RE2 Georgetown Acton Wednesday Jan 26 1983 bedroom nortfi nd mora or Margaret Bovd htm a aid tuner of rnra with Mm horn hod no end rw located omnia of Em 3 10 10 Trm bdm fan WO ham deck raw rt home tun low level lop smug Tine lot your ft Cd Ann room erf 5796 I a com and Bo Floor we nooks end crimes Ailing jj 779S But Updated bud on acre Pi AMIIPOTUSSlYKOn Mm right in you hew touch a thing lov home with room and place 11 Cat Susan per or Meal imTui decerned backing ff tan and mora Susan Cat or Doug ISO FT am IB with fP LoveV new room J fireplace mean homo Bitot One kind with car gerige A3 on urn with flush A itnifc buy faker j BMAm VUMXmm Neat lot Wei kept DeartMl oil be row rtaCTcn one jog set how carpet Possle Barta a fmhed a IB 79 brxk cortege with formal Iwngdnng rooms SUPER casual room with Wei com ry sat noma Vary real garage befroortapkttlcft 13J ft has ma bam Betty cm a hack treed mofl at UK leu or en Come nspecl wtJi Hen Hc Cal Barbara ESTATE cajtom home on TO gnoroui with pond and hone bun Entertain ityte be and oorra gather I ends the lj ge com Many custom Otitis Iron Parti bungalow has a laigo knclen hath tot ma and dung room plus good Cat Genoa FARMS LOTS ACREAGES BLOT ten Hogg bet a en heme Co mortgage for ubed fc ilrjrmuon IIACNEUnUtJM In I A le I 1 for more on lot era lot win m i ill SCO Cat fl I MTtMDOUAflVnr am I m W nlct it or Ural iM Acton JrOJXO lor thai cuJtoro home you wart to yet rad Bush you with firewood or me lor ACRES BUSH located the Both MS lo trees and mv mm to own Doug rVEGOTTh acres Mltll l nolevGWwiKesB5 Cal Barbara i98 need arms la We lor building lots lor spuria Cat LOW COST FRESH AM 7 acres and soma bush within and Asking i in Anon Can a use la plans a yours good fcu on km More from Hogg K acre ileal for m to lowri Ml Asking oiler Can Doug Meal IOTASH0PI3UU wth furnace a 573G 7311 WAKTAKWHOHn bedroom met bungalow with garage tested t6 road inh of taJl877S796 WAHTABAAGAarr Credit ftiver I m home lH Famn hen Shop rrusi be sold Make An Oiler SI COaWAMTCOMIIT buck bungalow should hold Item Abo fireplace in room WD from room to deck ft much more Cal INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT mull Caledon Cur leased for mo bick and one lal as garage or her cul be Parting for Building needs some repn Cat ach Ml en ance pi An M fiir rtM n Sun port on W 5736 Stan apt id 7039 t no e tori a ea la ge new concrete Assume Vendor wiS 2nd gnage It your lloor con inORwithbre you the this property for lenced back ya Sunny or bed being a money Man totals room bora m Cal Anna Genoa OUR STRENGTH IS OUR PEOPLE OTHER BRANCH OFFICES AT MILTON ORANGEV1L1E SHELfiOURNE FERGUS OWEN SOUND MANOVEH MOUNT FOREST