Wednesday Jan 12 1963 FREE Seed and Garden Book Stewarttown by Stewart A belated Happy New Year to one And all and with a new year comes more meetings First the Guilds annual meeting this Wednes day January with a fondue pot luck at Then the annual vestry meeting January To Anyone Interested In Gardening and Pteasani Home Surroundings ana more than 160 new listings Over the best everflung in seeds gourmet vegetables to latest varieties New Gladiolus Lihes Ins Peonies Vegetable plants Marry new specialties in aids and accessories al chosen tot Canadian gardeners Let us you mote Mad coupon loday tor your Free copy THE CHURCH OF ST ALfiAN THE MARTYR Rev Arthur Tribe Mrs Batty Oakes Sun Jan 16 1983 00a Holy 30 a Holy 30a Church School Nursery WEDNESDAY m Holy CHURCHILL COMMUNITY Rev E M Jenkins 1 Sun Jan 16 1983 I a Morning ship and Church School ALL WELCOME SALVATION ARMY Gospel Service every Si il cm at Trinity Unit M Church Acton our pric on CtwoMtam Cld todays iiawi fr LOOK FOR DOLLARS OFF TAGS FOR SAVINGS LIKE THESE fmMtPrc Everyday DoBara OH SaM 799- 599- 799 4 99 95 12 99 Prices January 29 the rsgutor price on Over 5000 Wallpaper Book Patterns lodaysmost designs torn leading makers Thousands to choose at savings low on V Faints everyday low on Cotor Your World Lam our guarantee of OFF JUKE THESE Everyday Moff MoHiata Everyday Low Pre oft OUR FINEST OURFMEST manor Sam Everyday S3 off CYWEveryiUy Low Pre 1196 NOWI4JS a ColarYaurWmid i JO Mm KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAIN ST ACTON Sunday January 16 1983 Service and Church School at 1 A Thought lor the Week VIOLENCE ALTER THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS BUT ITWILL NOT CHANGE THE HEART OF MAN GET TO KNOW US GEORGETOWN CHURCHES Meetings start awl JmkRmi after the morning wishes Jennifer Vernon a speedy recovery Mrs Sarah Murray John Murray mother is at present visiting in Scotland and England ACTON CHURCHES ACTON BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev Jean Stairs Mm Dm Sun Jan 1983 Church School a Morning Sarn TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Mr Andrew J King BAA M George Ellion MA PhD Organist Sun Jan 1983 10 a m Morning Woi Sunday School Baby Fold and Nursery Care For any need call Andy King BAPTIST CHURCH Mountain view Pes lor Rev Sunday Morning Worshipllam Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday 7 30 ALL ARE WELCOME Nursery Facilities and Junior Congregation KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner of Church and MjmSa George Sunday School Morning Worship Nursery Fee ties UMEHOUSE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Comer Line and No 22 Sideroad Rev Peter Barrow 45 a Morning mi Sunday School ST GEORGES ANGLICAN CHURCH SO Guefcih St Rector Rev JimBovfei Wednesday January J Evening Eucnenst Prayer Book Holy Eucharist am Hrrfy Book 1MMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH Windsor Carole Si J Church Sorvico ti a Sunday ST JOHNS UNITED CHURCH OF GEORGETOWN AND GLEN WILLIAMS GuerphSl JefteryC Davison BSc MAPLE AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 177 Maple Avanue Pastor Edwin Mitchell 877 EVERY SUNDAY a Family Bible School Biblical Preaching WEEKDAYS Prayer Bible Study Youth Recreation Guli Clubs Little MONTHLY Adult Fellowships Ladles Missions Senior Ad u lis BALLINAFAD UNITED CHURCH Mom Worship 11 45a A Hundred Years Worship A Century of Service GEORGETOWN ALLIANCE CHURCH SUNDAY JAN I7VV flMcDonaicrs Community Calendar Readings from Shaw The witty penetrating words George Bernard Shaw will be brought to life January 19 when dramatic readings of Don Juan in Hell will be given by Studio Productions In Ox bow Books Main Street At 30 p an informal atmosphere of sitting on floor and chairs amid pushedback bookshelves Bev Nicholas Florence O Connor Glen and Michael will be featured readers The production is directed by Emd Williams- Nicholas Famliy Asthma Program The Family Asthma Program at Georgetown District High School Pool continues Saturday morning with children having structured swim lessons exercises and breathing tech niques This free charge program is being sponsored by the Helton Lung Association Card club The is offering a dropin Card Club An open house club enthusiasts will be on Thursday January from 15 lo3 TheY is also offering a week novice bridge program for beginners who want to learn how to play bridge Lessons will be held on Wednesday afternoons from January 11 to March Call the at CI 63 for more information Christian Womens Fellowship Halton Hills Christian Women Fellowship will hold their first meeting on Tuesday January IB at St Georges Anglican Hall from 1 15 to 15 p m Judy of J4M Books Ltd in Brampton will be the guest speaker Jo Anne of Colors for All Seasons will be on hand to speak about a new fashion coordination concept Elizabeth Sterritt of Brampton will provide the music The cost is S3 and reservations can be made by calling 8774158 Watch With Me Rev John Scott M D acting director of the Palliative Care Unit Toronto Grace Hospital and lecturer for the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto will be speaking Knox Presbyterian Church beginning at m on Sunday January 16 Rummage sale The Boston Ladies Fellowship Group is holding their annual Winter Clearance Rummage and White Elephant Sale on Wednesday January from to a m at Boston Church on the Third Line north of Become an artist Credit Valley Artisans arc offering winter courses beginning this month on woodcarving quilting weaving and pottery for all levels There will also be Saturday workshops on and February and March Registration for all of these is this Saturday January from am at the Credit Valley Artisans Cottage in Cedarvale Park For more Information about the courses call Hunting forbidden in limits Reports of hunters in the Terra Cotta area have prompted Bylaw Enforcement Officer Jack Lusty to warn any one with the same idea that it la against the law to shoot firearms within the limits of Hills In the rural areas any hunter must have the written permission of the farmer on whose land he is hunting and in the towns It is for hidden to shoot fire arms at all Lusty said people walking on the Bruce Trail in the Terra Cotta area have reported pellets landing around them The Bylaw Enforce ment Officer points out there Is a fine as high as for discharging firearms within the Town limits without permission from the farmer He notes this not prevent farmers from shooting on their own property PAY is COMING FEB 1st You must be a Cable TV subscriber before you can be a Pay TV subscriber Avoid the last minute rush and havo coble installed now SUPER CHANNEL FIRST CHOICE 8531270 Hito Cable MAIN ST NORTH ACTON ONT 1V9 The Staff of Arthur F Johnson Associates Sincerely thank all those families who so generously donated to our Kiddies Toy Drive making it a truly Merry Christmas for everyone NANCY KEIMAN AUDREY JOHN FREDDIE BURTON SHARON CATHY PAT HAMMER MURRAY SMITH RICHARD FDRSTER LUCIE RENS LORRAINE RILEY URSULA ZEIDLER HERB SPITZER BETTE STOKES KEITH SMITH ALICE POKLUDA EV PATTERSON DAVID FRENCH MANAGER