Georgetown Acton Wednesday Dee 1 Simon ACCOUNTANT Street Georgetown Ontario ALKTO THE DAS COMPANY ABOUT DAS WATER HEATERS Find out how much you could saw because gas heats water and 4 tmes faster than You coukjrentogmwoternecrterfrom Union Gas for as a month rf youre already on gas A phone call will arrange on appoint your home at the time mast convenient far you EARLS FIXIT SHAVER SERVICE 134 Detox Georgetown 8774822 Christmas Gifts For Safe Sunbeam Black Decker Osier We Service What We Sell Two day service on all makes of Shaver repairs Accessories for all makes of Shavers PHIL CARNEY wishes to thank all who assisted in my campaign and all the people who supported me at the polls for Area Council Ward 3 QUA Goebelle Wagner Man Siren Georgetown district Plans for Christmas by Barbara Funk Grande Theatre Christmas shopping The Rockwood Project Those parents during the morning as Horticultural Club a with prcschool children ihcrc will variety of December meeting will are also Invited It will things from which to be next Wednesday at be presented in the gym chose at the Town Hall on Thursday December The annual The topic for the even at a Christmas to will be Japanese The and Remember presented Gardens Pat District an by Roll Gray will be Tucker of the is on Satur held on Friday Decern of will be day December from 17 from lpm1 leading the discussion a noon at Rock Centre The evening open to Centre There will The tickets are per all those interested be a boke table craft person and arc avail oble penny able and from Neli Mlllson j tea tables Manv local or These answered this to lkkoL fosl P display Iheir It delay getting yours morning they were be ioo difficult from Neil or a lot of jour Rob David Lasby wins at Fair they called to a car accident on south of Eden Mills received lacerations and a broken knee On Monday morning they were called to a transformer fire on Mary St The primary grade by Mrs Royal Winter hair children of Eramoaa Congratulations to Miss Lathy public school will be David who won was the guest speaker treated to the play the Champion at Acton High School Hurray for Willoghby for Shorthorn In the last week Cathy chose presented by Queen Guineas at the as her topic Beef Production In North America Activities Director Hetty Marshall and her volunteers have planned a Teo and at Eden House Nursing Home on Saturday December The residents would enjoy your company Mrs Eric Lockert was the hostess for the November meeting of the lenun Women Donations arc to be given to the Salvation Army Christmas Cheer unci and House Nursing Hume were made for a Christmas luncheon on December 19 and the purchase of gifts and candy The annual reports of the secretary and treasurer were read and the Mate of Officers remains the same is last year New program convenors are Betty Ramsey and Bar- don The December meeting will be on the with Christmas exchange Twelves members answered the roll call with of mem bcrship fees Pennies for the of the were and dedicated Mrs Devotions were given Mrs MacDougall ind Mrs had a Theme program Refreshments were served the hostess assisted by Mrs Illacklock and courtesy remarks were extended Mrs McLean Mrs Florence Lasby is now a resident of Eden House Nursing Home and best wishes for contentment in her new surroundings Mr and Mrs Tony have returned from a memorable trip to Ann hometown Holland where they attended a special birthday celebration for Ann mother Ann was delighted to be reunited with her seven sisters and two brothers and most of their families It the first time In 17 since the family had all been together Two sisters travelled from Australia or this happy occasion MAMAOEM WE IT your car dot in bit do on American sod STOP FOX ESTIMATES COURTESY CASS INSURANCE CLAIMS HANDLED QUICKLY UPTOWN COLLISION 8779211