Wednesday Jan 1S83 Handicap ramp delayed due to location change Acton bowling results handicapped ramp into Acton arena wain I built iarl last sear because Hills Mas awaiting approvals for the project having changed the plans including Die location of On October reerca director Tom to council recommending the handicapped ramp anil outside tights be dropped from the so tlie furnaces lould be ri moved from Mark jumps for rebound in anion against won Hi School sports Midget boys split neus paper was Dunn hiad of minor ball in how tin Iiiwniould afford to put in a new fence in IRiimbcr around tin sports fields at Prospect Park winch ball fed wasn needed but department afford to install shortfall night Alton llaskuball High School the teams from Alton High boys basketball team liosted from Milton and defeated Top shooter for Alton Jam sinking points Mark Pries stored points and Jof Silcoik had points wnk all thru ftalid the lost l to Oaks with Stewart sinking points scored points Mark had 1 lost I hi points and Cliff points oath Seniors wire aiedWiU and Harold v is top shooter r sinking I points Paul Nolan II points and in Marquis sunk planned ramp said Dunn had not tin There waj monev lift paper but also lontui in Hit Alton rink budget for the lights and ramp Prospect Park is part because staff a five sear program to discovered the location fix up the park i be changed to explained meet specifications the recreation depart to of budget isn t one the ramp project and big barrel all the after new plans were in recreation monev isn l place there was a put in one pot Instead while were each rink park or other prosed recreation facility has had cut an individual budget special grants for Mime handicapped facilities recreation from budget from per cent of the to another be said We cost to none However don rob Peter to pay to secure a regular subsidy for As a budget at an arena the Town is spent throughout the still had to meet whin the is provincial gout nothing more is ions for the ramp done ex said the plained Several times rampwill be included in he noted the Town isn IhebudgelhcsubmiLMu run on a credit card He council and it will said if money is left built in if readable source over in any facility approves the ttiat the fence was built The Town may or may because there was bt not receive a subsidy left in a recrea to from the for tlnn budget and if it the ramp in 1983 its too spen early yet approve as big Dunn said he called j budget for 19HJ Such a miKilIor Pam Sheldon ls ludlcmls about the fence and ramp because represents where he lives but has not received anv arts wcrs back lie explained he has only met a few times so there is personal between them which would prompt him to need less I criticize the director Dunn noted being ved in local sports he notices things about recreation department spending and can I understand how money can be spent on an unnecessary fence has pushed to stronly for user pay fees Dunn added hi beard Tbc pan nd KsU TV lot The Butt Jfrovnji Si nrxllVim rn Jem- inn To ILrad iih n iri hit shim Mr III J itm 11 tup lumol in AH Trffna fund municipal if the budget i said be lalleil Dunn and want to answir tin through the hi did to questions tin tree He said at the furnace insis up it look top priority said Ins department dirin feci there should a ramp so the tapped inuld inter a old a built Its A Great Place To Visit Wheres the best place to keep up to date on news of the area Right in your home town newspaper Subscribe Today BEAT THE INCREASE If you renew your mail subscription today whether it comes due later in 1983 we hold the 1982 subscription rate of mm Per Year n CanMa Only 8532010 FLORIDA A Luxury Rental Condominium Located Directly on the Gulf of Mexico 13440 Gulf Boulevard Madeira Beach The owners have agreed to rent their generously furnished homes away from home These condominiums are two bedroom two bath dwellings very spacious with close to 1200 square feet of area Cable color TV washer dryer 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Mike picked up three assists and Jeff a pair Villa and Huh fired die hat fur the I ml pair Bonis a single Steve picked up assists tn and The Artisan Village is home to some of Canada s finest Artisans and craftspeople Many of these skilled Artists are now offering educational a exciting courses Introduction to Pottery Spinning and Dying Introduction to Miniatures Rug Braiding Introduction to Sculpting Introduction to Stained Glass Leathercraft Courses Begin Feb 1st Enrolment Is Limited Contact 8531031 the Hide House Eastern Ave Acton Midget hammered Montreal Hi In Midget ait ion hns and scared goals each for wild Van and Ted I adding single store I indsu picked tip our assists and mo Single went In Van and Andrews and lihlnger for David Hargrove rlngtun and all earned Schedule for day January land vii Baltimore G vij Tidewater Atom- a Hhaua vs Ijindon a m Sl Kilts Novice am Dixie Brampton vs SO a Weston vi vb 1 Sunday January 16 V4H4 m Buffalo vi Toronto Montreal Vancouver single r