Wednesday Nov 24 Drainage concerns surround 10 new Ballinafad houses Henry Burnett who will build 10 boa on the call aide of Balunafad has been asked to have a drain age report prepared which satisfy Hal ton 111 lis concerns The development a in Erin Township but Hal on Hills was allowed to comment on the project Halloo Hills had pre viously opposed the bousing development because it would mean strip development oat side Ballinafad would cause pressure on Hal ton Hills to alio development in the same area and there is vacant developable pro perty within the hamlet However despite the Towns objections the province the development A report to council indicated the Town engineer is concerned about storm water drainage and he notes there has been flooding in the area in the past Halton Hills is worried about water draining from the development onto lands Hills As a condition of approval Hills wants a drainage report prepared and approved by the Town engineer RYDERS TVs CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN CALENDAR SALE day between now and Christmas Ryder T V wHI be discounting different products and groups of products for DAYS ONLY So plan your shopping list with Ryder s Christmas Countdown Calendar NOVEMBER 26 Clergy Comment Second Acton Guide Company held an enrolment Monday evening New front row lefttorlgnUKauueesMontKomery Jennifer Johnston Colleen and Jill Murray Back row Kristy Vandal Water- house Becky Thomson and Keni Smiley Goden Aqers Visit Royal Winter Fair 29 30 ODYSSEY 3 cartridges Included for the Special of Dec I Quality equipment at modest T0SH1BAAUREX RECEIVERS DECEMBER 6 7 TURNTABLES MOVIE MEMBERSHIP 10 11 El QUASAR COLOR TV 13 He 17 TAPE DECKS 20 WALKERS 21 HEADPHONES 24 TO BE ANNOUNCED RYDERS 8779TM B Edith The members of the Golden Age Club held their meeting at the St Hall on November 17 followed by a session of bingo The winners were Lula Sinclair Nellie Wleck Milne Jane Gamble Freda Lambert and Eleanor Thompson During the previous week we were enter tained by the members of the Erin Golden Age club and enjoyed a very happy afternoon We also had a very enjoyable visit to the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto thanks to our Transportation Officer Our next meeting will be on the afternoon of when we ore to be entertained by the Georgetown Belles and Beauties and we hope to see you all at that get together As I placed my vote In the ballot box on Mon day November 8 I experienced a surge of satisfaction It was the first vote I had cast In Acton having resided here only a little over one year It felt good to be able to make an investment in the future of this town and and the people who make It what it is This latest municipal election prompted me to give some thought to the whole idea of leader ship and what qualities make up a true leader What does it take to make a good leader In trying to answer this question one biblical com mentator said this Leadership is one of the qualities of per sonality which seems to defy analysis and which cannot be created Leaders seem to be bom not made Some have been great public orators others have been quiet silent people Some have been of commanding physical presence have suffered from physical handi caps Leadership seems to have no common decipherable charac teristics One biblical figure that seemed to have those innate qualities and endowments which go into the making of a leader was Saul In I Samuel 10 26 we read that there went out with him a band of men whose hearts God had touched It appears that a group of men were attracted to Saul and the leadership he exhibited A further study of I Samuel re veals the reasons why Saul was chosen an minted and endowed by God Was It any wonder they followed Saul Considering the day and age In which they lived that band of men which followed Saul certainly were not equipped with what we Or See Our NEW SHOWROOM UPHOLSTERY Spatdvala Ave Nfph Ctntrt MotFri I un Sit am 1 Computer II Especially for Christmas Now is the perfect time to give your family the amazing TRS Colour Computer and open the door to an exclt ing new world of concepts and ideas Our lowest ever Colour Computer prices make it so easy You can choose the computer that perfect for you An ideal starter system the BASIC has plenty of computing power vivid colours and 255 musical tones add excitement to games and programs For advanced programming choose the 16K