deer Two records broken in the 1982 contest Ted of Grand Bend a new Ontario Pro incial record in the salmon class His entry neighed pounds Harbour provided it and il went for a Canadian WiggJer Close behind were second and third place lunkers that weighed 23 pounds and pound 2 Waterloo and Comber anglers Morns ion of Orange ville was in fourth place with a 19 pound ounce prize Lucky Harris of lited up to his name with two entered One weighed 1H pounds ounces and that one rated number five spot liarni lias a pound ounce prize hat places in number ten spot Ijickv Harris is well known to Georgetown people He determined angler a lot of experience in llu angling field in the olio class win entered Ontario anglers Ijkr Trout to Hill Hunter of wlitn gave up lb lake trout that is in top spot Dave of Luke St Peter is keeping Lake reputation alive with a lb I J fruits lodged in second Lake is showing that it can still produce of angled a il lbs lake trout from those just to help the lake prove it s worth Now its Scramble So the Outdoors Safe Journey and Tight lines Report from Queens Park Ontario continues to be much in the news In the last v of 19B2 it became apparent that a mistake by j supplier to the would cost Hydro consumers about W5t million It appears that a boiler manufacturers and Wilcox Canada designed to save SI million on a million contract resulted in added costs of million which will be paid by con of i sears and the interest on the billion dollar Pickering project The project was originally scheduled to cost SI billion in 197J hut current estimates for the project arc in the area of billion Of course there nothing new about consumers footing the hillbill rates have increased some per tent over the period to Tlic 19B1 rate approved by Ontario per cent and this reduced from Hydros original request of 13 per cent by the Ontario Board Hydro has fore cast rate increases for and 19 of 11 and 16 per cent respectively One major reason For enormous increases is the gross over expansion to the extent that we have an sing and costly of generating capacity In December peak demand for electricity was megawatts Hydro prefers a reserve margin of per cent in this case the capacity to generate megawatts It actually has the capacity to generage about per cent more than actual demand The excess capacity about megawatts approximates a greater ill four units of Bruce A plus one of the four units at Pickering flic situation is by no means ttmporarv will last until 1999 et Hydro documents show thai over expansion continues and the year Darlington comes on stream the Corporation will be able to generate per cent more electricity than anticipated at peak demand that year Obviously Hydro is not serious about load forecasting or notice would have been taken of the recommendation of the Select on Ontario Hydro Affairs made in that Darlington would not be needed until the end of the century The truth of the matter is that Hydro scrambling to find buyers for power because of the costly surplus Hydro Vice President has in fact recently written to some dozen utilities offering to sell up to two million megawatt hours yearly of surplus nuclear power from the mid to late 1980s which is actually before the Darlington plant is scheduled to come on stream Let not forget that American customers do not pay for the capital operating and depreciation costs of the plants asuydo Moreover let not overlook the fact that the Ontario will be left with the nuclear wastes which are generated by the expansion of the province nuclear capacity Of the province current borrow lOOpertent- 2 billion annually is for Hydro Tins represents virtually the provinces entire credit limit permitting the Government little flexibility in case it needs to borrow lor its own purposes Borrow extends to foreign as ell as domestic sources Hydro s foreign debt at over billion rivals that of the entire Federal Govern and he interest paid by Hydro to its foreign financiers exceeds million per year more than the total dividends sent out of the country by ail the foreign con trolled oil companies in Canada With respect to fuel costs he Ontario Energy Board Counsel stated recently thai Ontario Hydro is plagued with excess oil not to mention excess coal excess uranium and excess heavy water The Corporation is lied into long term uranium contracts which are costing consumers double the world price for uranium and will cost over 100 million more per year for two million pounds of surplus uranium for each and every year from to well beyond the year In addition Hydro has so far paid Ltd some million increasing by million per month for not taking deliveries of oil which Ihey do not need but are tied into through 15year contracts Linic wonder that Liberal Patrick Held of River commented in November 1962 that Star Wars must surely have been Inspired by Ontario Hydro that he could think of no other Empire with the ability to strike back at the public with such impunity GE Viscount APPLIANCES Rdngcs Washers Dishwashers FREE DELIVERY Sale SNOW THROWER Regular CASH and CARRY COUNTER TOP 6 8 10 WOOD STOVES and ACCESSORIES CLOTHING and FOOTWEAR o off list CABINET HARDWARE CANFOR SPINDLES off Est CARPET REMNANTS 25 off marked price SALE ENDS JANUARY 2Z 1983 LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE UNITED COOPRATIVES Of ONTARIO 333 GUELPH ST GEORGETOWN 8772271 STORE HOURS MONDAY THURSDAY SATURDAY Town fiWw DRY CLEANING 8770387 SAME DAY DRY CLEANING SERVICE FRIDAY HILLS SHOPPING CENTRE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF Barber Henley Ltd B Main St S SB sr 8772214 ALL THE CHOICE IN THE WORLD CANADIAN ODEON THEATRES A GEORGETOWN 3 MS Do CROSS WORD I IE I I WIN TICKETS TO GEORGETOWN CINEMA 3 Dona do aaa a go So Dana THE GEORGETOWN INDEPENDENT 30 Main South iht the interest down FINANCING on all new 1983 passenger cars and light duty pickups You must take delivery by March 311983 Annual percentage rate for qualified buyers for the full term of the contract from Chrysler 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