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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1983, p. 1

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Gerald Renoir presents Ted ItJnwo with a silver marking a musical director Kook Church On lell ii former minister Rev John Anderson while former Thompson In the Iron I rou Ted mother and his tor details on the big night In honor of Itanrn turn Inside today paper News story award for hotel fire trial coverage A series of articles published in The Acton Free Press has been selected by judges as the second best news story in Ontario community newspapers last year This newspaper six weeks of extensive coverage of the Dominion Hotel second degree murder trial won the CFRB radio award for second place for best news story in the Premier class of the Ontario Com unity Newspapers Association Better Newspapers Competition for The articles were written by Free Press news editor Helen Murray while sketches at the trial were done by freelance artist Paul Premier class competitions are open to all community newspapers In Ontario regard less of circulation or size of community served so the Free Press trial entry was up news stories carried in papers serving such large centres as Burlington etc Heritage Acton seeks makework grant for addition to town hall If the fire chief gives bis final approval Heritage Acton will get the land on the south side of the town hall where an addition will be constructed on the historic building tor a handicapped ramp and elevator Monday night at general committee Ted Tyler of Heritage Acton the new umbrella group replacing the Restoration Committee revealed they have applied for another make work grant this one funded by Ottawa and Queen Park to help pay for the building addition Workers employed under a federal make work grant of 000 are currently working on restoration of the town hall General committee failed to make a decision on Tyler s request that the group be given the remaining money about from the old council reserve fund of set aside a number of years ago for demoli tion of the hall Lawyer Chapman said the boundary line between the town hall and fire ball will go through the concrete wall and extend to the edge of the lot on the north side giving Heritage Acton a small strip of grass beside the hall Heritage Acton also wants the lot line extended on the south side from the concrete wall dividing the two buildings almost to the lot line A small piece of land would be left as an easement for the Town to get to the south side entrances to the fire hall This would make the parking lot part of the town hall property Heritage Acton wants to use the fire hall stairwell on the south side as an emergency exit from the town hall it would be con trolled by the fire department Tyler ex plained Heritage Acton will pay about to adjust the entrances This new addition and elevator would mean there was handicapped access to not just the town hall but also the fire hall He noted there are more grants possible and they have applied for a new make work grant and while there hasn been a decision the Acton application was received He wants to clean up paper work on the application in the next week Heritage Acton needs some funds to pay for the elevator which will cost about While theyll find it somehow Tyler wondered if council would consider giving them the money left over in the demolition fund Money was spent from that fund to pay for a Town sponsored study of the hall restoration project as well as the Heritage hearing last December A solicitors bill still been submitted so there could be less than left In the fund after that is paid clerk administrator Ken Richardson said Tyler said receiving the money left in the fund from the Town would make things easier for Heritage Acton but waan ab solutely necessary They want to start the addition project in April and have it com with the hall restoration at the end of this year Fire chief Bill Cunningham said he wants more details of the size of the addition before the parking lot land is deeded with the town hall to Heritage Acton Councillors agreed Heritage Acton can have the land beside the hall subject to the fire chief agreeing and the new grant being approved If they don t get the grant they won be able to build the addition and so won t need the land Town staff will report back on the situation next Monday In answer to a question recreation director Tom Shepard said Heritage Acton might be eligible for a Wintorlo grant for the elevator sometime in the future Tyler said they will seek that grant and if the Town gave them money and it t used they d return it to the municipality Mayor Peter pushed for the Town to Heritage Acton the money but later withdrew his suggestion until another night because other councillors dicta t want to make a decision on that aspect Monday night Councillor Finn suggested rather than give Heritage Acton the money now council should wait and see if they get other grants for the elevator He also suggested the addition could be built with a shaft for the elevator and that part of lhe project phased over time Tyler noted they 11 still be about short for the elevator even if they got the money from the Town Heritage Acton needs the elevator as part of the project to get the new make work grant but the make work grant can t be used for the elevator because skilled labor is needed to install it The addition including the elevator will be about That figure won t cover architect fees or contingencies Materials and labor for the addition will be about Councillor Marilyn said the Town has been generous It has given Heritage Acton the building and land for 1 and she d rather see them apply for grants before giving tax dollars to the project No public buildings should be constructed today without provision for the handl capped Councillor Ross sugges ted He said since the addition and elevator would be part of the access to the fire hall it made sense for the Town to pay part of the cost The mayor pointed out the second