Classified GEORGETOWN ACTON CONVBttlEPn NEW SERVICE- You may ramd Ask us for For A On Tha First Th Georgetown Inde pendent and the Acton Proa not responsible for Ion Any iiimi in Secliom hould be called to of CUssl Department attar Insertion Ad to Cafl- 8776266 of 8532010 Monday to Friday and nee Hull are me son we gh IDs at General Hospital Monday January 17 in Step brother to it Bob Jm EULIOTI Yvonne on January at me Georgetown Win year Beloved wile Paul El Brampton Anne Percy Stewart uga proud to anno Lint John and Janet January IMS grandchild for Cord Third grandchild It ion Michael December a General weighing and Rudy Cad Georgetown are the engagement their daughter Claude to Shawn Sparling ion Jeanette Sparling of Milton and Sparling of Valley to take place March its at Coeur Church Georgetown MUTCH SON Georgetown a pleated to engagement Do In an Toronto take place September SI Ethel on Sunday January 16 at Peel Memorial Hospital Brampton Ethel Brooks Brampton formerly Georgetown in tier 7 Sin year wife of the Armstrong and dear BUI and Jack Georgetown Mr Murray LaRote Conn and trie late Jean Arm strong Dear niter of and trie late Herb Brooks Alio lovingly remembered by net grand children and greatgrandchildren Helling at Jonai Funeral Home SI Georgetown from Tuttday afternoon where tune I and held Wednesday afternoon tit a clock Spring interment dance Cemetery Stephen on Monday Jam 17 at George and Memorial Hospital Stophi Nome Georgetown beloved husband of Maude Alien and father of Merloni Edith St from Tueiday evening be held Thursday Greenwood Georgetown District Hospital would be a pr eclated TAMBLYNTolni denly on Tuesday January KB at the Georgetown Melville dear William lister Victoria Be and Mrs A Jefklns Of nephews and grand nieces and nephews In Canada Inland and USA Ihe Jones and a mother CM Myrlle Han Wary Bell Bud the MeCr Barbara Toil and dear lister Of F J I J ones Funeral Home Edith Georgetown where funeral service was held Friday January interment Greenwood Cemetery who me at home Special thanks lo Or Kennedy ana Preston TO OUR relative and neigh hours we wish to our ap preciation and thank you all for your kind card phone cam gifts contributions and food before and after the a dear mother and grand mother Beatrice Cole A special thank you lo Mr Andy King In conducting the funeral lerv the Churchill Community women Group in serving the lunch and Bruce and Shoemaker for their atilltant Your will never be forgotten Sincerely waller Linda Ken Dan It ma s Barrow I would II also thank everyone concern grandfather lather law and brother in law who passed away ol days When we were Sadly missed by wile Mabel dauflhli Doug grandchildren Bobby husband father ant presence Your memory Ing you always Forgetting you never Sadly missed by wile Lola daughters Rulh and families in memory Snyder who passed or grlei Iways Ihlnk OPEN House for Mr Claire Wilson occasion their rd wedding January 7 i Hyde Park Georgetown Kin Court No gilts PARENTS PARTNERS or 877 KIDS FOR TV TV now beginners special TV T taming to net Series Places Inn tod call 1 964 3603 ACTON Annual Wednesday January at Y welcome Georgetown Agricultural Society on January m at Hall Georgetown Pot luck AT the Georgetown on Saturday January in ing at Local Storytellers will be on hand for a Ire session lories and puppet plays and i liable or children who love author Red I Best will b reading her works will tha author Moving Gives Ma A Stomach Heather at the Public ibrarv on Saturday January This reading opart to the public TMr is no admission charge III THE BRTtISHILUB BURNS SUPPER January 1983 St Georges Church Hall 60 Guelph St Georgetown p per couple FOR TICKETS 877 CREDIT Valley Armani Beginner Adult Pollerv Won Intermediate Adult Pottery March IS weeks Time 00 lurther Information all Pat or Ji CLASSES sculpture CREDIT Valley Artisans Csndlem Workshop Saturday February to Instructor Bull For In lormatloncall Pal CREDIT Valley Artisans Ing Wednesday February March 30 Course fee 40 00 Instructor Tony Bally Furlher Information call Pal e alley Weaving Thursday van Melden Further Information call Pal 67849 ERIN Soaring Society sponsors Gilder Pilot ground school Excellent Introduction to sport soaring