or 32K Extended Powerful graphics capabilities let you create business charts diagrams graphs and more All 3 computers are easy to use Plug in Program Paks let you start enjoying our great games see right right away or put your computer TRS 16K BASIC 26 16K Extended BASIC 3002 32K Extended BASIC 7QQ00 new low prices Exciting games for family fun Choose your adventure Bailie dgesk Us hunt fort cos me one Just plug op Program or gram ana got Popcorn Calcn Ifie corn ts Inn bolt 34 Polaris Defend Microti Slop from attack a deadly Dp 34 95 Galactic Attack Bridge Tulor Bail ens you 1 SpacaAaiault Pyramid Hunt for Defend 1 3310 MagaBug Raaka To on tempo 3311 For a complete demonstration visit any Radio Shack store Computer Centre or Deafer ConsuH the white page for th Radio Shack nearest you Georgetown Choral Society presents A- DALE WOOD DIRECTOR And Sumo McNeil Dec 3 at the John EKott Thoatra Georgetown Ontario Mus Messiah F Handel Hodw Vaughn I Fantasia on VauQhonWIiama do pour Noel Mi Ante Ticket at Thaatra Boa Thursday torn Oct to Dae Ttokata Santera Sudanis QroupRataaAvalabta fjsrvatfSat SINCERE THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO ASSISTED ME DURING MY CAMPAIGN AS WELL AS THE VOTERS AT THE POLLS JIMAKERS DAVE ARMSTRONG SAYS MANAGER LET US LOOK IT OVER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM OUR EXPERTS WILL SMOOTH OUT ALL THE ROUGH SPOTS STOP IN TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATES FREE COURTESY CARS INSURANCE CLAIMS HANDLED QUICKLY ALLREPAIRSFUUVISUARANTEED UPTOWN COLLISION I I would expect Theirs was a cruel age when their enemies would cut off the thumbs tram hands or poke out the eye of the archer so that they could not shoot a bow and arrow One would have expected that they would need to be with strong stomachs were living In resembling frontier times where at any given moment the outposts and settle- menu might be at tacked by their power ful Philistine ad versaries One would have expected that prime prerequisite would have been that they be superb fighting men Perhaps they were but that is not what we are told What we are told is that the one thing with which Ibey were equipped was the touch of God In the final analysis this was what mattered most In the life of a called to a position of leadership this is the most crucial fat tor It nice for our mayor councillors and trustees to have expertise It Appropriate that they have public speaking ability It essential that they have ability to relate to the public sec tor It necessary that they have courage and the ability to cope with public pressure and critique But none of these things mean any thing If our leaders arc not people whose hearts arc touched With the rediscovery of this tremendous dimension to life and living It is imperative to realize that gifts of not given by God simply to ele vate the person to a enjoyment or self satisfaction The touch of God and the gifts of leadership are given for service In the world and edification in he lives of others Those we have elected to office ought to be people who are thoroughly equipped for service in the local community and the world God grant that each one of them is dedicated to the task of working for justice and the common good and that each Is equipped with the touch or God In order that they might carry out His will which is peace mercy and freedom or Obituar Harold Campbell Funeral service was held Acton November 17 for Harold Campbell who died suddenly at Guelph General Hospital November 15 Mr Campbell of 1ZS Church St was bom on April 1902 In fad Before moving to Acton he lived at where he was a farmer Left to mourn his loss are his wife Margaret brother John Campbell Acton and sisters Nellie Mitchell Acton and Ann Fergus tic was pre deceased by brothers Fred and Dan Andy King officiated at the funeral Inter ment Cemetery Obituar Colin Pay Mr and Mrs Barefoot of Acton I were bereaved recently with the death of their I In rant grandson Colin I Ernest Pay of High Bluff Manitoba Colin born Septem 18 in Portage la Prairie Man died In Toronto Hospital for Sick Children I ber 10 at the age of nine weeks He had been air lifted from Manitoba and his parents Karen and Richard Pay followed on another plane Andy King officiated at the funeral ber at Shoemaker Funeral Home Inter ment was at Cemetery Betide parent and grandparent Colin was also survived by i grandparent Mr and I Mrs Pay Sudbury