAL person mother of one will babysit in my home Lakevlew area Ac I on Lunches provided any age welcome Large fenced In yard flexible hour Call anytime for detail 453335 REGIONALLY op erated day Experienced mother often private home day care to alt age Mountain view and Sinclair area For rate references and quail I cat km call Terry 477 541 RELIABLE nanny yard tun friends Call enema January for and five year olds call attar op First work I eSlim or 4534330 GOING party Dont sit on your hand have beautiful nail lo flash it hour you can have long natural looking nails and only know they are not your own For Information and ap pointment call Terry POETS WRITERS Publish with Pre See your poems and short In a beautiful book Far Information contact Pre Steve Ripley Cachet Parkway R R LOH RIDE wanted Acton tn Milton to arrive at Steele and Ontario St 31 CONTINENTAL shows on rims for Rabbit etc firm after J Vehicles For Sale SB OUR URGE SaKTONOffrl USED CARS L8i8ftfliJHERS ATVBYVERY LOW BAZ MOTORS Georgetown Honda Georgetown 8776286 BUY OF THE WEEK MATADOR Coup automatic power brakes MHW ISO CLEMENT MOTORS Bronte St Mltton BARRACUDA new transmission kit new paint new wheels excellent condition certified Call after a 77 BLACK TransAm auto ps buckets and console A very sharp looking car Lie Oil Georgetown Chrysler FORD CAR OF TOE WEST I 174 Stiver L I Good I I parts only Clearance priced at 449 Park I Lincoln Me ni engine plus the added comfort low back reclining bucket Mats power Hearing power brakes and automatic Fmlthed In with matching Interior Escort Door Blue Fury Door RHJ405 Maroon Lincoln Comlnan 77 Marquis Door BlackSilver TDK Green MHWE07 Marquia Lynx Door Blue am Door Cougar Door 77 Monaco Pewter RYS081 Door Silver Lie Mustang Red SAR091 Aspen SE Wagon Capri Brown Utility Truck Omni BlackSilver AX6034 PBB793 78 Utility Truck Yellow 80 Honda Civic 78 Utility Truck Black Green 4 Pontiac J Wagon Groen 77 Honda Civic Door Red Lie 76 Torino Door Blue Lie JSK566 Brown Lie LOCK Watch tha daaaMad for 16 claarance vaheckw Caprice door one owner engine pb sport suspension radio Well main talned excellent condition half ton pickup In running condition best offer COLLECTORS car Sliver Corvette 317 speed knock off wheel In excellent condition Sale priced J0Q DO Would make an excellent Christmas present Lie RLR149 See It at Georgetown Chrysler FOR OR MBKWtir Now MIDTfWEfUVMiTME OUR OTHER SERVICES New Car Leasing Used Car Rental All Make Leasing Suzuki Motorcycles Complete Parts Department for Automotive and Gulf Gas Products at Competitive Prices Sun CHEV black MRW491 speed manual lent body run Clearance priced Park Lincoln Mil Mallbu auto air conditioned Only miles This car It priced to sell Lie See It at Georgetown 877 CHRYSLER Newport new brakes new front tires new exhaust system need body work As is 1350 or best offer Pb cassette Velour bucket Only on this beautiful car Lie RDJois See it at Georgetown Chrysler 1971 p Snow lire body In good shape Certified COUGAR door Brougham P- stereo Km Excellent condition certified 45100 BUICK Can tor ion door with air good condition plenty equipment recently replaced 4550 414 FIX YOUR CAR RIGHT OR FIX ITFRir 175 BUICK door blue Lie JV D749 4 cylinder runs needs body work Clearance priced at Park Lincoln Mercury CAMARO auto many Including air 477 I- Ootid winter car 77 17 Charger need body work Call after 179 DODGE Omni hatchback bucket sears radio and defroster One year factory warranty Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 5101 DODGE van small 4 original miles steering brakes am fm cassette stereo 0 remote CB windowed vented Insulated white leather celling yards of plush carpet sleeps 4 heavy duty trailer hitch removable extra rims new 44551 or best offer evenings DODGE Monaco door sliver Lie V8 ptpb automat Ic runs well needs body work Clearance priced at Park Lincoln Mercury 877 DODGE Coronet V good running Hon 1977 DODGE Aspen station wagon special edition very good condition 9591 197 DODGE Pickup pb in good hape certified DODGE Custom with flat bed Dual wheel 318 4 speed only miles Put work for you Lie See it at Georgetown Chrysler 877 5108 DODGE ton cylinder speed Must tail buying house 877 evenings only DODGE Ram Pickup tpeed b Only mile Lie Georgetown Chrysler cyl 1 in 1 eel lent condition only miles Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler 1974 FORD Custom pickup wheel drive automatic original miles and or best offer After FORD Escort cylinder standard after FORD ELITE new