and preparation or Glider pilot license exam Wednesday evenings Brampton Central February 7 April GOLF Clin golf pro tad of Georgetown if Country jb plus a display golfer Saturday 10 a m to in Public Library Free programme Mckenzie smith School presents Talents Ing the Royal City Ambassadors appearance Smith School Band School Choir and lots Feb Acton High School Tickets adults SO students Available at AB Smith School SSI IATURAL Thfttapy Paula Wheian it Georgetown latural Therapy relaxation Saturday January 77 m Georgetown Public THE ANNUAL meeting of Ac ion Agricultural Society Rummage Wednesday January It Boston Presbyterian Church 3rd Line I mile north Road or No THE DAUGHTERS St Anglican Church monthly luncheon wilt be held Wednesday January Turkey salads dessert and JO Wednesday January 76th Phone SLEIGHRIDES or tiovridesr POP FACTORY OUTLET Going out of February 26 Pop available until January Will bottle returns till February 26 Garnet 9917 ACTORS FOrW TV Sound tag Is now interview ing now people tor Spocial TV Studio to act TV Series TV CommarcialS For Information itcts For FACTORY FURNITURE SALE SECONDS AND DISCONTINUED LINES Coffee tables end Hexagon tables book cases and complete wall units HH FURNITURE LTD 24 Armstrong Ave Georgetown 8778495 Open Monday to Thursday Friday Saturday GOLD SALE Sat Jan 23 Sam p m bracelets earrings Georgetown 2 Milt 3 Bag 229 Monday JUG CITY 99 Main St North HOUSE OFPIAN0S Jusi west of CHANNEL Jerrold TV convener THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF NOTICE TO WATER AND SEWER RATEPAYERS HALTON HILLS WATER AND SEWER RESIDENTIAL RATEPAYERS Alt rates are monthly THE FOLLOWING RATE SCHEDULE WILL APPLY TO ALL BILLS RENDERED ON AND AFTER MARCH 1 Serve Under 1 1 25 86 37 64 62 165 79 98 333 Usage Charter dm Cubic m Sfwfr 186 6 10 12 02 1 t 96 88 35 50 WATER AND SEWER COMMERCIALINDUSTRIAL RATEPAYERS All rates are monlhly THE FOLLOWING RATE SCHEDULE WILL APPLY TD ALL RENDERED ON AFTER FEBRUARY 19B3 7 10 11 25 46 200 321 401 Charge per CuUc Sewpr 7 49 56 16 18 50 61 00 126 321 645 39 3cAn 27 HP Case Garden Tractor with hydrostatic trans hydraulic lift 48 snow blower lawn mower push blade chains weight bon cab lights and much more About 6 years old and in excellent condition Sum RR 1 ISIS 3619 FIREWOOD Spin hardwood HOURS Man SATURDAYS 12 TAXES intra ALUMINUM Signs Moveable a changeable monthly ANTIQUE condition BLACK white Zenllh TV Mtwetn Ask tor Ben Call Doug CHESTER FIELD tweed evenings Street Milton ONE double spring and mattress ELECTROHOME console colour TV In excellent condition Asking or best Piter available B77 1343 dry spill rill deliver 74B49 FIREWOOD Birch and maple Split and delivered Kindling GREEN nougatiydc chesterfield chair Excellent condition Call after 5 m 877SBB7 INSULATED alum cap rear door sc I roof vent extras 1550 Call 853 alter MOOEL 319 eluding Plate maker and processor pur chased August Call Al 579 4400 or 683 trip plow flal bed trailer 400 Ford pickup from chrome bumper SO Dodge 4X4 short box plow Many J certtfed 9119 NEW utility tr filler sti floor fill or offer NUTRITION Anal personality computer evaluation of your diet bated on your lifestyle Only Pinpoint dietary axe Mm Canada Milton wail im PRINTING Invoice form book pot tart anvatopat Invitation ate Compatt lea Harrington Printing Acton BE Vantage QUEEN with stop rust Humidifier 7 i cool spray in excellent con room carpel IB yd Installed 9 95 yd derped SI so yd Carpet 630 ONE set of lour while Ranger rims For Dodge van SIMPLICITY apt SINGLE trailer DO or belt SNOW THROWER amps Wallace St Acton one east VIKING 34 range good working condition Come and 877 WHITE spoke FARM EQUIPMENT BARN CLEANERS OVERHEAD FEEDERS CONVEVORS MANURE SPREADERS MANURE TRANSFER PUMPS AGITATOR We alio sell Call ir J Hoy Fenders Fo 1 For Server Line K EQUIPME 1 GEORGETOWN INo I 1 BLACKSMITH Steve Deforest Normal and R 5 Georgetown 77 CANARIES Alto cages and breeder ft Slock Lbr dor Terrier pup to good noma REGISTERED Labrador Retriever Champion blood Una Born January Call Retrlavert EI PetSiM Stat re Bull Terrier ExcepiionaiV good with en idren For SMALL pup plat- One Cot poo 5 One miniature collie poodle QI- big of Ha I ion Hint urganliy In Acton waiting Call