RES GwgetownActoo Wednesday 26 1963 Bent FARM I and KUH is tke a Pi M Cat Pal with liroe brawn home on I Reducer price J Item mm- to ihu on an lot home New bath priviu yard act John WW and room A J- Audin Rita Am lor Audit S3 93 IS WAIT COUNTrlYT f bedroom home balm country room Fa Panerion LOVELY BEDROOM acre Gta ho educed Pit Mi EAST MEW IBTMGNUM It to horn i if 4 bungalow on quel com Frohed room bedroom tut bungalow km en tern nc daw ram a if arawn brad Din nod Sharon iitllUOOCilPiL 4 PC bathroom and Detached garage id cut you Aikmg Alee Terra Com Very grtit an garage lew workshop Ajknj Ail In Audrey DawfeS S3 1 I MAM ACRE IDT bedroom man laibirooini111hWrigttj Call Pit Ml Bid pW lOriWB tor 3 pool CADE rui gout Moot urn Pal LOT Cory on FMM TOMI K ACM LOT home CtMfTKr HOW act pond la room ukvig outdoor italic and BBQ tic room turnip fntttaai 9i0a lmrwdpoaHrtiSpimrBS1GSnS WW loom mm to Mi move Ctthr Good location Cal Sharon tffCUL Touch a thrwjham aero pond Cult horn Out of room with wood burring TRADE The a I badroom pool and Bnmpmn and waft io mow to i or io on marly bam or 10 uaampton Betta