I B7 AUCTION SALE For the estate of the lata Robert Anderson and estate of the late Bigger Set Dec at 1030 AM Location In Mton at the f ft In the Hal on Robert Si tune 9 piece walnut cute piano a complete of mostly furratunt apptancss becking toe Au Ward Brownridge AUCTIO SALE Sat AtteiMM Dtc 11 Emtag Dec 12 Lny Out Praam pint CdMctUn of Nippon on limpl giro Roy A lwry of A capper Brut Aitrur many more Visa Sit open era Mil MtkraA oh by Of Itftaw St bMmr Hotter tan TOR Available Immedia tely Cell after BEDROOM apart ment In a quiet area Mum only Call after in BRAND ntw bedroom bungalow month bathrooms fin fined recroom Reference required BE hall Ift tor pertle reunion ate Jaan BuatonaT720i CAD garage plenty outdoor parking Downtowm Georget own T77in wanted to there tits Include utilities Call77 HOUSE tor Rant bedroom country home Phone week day attar and any Etna 77- MILTON how plus dan basement plus Baraga Big lot plus utilities possession January 15 iP77t THREE house on farm available January monthly or retired gentleman preferred to act ai handyman on farm after a ROOM tor use of house CO tram nonamokar ISO month Day MltUf evening fan to large farm dining and Watt Acton Stay s you pay per month fat ACTONI apt stove fridge and only no pat attar apart BACHELOR mant and rant with TV and BEDROOM apart haat hydro and Sunday 771211 BEDAOOM apt ki building oil Avallaata Fab monthly apt tor rant Jan BEDROOM apartmant January I 400 month aftartpm 2 BEOROOM apart ment In Acton Fridge and tove included Call LARGE badroom apartmant In country homo Acton walkout to patio preferred Ltasa required ONE bedroom apartment month Call after pm GEORGETOWN and par month this August SPACIOUS contained In beautiful farm large bedroom country kitchen large living room scenic and quiet No children no pet par month Heat and hydro antra par First end ONE prtmant and stove 7H BOARDER week home near Acton mature person own transportation STORKS of fice equipped with kitchen and shower Downtown Georget own and includes heat PRIVATE SALE Cy tot by chiming i and to a thavva Clur fliundng OPEN DECEMBER