floor of the fire hall is a public meeting room used primarily by the firefighters He said council would be doing no more than giving money to a public group to help pay for the handicapped facilities for a public building METKOLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER One Hundred and Eighth Yiar ACTON ONTARIO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 38 Pages Thirty Cents Balmy days hurt skiarea The balmy winter weather up until last week has been wreaking havoc with ski operators and the Glen Eden area near Milton has been no exception Unless there are some drastic changes in the winter weather pattern Glen Eden is likely to fall far short of its projected revenue of according to Bob Harrison program manager With the average season run ning for 14 weeks Glen Eden is well behind he said It has been an on again off again season said Mr Harrison adding the local slopes lost 15 per cent of its expected revenue in December as a result of the mild weather To date the area which boasts total of 11 runs have been open Tor 33 days During a good season the ski area will record more than 100 skiing days An estimated ski visits were paid to Glen Eden during the 198183 season Harrison said the slopes were open last year from the first week of December until the March with a total of 103 skiing days recorded Right now we would need a ski season that would last until the middle of April said Harrison The prime time to go out ski Ing is between Christmas and the middle of February After that point skiers reach a saturation point and they start thinking about spring and golf Snowmaklng Is given a large credit in keeping the gates open at Glen Eden for the season so far A warm and winter is spelling trouble lor Glen which may fall far short of in before thesklscasonUottr Jason Kinds le above is shown daring a Molstar the few skiing programs Canada Battery bankrupt firm still operating under new owners Canada Dominion Battery was petitioned Into bankruptcy last month but a new group of owners have acquired the machinery and continued production in the same plant taring the same workers The numbered firm wbJdn bought the firm machinery from the Federal Basinets Development Bank can t buy the land and building on Com merce Crea until later this new name of the is Canada Com mercial Battery Service Co Cased Battery horn years ago and moved to Acton 10 years ago Plant manager George explained when the creditors officially petitioned Canada Battery Into bankruptcy on January there were workers at the Acton factory with another seven on the In addition there were six working at the service depot Currently there are 13 work era at the Acton facility and five or tut people working in firm manufactures batteries for lift trucks mine locomotive etc for the Canadian market market and generally poor economy were the reasons the firm forced into bankruPtsy Canada Battery retaining its share of the market but the poor economy resulted in the market being too small to keep the firm going None of the old owner are Involved the reorganization of me company and to bis knowledge none of the employees of Canada Battery have an interest in the new said the going on and It win take to gat the rating on a basis press release will be details of new ex Despite the problem the plant was dosed only for a few day la December Preliminary capital bud Few new major 83 Town projects It would appear likely few if any new major municipal projects will be launched in this year of restraint If budget committee and council ap prove the preliminary capital budget prepared by Town staff most projects will only be continuations of works began in previous years or items deferred last year The price tag for the over 50 projects and pur chases is a little over million Capital projects arc generally works car a or more price tag though some major projects may be included in the regular operating budget Hat ton Hills budget committee is currently reviewing the capital budget suggested by staff Com may make additions deletions decide to do only part of a project suggested by staff etc Council can also moke changes once the budget committee has completed its work Most of this year s proposed cap tal budget projects were already earmarked for 1983 in the cap tal forecast 198386 passed lastyecar Staff has proposed four major purchases and projects for the fire department replacement of the Georgetown depart ments air compressor buying a utility van purchasing a four wheel drive vehicle and an energy conservation program for the Georgetown fire hall These projects and purchases would cost of HO 154 would come from local taxes from provincial subs dy and 5 from reserve funds IS roads works projects There arc proposed road and works projects In Acton phase three of Lake view sub division reconstruction is planned as well as reconstruction of part of Mill Street West and Park Ave Eng neenng for phase two of the Glenlea reconstruction is also suggested for In Georgetown staff has suggested the Town make improvements to Anne St and the Moore Park storm sewer outlet as well as put in sidewalks on John St Temple and St have been suggested for reconstruction while sewers would be put In traffic signals installed and the road reconstructed on St The traffic signals are suggested for and Guelph the road reconstruction to five lanes between and and storm sewers put in the same area Continued on page inside Councillor joined the chorus rapping the board of education for its financial affairs but the mayor coun tered councillor comment until they have at lead called trustees See story on page Trustee Betty t taking councillors nosing into board business lying down either Sec story on Also the board might not put money In but bank In the future See page Should the Town pay for creative play grounds a schools Story on page We have reports on three fires and photo from two Seepages mayor takes the cake More on pages There nay be a golf course the Doff pit Tom to ft

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