Tuesday Dec 1982 B7 Cleaning Tenders drop in 83 The coat of cJosntag town wID drop Tenders for the bowed a total coat for next year of down from la With eight Lenders received CleanAge Canada will look after the Main Street treasury for the engineering building for the Free fun a office the cultural centre and the Acton office Janitorial Trafalgar Road offices at a coat of the fire department head- quarters and Stewaittown hall for Warren Brake look after the Community Centre at a coat of During the holidays enjoy a free skate and swim compli ments of the Acton and Georgetown tier and Rotary Clubs In conjunction with the Recreation and Parks Department the Acton and Georgetown Lions Clubs are spon soring free swimming December Ih to 30 from to at both the Acton and George I own Indoor Pools In addition there will be a Family Swim at the Acton Pool December 27 from 7 JO to m and Public Swims in both Pools on December from to 9 pro The Georgetown and Acton Rotary dubs In conjunction with the Re creation and Parka De partment are spon soring free skating in Acton and Georgetown Santa Clans dropped by for a early at Maple Nursery School but week Linda Spencer school teacher Howard ad Stephanie acted Santas elves Tor the party December to will be open December and December to 30 The Gordon a to and to for Pub- Arena will be open December 27 to 30 lie Skating December 130 to 2 SO to 250 pro for Public for Family Skating The Acton Many thanks to the Skating The George- Arena will open Decern- Georgetown and Acton town Memorial Arena ber to 3 SO p ro Rotary and Lions Clubs Report from Queens Park MPPHatBBarUagto The Provincial Government baa introduced a motion which would have the effect of forcing passage of its con restraint bill A restricted amount of time would be allocated for each of three stages of debate and the government con siders the motion a democratic pro cedure or this particular bill While the Liberal Party supports the basic principle of the wage restraint bill we are opposed to the govern ments motion which we consider a procedural innovation not Included in the Legislatures standing orders which should be referred to the affairs committee for examination before a debate and vote Since Its Introduction at a spe cial session of the Legislature on the September the public sector restraint bill has already been de bated for hours Forced passage of the legislation will probably mean that the Treasurer will not be able to obtain some IS technical amend ments which he wanted to have but he has stated be la prepared to live with the bill as It stands Youth Unemployment In spite of skyrocketing youth un employment the Provincial Governments on Jobs for young Ontarians baa actually in real terms over the past four years In that period Increase government spending on youth un employment programs have de clined more than per cent behind the inflation rate Some people in Ontario between the ages of and were out of work in the period fewer than today Bringing these facts to the attention of the liberal Leader David Peterson stated the Government would need to Invest another Ml million on Jobs for the young order to bring spending up to previous levels In fact the government has budgeted to spend some this year on Job programs for young people and the sum would be almost million If spending had kept even with inflationary Increases Ontario Place The construction contract for Future Pod at Ontario Place was raised in the Legislature by Liberal Pat Reid of Rainy River Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee He charged that the contract was thrown to a Tory company because of that They were throwing a few more tidbits to their friends In this annual report the Provin cial Auditor had criticized Ontario Place and the responsible Ministry of Tourism and Recreation for letting the Future Pod contracts without competitive bidding last a practice which violated the governments manual of ad ministration Bypassing the bidding process the Acting Deputy Minister had approved an exemption on the grounds that the contract was mainly technical consulting ser vices although the Auditor noted that except for the contract was for action in connection with no exemption Is per mitted by the governments own regulations The Acting Deputy Minister had approved giving the contract to Dis play Service Co Ltd an affiliate of the wellknown Conservative agency Foster Advertising Ltd of Toronto Questioned further on this question the Minister told the House that he Is planning in im provements to Future Pod for next summer and that there will be plenty of competitive bidding WIS nt ALUMINUM ALUMINUM APPLIANCES GLBf ALUMINUM CARPENTRY 8770394 Raid Custom Farming PLOWING PLANTING HARVESTING Seeds 8731339 home doort and 8776383 CONCEPTS Design Construction Renovations Repairs New Construction RMldMitiaUCommarcial License FARM ANIMAL SERVICE Dead or animals removed Milton Appliance Refrigeration Cooling Heating Sale a Service WASHERS DRYERS RANGES FREEZERS MICROWAVE OVENS REFRIGERATORS DISHWASHERS AIR CONDITIONERS 87S1908 APPLIANCES I APPLIANCES II BOOKKEEPING EARLS FIXIT SHAVER SERVICE Au itemed Sales Strvicv Biaun Chorieseratl Han Cam Appliances Electric Small Appliances New Appliances for Solo Brat Price In Town Drop Inand Visit Our NawShop Georgetown run TtmsSat 8774822 CARPENTRY I CARPENTRY Glenn Carpentry DJ SERVICES INSTRUCTION CARPET VINYL CERAMIC TILING WtafeMTMUTIOM ESTIMATES Saturday am to noon Dannv Personal Residential Commercial 8534150 HOURS AFTCH Harold DnnvtT2MS WALTER Interior Exterior Estimates 8774028 SPECIALISTS IN Plumbing Hatting Sheet Metal Wcrt Industrial Retklentttt Commercial ELQIN STREET GEORGETOWN 8773838 MOODS Disc Jockey Services 8778163 Tarry Lowe Music For All Occasions J J HANDYMAN ADDITIONS ROOMS Patios Rock evenings HENKS LAWN ft GARDEN SPECtAUZfNOtN SERVICING SALES SERVICE SALES AUDION TVS MKflOWAVtl ALL MAKES mi ESTIMATES WITH CARRY IN SERVICE CATHY DRIVING SCHOOL HEATING Gas 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Main Open arm tewing FrteOelivMv ACTON CHIROPRACTIC Houra Mon Wed m Tuea Thurs 900 SaturrJay mornings by appointment RICHARD TELFORD DC CHIROPRACTOR Mill Street East Acton 8632483 Spaclaliting in home renovations Expert tn kitchens is Reasonable prices 8785104 TOM THOMPSON CHIROPRACTOR Mem St S Acton JIMS AND TRUCKING Alio Track Loader Monday thru Friday a 7 8533460 ffaT IN WANT ADS Aluminum Installations Ltd Specializing ThotmslWirKJow ITripJe or Double Aluminum Siding Storm Windows Soft it Facia Eavestroughlng FREE ESTIMATES QUALITY WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED RUDY HANOUSEK ROOFING roRSOFTWATB THE WAYIT SHOULD BE WATEBTESTINa and Service RENTALS SALES Homes Farms and SELf MOM GUELPH STREET GRANGER Interior Exterior PAPER HANOI NO Free Estimates 8778237 CORE WEIL VM