6 Wednesday Nov 17 Cemetery vandalism nets three months James IT has been sentenced to three months in after pleading gully to mischief charges laid against after a vandalism spree in Cemetery last month Allen also pleaded guilty to- charges of theft of a firearm and possess ing a firearm without the proper license or these offenses he received on additional months In jail and probation totalling one year in Jail and two year probation Allen was charged with mischief after headstones had been toppled on October 13 After hearing reports from Crown Attorney John and Allen Nigel including the teenager JANUARY SESSION Atkinson Coflege York II Atkinson application you begin classes In nights iwNk from January IMS Application consJdatad until ACTON VOTERS Thank you for your support on November 8 juvenile and adult Society and was still a records Provincial problem Court Judge Doug will not change pointed out until you want to the Allen had attended judge said He agreed several schools in with Gundgin that Alien Ontario had been sent should be sent to the to group homes hostels Ontario Correctional and had been a ward of Institute Brampton Children Aid and receive Novl5SaUNov20 SHOPPERS WORLD DIAMOND EVENT off LOOSE STOKES Create your own design whether It be earrings pen ring or bracelet Transform your present by adding a stone or by having them reset A Secret Wish there nothing more romantic than receiving a loose diamond in your Christmas stocking And Gentlemen what women ever returned a dla John Boughton Downtown Acton 1 Jewellers Downtown Georgetown THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Please remember that I am working for you DAVE WHITING ess specalsts CHOOSE YOUR OWN FROM HUNDREDS AT OUR GREENHOUSE am The court feds that wanton of the cemetery was totally Uncalled for and unnecessary Judge Latimer said He continued The court feels your rehabuation ever will only be in a controlled setting because you are not doing it on the outside by yourself He warned the sentences will get longer and longer until Allen does something about It- had told the Teachers Team presented the Acton Social judge Allen had been far alter they finished bald and Mere on hand tor la drinking and was mad first at the la Acta Mars at the Mil presentation at his girlfriend the Teachers Fred Springer Keith Black Peg evening of the tomb- stone incident He and two other people were involved Gundgin said The band Stranger receiving recognition as Therewas no damage ll toahouscatllSMillSt Time was E last Tuesday when in hydro lines into the Central Ontario on started burning station according to Hallon CI for Hills deputy fire chief of Acton and Ian Bob Hyde Rockwood founders of Hills Hydro band in May 1980 put crews took care of the thc to problem Hyde said p record their Strangers not Wastin Time Knox Alert meets Evening Group was and The group held in the Marv members now live Fergus music Their first recording was released on their own label Grand Records but due to lack of production the single little a the supply Anderson Ellen Room send t of Knox Presbyterian fund After the first Church The President recording Philip Isabel McDonald gave The Treasurer Bennett from Cam the Call to Worship and wondered If the pens bridge joined forces Hymn To Thee and sunlights did not with the band and they Lord Our Hearts We arrive In time for the began performing an all Raise was sung Bazaar should we keep original live show After Gladys Davidson led them and try to sell IB months of test In the responsive them or should we send marketing their music reading of Psalm 103 them right back was Stranger decided the and Babe Rosiell took moved by Gladys and best wny to be promoted the Prayer Bessie seconded by Vera was to record a first Musselle gave a that we keep them and album Thanksgiving reading try sell as many a and Hymn Come we could The group Stranger now wing a Ye Thankful People then gathered around solid three piece bond Come closed this por the TV and watched Stone i guitar harps dedication Canada and the US tlon of the meeting the tapes of the two and vocals warrant financial Dick James Music from Isabel took charge of excellent plays put on drums percussions assistance With every Nashville Is looking for by the Young People of personal belonging deal for thc group the secretary and Trinity and Knox in keyboards and signed over to the bank The album will be treasurer s reports and and Cool in the vocals decided that to he bond went to Nova completed and the Roll Call The Furnace and Moses record a commercially Sound Toronto on July in near Offering was received and the Freedom feasible album they with enough money to future and a second and the president gave Fanatics A dainty would require hopefully produce four album with producer the Offertory Prayer lunch of tea biscuits professional recording sides However with Bob will he Isabel gave a very good cheese and jams expertise the combination of Bob soon portoftlieFalflUlIybroughttheevenlngto I j Anything Goes at Gallo and Stranger energy and solid belief in the music six songs are now In the can for their upcoming album Or these six songs four have been chosen for promotional singles first single pressed Is I January Bob Gallo and his strong support serious preproduction Bob I produced such groups a the Nylon a s James w d Brown and Jackson singles are going Thc group has to be distributed to several radio stations and possible investors but music reviewers and a only one honk manager licensing deal is saw enough promisi lively being sought In CHRYSLER HAS YOU COVERED WHERE OTHERS LEAVE YOU EXPOSED PROTECTION EXTRA COST 5 YEARS OR 80000 Engine and Protection With ble costs of 600 for a rebuilt transmission for a major engine repair Chrysler Protection Plan prowdesvitallyimDortaritcoverage The engine transmission case drive axle and every part inside them is covered for fiw year or BO km whichever comes fust Outer Panel AntiGMTOsion Protection Chrysler helps you keep your car looking the way you want it to look If the outer body shell of your develops rust perforation in years or 80 km of normal use be repaired part replaced at no cost Thats about the best rust protection you find anywhere inntfmtrtnin ill 111 III CM MTB MY ion Mrs mr TOYOTA HMO TOYOTA an I km fHHiaOOOtM SESriKffisSSsS full dh at participating dealers rtrttm tor M can 1983 CHRYSLER E8r PLYMOUTH TO BE THE BEST consignment store Anything Goes a goes back to the con consignment store at 81 signer Mill Street East opened Before going into recently dealing In business was a clothing toys and baby nurse for the past ten equipment If you have years and as lived in any of these items In Acton for the past five good condition and want years Suzanne has to make some extra lived in Acton for two money take them tn Anything Goes thc owners urge Wilson and Suzanne Brown who both live on Wilbur Street In Acton feel the time is right for a con signment store because everyone is looking to save money these days Neither or Suzanne have ever operated a consignment store before but feel they can do a good Job The store wilt be opened Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 a m to 530 p and Thursday to Saturday from 10 a to p m A consignment store operates by selling an item and hen per cent of the selling price work So If you think you have something thai can be sold at Any thing Goes cor tact or Suzanne one of the owner of Anything LET US HELP YOU GET READY FOR Re CHRISTMAS with Reductions on Dresses and Suits A ERIC ALEXANDER SPORTSWEAR 30 OFF SILK BLOUSES 5000 NOW MO NOW OPEN Y