red recently tuned new tire white leather interior B Immaculate throughout 4175000 best offer 877 miles Is Certified 4105 LOOKING for a A 1 certified used car Be Motors St MARQUIS Brougham door liver LlcUVUlTt i PJ- p b automatic stereo cieeance priced at Park Lincoln 177 MARQUIS 4 door Lie automatic good body run well Claarance priced at Park Lincoln Mercury MERCURY Bobcat as Is or parts 440000 177 NOVA hatchback gold p p automatic needs point some mechanical wor Clearance priced Park Lincoln Mercury ONE owner Chrysler Cordoba 311 auto s b A nice low mileage luxury I car Good on gas Lie Georgetown Chrysler 1 77 PINTO 4 cylinder stick ihlft new muffler new paint new brakes Atklnc 1975 PLYMOUTH certified 5139500 evenings 877 PLYMOUTH Satellite battery radiator and brakes Needs body work Callatter7p PONTIAC hardtop good condition good tires snows already Certified 4900 After7pm 8788349 178 PONTIAC Safari Wagon green MTZ33 8 p automatic runt well needs paint Claaanca at 41999 Park Lincoln Mer cur M POPULAR Pontlac Phoenix auto p s air conditioned wheel cruise Drives greet Lie See It at Georgetown Chrysler POPULAR Olds Cutlass a door auto f pb air conditioned A real pleasure to drive Lie See It at Georgetown Chrysler FORD Granada cylinder certified Wlnteriied Days 144 FORD Galaxy 500 Very good or best Offer 877 FORD Granada Special Edition door 4 cylinder speed overdrive track certify Will FORD Thun derblrd Auto pb air conditioned Drives like new Lie OWV4S3 See it at Georgetown Chrysler VI ps automatic needs body work Clearance priced at Park Lincoln Mercury FWD19B1 Dodge Aries cylinder auto radio Cloth In An excellent family car and economical to drive Lie RXD75S See It at Georgetown Chrysler GREAT In snow Plymouth TCI cylinder tpeed Sun Aluminum wheels Many extras year factory warranty Lie See It at Georgetown Chrysler 4775104 GREAT in snow 179 Dodge Omni door hatchback cylinder Buckets One year factory warranty Lie OCNI94 See It at Chrysler HANDY 1981 Datsun King pickup 4 cylinder auto In excellent condition Very low mileage Lie Call Georgetown Chrysler HONDA mile certified good condition best WOO 174 HORNET hat body exceHerrt Si certified- Western car Vailant or best Call 87 PROPANE Conversion Inc general repairs to all mokes of cars am truck Guetph St Unit SPORTY 181 Dodge Charger auto s p All guages stereo Black with red stripe Lie SVH33 Call Georgetown Chrysler 176 F250 brown Lie V automatic rear seat needs body work Clearance priced at Park Lincoln Mercury TORINO doc blue LICJSK554 V runs well Clearance priced at Park Lincoln Mercury 877 TOYOTA Sten A motor and body mile Certified 477 TOYOTA Corolla speed clean rust tree certified Mutt sell or best offer 176 F1S0 utility truck green Lie AX6004 V automatic 1st Ion Clearance priced at Park Lincoln Mercury utility truck Lie cylinder automatic damaged left front Clearance priced Park Lincoln Mercury 1341 V4 3 manual transmission Clea ranee priced at 469900 Park Lincoln Mercury 477 VALIANT slant 55000 miles runs well at It 176 VOLAR Wagon red Lie Vl automatic Clearance priced at Pork Lincoln VOLK5WAGONS super Beetle Beetle Asking for both Call John 51- after VW Rabbit 5 cassette Apprmimatety miles Certified JOHN DEERE liquid cooled excellent condition low mileage 495 after SNOWMOBILE wide track 30 HP dm condition 4400 14 WOODEN grew 30 Evlnrude electric start 445000 or best offer 8774150 after IB HOLIDAY trailer oven fridge furnace sleeps 4 excel lent condition after TRAILER sleeps 4 hardtop gas winter priced at trade for car or bike THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MILTON INVITES TENDERS CONTROL SERVICES 1 Specif lea lions at to the provision of animal control amices available In Clark Office Town Hall Some of the Item which must bo provided by the successful tenderer are a follows Must be able to commence service as January MATURE looking tor apartment Georgetown are Hat lap dog end cat Hat own fur but needs appliances on wednetday after day after XL on BE TOWtWUSES bafts EtrpcM out prints by Bote la Highway SO CentrmOe SI HakbylaoLtirS TOR 3 BEDROOM house for rent available January 1 plus heat and hydro BE AUCTION SALE For Batty and Dave Sat Nov 20th at AM Location In the Fairgrounds in the Agricultural Hall on Robert St Sale Consisting Antique refinithad and as found furniture Glass china Oil lamps collect primitives Nostalgia Items misc Auctioneer a Remark Gentlemen this is full sale with approximately ISO Items of quality torn start to finish TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER ID Lunch available PREVIEW FROM9AM Owner Hall Board or Auctioneer not tor accident Auctioneer Chris Schouten Phone 8782576 AUCTION SALE Sunday Auctions Rock wood Sale feature Antique and modern furniture appliances gloss chine miscellaneous etc Director Johnson Rock wood 864272 2 hour answering shall bo provided by applicant 3 Applicant must supply own transportation and equipment for providing Applicant must own and maintain suitable tort for keeping of dog Said quarters I he standards ol the Town and the Ontario 5 Applicants will bo requited to issue dog Applicant shall patrol fiom to 5 Monday to Friday in urban area and pain hamlets in the twice weekly Specification documents and fuilhar Information may be obtained at the Office the Clerk Co or al the Town Hall 251 Mam Street East Mil Tender Price for provision of service should be based on providing the service for a one basis Excellent potential exists for a beyond Ihe iniiial year The I owes I or any lender may not bo Tenders will be accepted the Office the CSork Co until on Friday December 3rd 1962 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate ELIZA BETH MARIE WALKER alto known as Batty Walker deceoeed AH persons having claims against the Estate of ELIZA BETH MARIE WALKER also known ei BETTY WALKERI lata of of Nerval in the Regional MunJcJpaUty who died on or about the day of September are hereby notified to tend particular same to the undersigned on or before the day December 1982 after which data the Estate wilt be with regard only to the of which the undersigned than hove notice and the undersigned not be liable to any person of whose he thai not then hove notice Doted at MJtsJttauaa 11th day of Novum bar 1902 DONALD Executor hat NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM BHEPPARO late of the Township of Erin in the County of Wellington Ontario labourer deceased All persona having claims the Estate of WILLIAM SHEPPARD who died on or about day August 1982 are required to foe proof thereof undersigned for the Executor on or before the day of November 1982 attar which data estate be distributed having regard only to the then feed DATED at Helton Has Acton Ontario this day of October 1982 mare will be tor owing on board Owner Patricia Angst MacLeod R No Acton BEDROOM storey home edge of Georgetown Available Immediately monthly reference required BEDROOM easy to heat country with large spacious kitchen end attached garage only 3a miles south of Acton 4500 per month plus Millet 3 BEDROOM house for rent Basement not Included 877 8161 BRAND new luxury street Townhouse In Georgetown 4 lances garage Immediate possess Ion per month CONVENIENT at ion at competitive prices Meeting rooms party room with kitchen gymnasium Call 51 1070 Wed and DOUBLE garage with plenty of outdoor parking downtown Georgetown mo FOR RENT bedroom house Acton Compact storey carpeted throughout electric heat parking spots suitable for small family Option to purchase can be discussed monthly utilities extra HOUSE for Rent per month plus utilities Immediate possession call 877 ONE bedroom basement apartment In house Parking and utilities included 4375 per month I RIVER Run town home per month Available December STORAGE indoo- r Outdoor for cart trailer motorcycles etc Brampton area 4534917 TOWNHOUSE end unit backs onto Credit River kitchen living dining room family room bedroom baths full basement Immediate required For In formation ACTON opt stove nit utilities APARTMENT for rent In Georgetown for Reference required 477 BACHELOR apart furnished downtown Georget own 490 all utilities Inchyded laundry and before six or 477 BEDROOM apart mentt heat hydro appliance Included Weekdays Saturday and Sunday BEDROOM apart ment available December 1st 477 11 BEDROOM bedroom opart mentt Adults only Call Plane 853 BEDROOM apart ment available January 1st Adult building no all utilities Included BEDROOM upstairs apartment Acton available Nov Included gat heat monthly FULLY furnished apartment In country lor winter months only single person or older couple References needed LIGHT and clean Mm apartment carpeted In eludes appliances and utilities After 8441431 ONE BEDROOM apartment In Acton Quiet adult building All let monthly Available December 1st ONE or two bedroom basement apartment lor rent available Immediately Appl lances and laundry facilities 477 105 Up lo your in fern rectets Save Style Storey ri llf fas SmjM to Trtfiaty pa PA dosed Frttw A ft 1S1MZ24W TTrrffT