GeoigetownActon Tuesday Dec 1962 Knox Alert Pot luck at meet The Knox Alert Evening Group met In the Dr AX Stewart Memorial Hall for their pot luck sup per It was a moat delicious supper after which there was a gift The meeting came to order with the Call to Worship That Holy Night by the Isabel McDonald The business was dealt with tint with the secretary and treasurers reports be ing read and adopted The treasurer reported that they netted at the bazaar after ex peases were all paid It was moved and seconded that the treasurer send in what ever monies were needed to make up the groups allocation A list of Shut Ins was com piled and members took one or two names each to send a Christmas card from the group Slips were given out for the Every Member Participation meeting in January After the business was concluded Irene Terry Convenor Vera Inglis and Ruth Mar shall conducted a very Impressive Christinas program taken from the Glad Tidings and Davidson sang a Rose ere Bloom InR Obituary Rose Dyer A long time Rock wood resident Rose Lillian Dyer died December in St Joseph Hospital following a four month illness Mrs Dyer was bom November In Erin Township She and husband moved to years ago where she was a house wife Her husband died in 1332 Mrs Dyer attended United Church and was active in the Women Mis sionary Society and the Sunshine Club Rev Garfield officiated at the funeral at Shoe maker funeral Home Acton Interment was at Cemetery Pallbearers were grandsons John Dyer Alan David Danny Mar tin Peter Martin and Ron Lee Greenock at meeting The Christmas meet Ing of the WI was held December at the home of Miss Pearen with 22 members and three guests attending Following the Institute Opening Ode and The Mary Stewart Collect Mrs Aitken read two Christmas poems Mr gave meditations and played a lovely Christmas re cording The roll call was to brine con tributions for the shut in baskets and to show or tell about a favorite Christmas card The collection for pennies for friendships was this meeting and each per son was to donate one penny for each name on your Christmas gift list Mrs J McCullQCk Mrs It McKeown Mrs Sinclair and Mrs A Gates all favored us with humorous and Christmas readings and poems A guest Mrs A Van played her guitar and sang Christmas cants In which she asked us all to It was wry en joyable From under a lovely Christmas tree received a gift from their unknown friend A extra special lunch was served by the lunch Mrs J Addison and Mrs J Vaadercand by I YOU LL DO BETTER AT I YOULL DO BETTER AT AP I i uupstecwtiitMcumBUTintiuroc YOULL DO BETTER WITH The friendliest store in town ASP llm to I quint tits to dm ly EPsiPEPSfe Tomato Juice JUMBO SIZE 15 LITRE BOTTLE MOUNTAIN PEPSIFREE SUGAR FREE PEPSI FREE PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT Regular or Diet PepsiCola CASE OF TINS LITRE BOTTLE SUGAR FREE as Reg or PepsiGoia j OUR REGULAR PRICE Twin Rolls JANE PARKER PUMPKIN OR Apple Pie JANE PARKER PLAIN OR SEEDED SOUR RYE OR Pumpernickel Bread 79 JANE PARKER Raisin Pie 129 INSTANT OR DECAFFEINATED Nescafe Coffee 8oz jar OUR REGULAR PRICE 6 99 MARVEL SLICED White Bread OUR REGULAR PRICE g 24 OZ LOAF TEAORSHO Puffs ASP FROM CONCENTRATE Orange Juice PLAIN OR ASSORTED PROCESS Zingg Cheese Portions OLD FASHIONED RECIPE FLAVOURS Beatrice Ice Cream Mince our GRADE A EVISCERATED FROZEN ASP SELFBASTING MIRACLE BASTE OR SWIFT DEEPBASTED OUR REGULAR PRICE 3 69 LB SAVE 221kg1D0 lb I SAVE 221kg100 lb STEAKS ROASTS TBoneorWing CutFromCanada Beef Sirloin Steak OUR REGULAR PRICE 99 lb OUTSIDE CUT EYE REMOVED BONELESS Round Roast J OUR REGULAR 7 lb OUR REGULAR PRICE 36flig3 lb J TENDERIZED Cube Steak STEAK OR ROAST 1IK4 ORAM A Frozen Ducks FRESH LEAN Ground Beef RUMP SIRLOIN TIP BONELESS Beef Roasts ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 491b SMOKED WHOLE Leg Hams OUR REGULAR PRICE A 17KgT GRADE A EVISCERATED J 1 7 Frozen Geese CORNISH 31 SWIFT READY TO WMOLfcUrlMALF AM Sugar Plum Club Hams 2 SWIFT PREMIUM SLICED Cooked Meats 99 TOWN CLUB OR AP REGULAR OR THICK A FROZEN EVISCERATED CORNISH Game Hens SWIFT READY TO SERVE WHOLE ORMALF Sliced Side OUR REGULAR PRICE 69 PRICE 2 HOSTESS ASSORTED VARIETIES Potato Chips JANE PARKER Angel Cake 99 CRESCENT ORBUTTERFLAKE Rolls i99 J JANE PARKER FROZEN Old South Juices PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA SWEET SEEDLESS CANADA NO I GRADE PROD OF ONTARIO I PROO OF MOROCCO THECANOVFRUfT Carrots THECANDV FRUIT W F Sweet Clementines Pink Grapefruit 51 CAHADANO I GRADE PROO SJBET CANADAEXTRAFANCVPROD Green Peppers 3 1 Delicious Apples A SUPERB BLEND RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES 8 0Clock Bean Coffee CUSTOM GROUND LB BAG 3 lb big 99 Our price ID SAVE 2 10 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3 CRUSHED SUCED OR TIDBITS Pineapple In Own Juice ORANGE PEKOE Salada Tea Bags KRAFT OR MINI WHITE OR FRUIT FLAVOURED Mandarin Oranges 79 SMILES AND CHUCKLES CHOCOLATE Turtles OUR REGULAR PRICE 4 PURE VEGETABLE Bravo Oil OUR REGULAR PRICE 99 JANE PARKER FRUITS NUTS Fruit Cake g lb OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE BERRY OR JELLIED 14FL0ZT1N Cranberry Sauce OUR REGULAR PRICE 1 39 OCEAN SPRAY OR Cranberry Cocktail TODDLER WITH GATHERS OR EXTRA ABSORB Pampers Diapers 959 ORIQ HAL OATMEAL Dads Cookies S79 GREEN GIANT CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE 9 ya CLTT MACARONI OR Lancia Pastas 79 OR BEATRICE Whipping Cream SWISS FLAVOURS Gay Lea Yogurt 2 99