Wednesday Nov A sincere thank you to all the people who volunteered their time and helped me dunng the election and the Separate School supporters who again showed their confidence in me I am always available Sincerely 8777359 You not he disappointed Sincarefy RICK BONNETT THANKYOU for the ACCLAMATION for REGIONAL COUNCIL WARD 3 I LOOK FORWARD TO REPRESENTING BOTH LOCALLY AND REGIONALLY FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS JOHN Greyslone Interiors Consutahons Colour Schemes Carpeting vertical Blinds Roman toller Shades FREE SHOP HOME CUSTOM DRAPERY ONLY DOWN NO INTEREST till may iat isaa EARN INTEREST INSTEAD LEAVING YOUR MONEY IN THE BANK OIL USERS QUALIFY FOR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS ON HEATING COSTS ALL WINTER I FINANCING THROUGH AVAILABLE PRICES START AT OR LESS DEPENDING ON YOUR INSTALLATION OFFER EXTENDED TO NOV 30TH 1082 J and A r Contractors 8250000 ifi the beautiful I Buy it and try it Come in and buy the Hotpoint dishwasher of your choice have it delivered then sit back and let it work for you for two wonderful weeks If its not everything you hoped it would be give us a call and well pick it i and give you a full refund tup BUILTIN HOTPOINT SV512 PORTABLE DISHWASHER Model SC512C pushbutton controls indicator light multilevel wash soft food disposer rinse agent and detergent dispensers cutlery basket retractable cord reel decorator wood top available in almond and snow white BONUS OFFER 18 Kg PACKAGE OF DISHWASHER a WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY DISHWASHER Come in now Offer expires Dec 24 Simon CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wesley an Street Georgetown Ontario ACTON CHURCHES ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev M Dv Sun Nov 30a Church School Morning Junior Church and Nursery available CHURCHILL COMMUNITY Rev E Jenkins Sun Nov 211982 am Morning Wor met Church School ALL WELCOME SALVATION ARMY Gospel Service every Sun at Trinity United Church Acton PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANAOA KNOX CHURCH ACTON Gerald Ronnie Choir Sun Nov 21 1982 THE CHURCH OF ST ALBAN THE MARTYR Rev Arthur Tribe Mrs Betty Sun Nov charm 10 30 Holy modem a modern choruses 30 Churcli School Nursery Wednesday 10 00am KolyEuc TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Mr And King BAA Or George 11 ott A Organist Sun Nov 21 am Morn nfl Worshi of Inlan Baptism Sermon Th True King a Sundjy School Baby Fold sory Cam itfji GEORGETOWN CHURCHES CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Lino SERVICES gam 11am and Pastor Rev J Pastoral Assistant Mr L Listen very Sunday to THE BACK TO GOD HOUR am Hamilton CHAM 30 am GLOBAL TV CH IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Windsor Road at Carole St Pastor Rev Or J MOUNTAIN VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH S Pas Rev Dean Tato Sunday Schools Morning Worsh a m Prayer and Study Wednesday 30pm ALL ARE WELCOME Nursery Facil and Junior Congregation labia KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday Schoot Morning Worship PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of 6ih Line and No Peter Barrow ST JOHN S UNITED CHURCH OF GEORGETOWN AND GLEN WILLIAMS and Sunday School MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Maple Pastor EVERY SUNDAY 9 gm ly Bible School Biblical Preaching Worsh Praise WEEKDAYS Prayer Ej bio Study Recreation Boys Ms Clubs LitOe Cherub Nursery MONTHLY Adult Fellowships Missions Senior Adults VISITORS WELCOME UNITED CHURCH M n star Rev Or T Bandy A Mom 45 A Hundred of Worship A of Serv ST ANDREW S UNITED CHURCH Morn Worship Sunday School Nursery lies Budding Tor tor row s Church Today ST GEORGE S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rector flirv Jim Boyle a m Holy Euehat Prayer Be Maty Eochai Jaw Seme It am HorvEuchsr GEORGETOWN ALLIANCECHURCH Man St Georgetown Rev Peter ph Sunday School Morning Worth a Evening FHowhp Wednesday Prayer Service 7 Sunday School accepting now for 19KB3 B779B1S A church of Vm CrmMian Dairy princess a resident recently crown ed I8KMO Dairy Princess by her peers lluiren training a dental assistant at London College Her lather Russell operates a large farm on the Guelph Line lust south of the village 200 for emergency calls An after hours service will be available to Hal ton Hi g Ion residents through the Milton Fire Department at a cost of per month The emergency service was discussed at Wednesday admin si rat Ion and finance committee meeting and Hill go before council today Wednesday for I really question the fee on the basis that the phones are an anyway and are not a lot of extra work said Burlington James Grieve Milton Fire Chief James at tended the meeting and said he set the fee after looking at what private industries would charge for the service And we have radio service welt as the telephone service he added The service Is needed according to Public Works Director Bob Moore because the present system of having one operator at Burlington answer the calls has been unsat isfnetory so far Feldenkrais workshop at Sheridan campus We are creatures of habit and those habits can be damaging to our body function and nervous system One way to alleviate this damage by par ttcipating in a form of anti exercise acc ording to Don He will lead a workshop on this subject at Sheridan College Oak villeCampus Saturday November ii basic ally gentle movements that help to release muscular tension and bring out greater flex and coordination of body fuctioning The philosophy is based on the Idea that most people arc causing unnecessary strain on their bodies says limes Because we don investigate alter natives In movement these habits can tend to sequence of be harmful By trying to Howitt accepts own resignation Board of Wednesday evening accepted the resignation of Dick I low it from the Hills Library Board lowing his election to the board earlier that find your natural way moving your nervous system and body tion may be cleared of damaging results who currently provides the back ground music for the Mr television program Is a teacher at the National Ballet School and former of the Toronto School or Dance He has found that he had oped bad habits himself before practising Musicians famous for getting into messes a pianist will sit In the same position a violinist will hold the instrument In the some manner The body can cope for awhile but eventually as you enter your 30s the body tells us that all Is not Registration for the 10 a m m workshop sponsored by the School of Liberal and General Studies is For further details contact the School at tion is advised