Georgetown Acton Wednesday Jan 191963 AELePAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR The name Me OPEN HOUSE January 1 303 Church Si home with many unique lea lure Walking Bianco ft Dm and lake JoySometvale MARKET GARDEN SOIL MARKET GARDEN SOIL acre with way Iron age 3 bedroom brick bungalow over wed double garage for storage Joy Somorvilte COUNTRY DUPLEX PLUS WORK SHOP8990Q Super ncome on just mile on town CeH Sandra Nairn Heslop Offers lORGEOLISAREA lea lures Jack Robertson AFFORDABLE COUNTRY Delightful bedroom custom Minuses town with your pets or hobby Joy Some mite ACRE MINI FARMEDGE OF TOWN Solid brick homo spacious Nolly wood Kitchen hardwood floor fireplace Jack WHY WAIT in WALK TO SHOPPING Nicely lot Park area lovely immaculate homo with natural wood BRAMPTON country Fully finished in a tasteful quality nner Owner ho a bought Dora MacKinnon 133 LATES feel all buck lot gram Jack Robertson main ST on pot store in S3 Gov bedroom and Asking EXCELLENT INVESTMENT Market garden almost town Acreage in I asparagus strawberries Possible extra in located A farmhouse other buildings well landscape Coring 6- 1 Murray LOVELY COUNTRY HOME On 15 Including some bush and a barn Double garage fireplaces lei mo show you today Joy Somen ilia 19- APPROVED COMMERCIAL FRONTAGE for real country restaurant Well mam old stone home on busy highway acres only 15 minutes to Cell Joy or Cor CROSS COUNTRY SKt from he back di of immaculate bedroom Cosy fireplaco in family room well landscaped WondySaxo In this custom built horn on gorgeous acra minutes tram GO and Unbekavabfy priced at OVER AN Home character bedrooms baths place and lust over mm to Sandra Nairn 117 THE PERFECT BALANCE Enough Acreage foi privacy easy to maintain a big enough BEST BUY OF 1K3 7 loom coon try home a large family Compact for el bungalow on acre Close to Georgetown Unique extras Jack Robertson ManonBiown Joyce VanDdii 3V ACHE 10 dudes house 8770173