GeorgetownActon Wednesday Feb 1963 3 the lens SbaiuNb Jannttoa performed Mary Wedding Bagpipes McKenzieSmith has lots of Tunes and Talents Weeks and weeks of preparation culminated last Tuesday night as over 200 people enjoyed Tunes and Talents a show put on by the students of Smith M School The show the schools major fund raising event of this school year was held at Acton High School Featured were The Royal Cty Ambassadors Barbershoppers school talent and the debut of the school band The Barbershoppers including Actonian Don Lindsay sang a variety of tunes in a style which has made famous The Concert Band under the directorship of teacher is made up of flutes Andrea Andres Carrie Gallant Jennifer Murr Patterson and Stacy Perry clarinets Julie Atherton Tracy Bruce Jennifer Lisa Mclsaac Michelle Perry and Margaret Sale trumpets Gillian Shannon Johnston Catherine Mary Moore and Dana Richardson trombone Joyce Mclsaac baritone Mr Andrea drums Bob Valerie Kekic performed a solo on the piano as did Montmorency and Lee Gallant Valerie and Monlque as did Montmorency and Stewart Paddy Johnston played two tunes on the v and Shannon Johnston pressed everyone with the bagpipes Stacy li and Tracy Wendy Norton Lori Fountain and Colleen Nowlan strutted their stuff with Jazz dances The rls of Class S3 consisting of Jane Bail Tracy Bruce Tanya DeJong Angela Johnstone Laura Masales Jen nifer Murr Schmidt Nicola Will Lyn Barclay Smith Tracy Brundle Michelle Heaps Catherine Kinnon Joyce Mclsaac Michelle Perry and Colleen Stone led the audience in 0 Canada and sang the Rainbow Con nection Giving their own rendition of the hit socg Class bad things bopping The class consists of Brett Auger Teri- BarclaySmith Darryl Bartlett Susan Craig Tanya Fielder Griggs Davd Haynes Robert Jennings Shannon Johnston Cindy Geoffrey Maltby Cyril Nibba Chris Waller Mike Baker Kelly Barefoot Sherry Burke Sharroo Dear Robert Foster Lisa Angela Hunter Johnson Adrleone Kovacs Tammy Main Steve Morris Troy Nolan Carolyn and Derek Young The Tunes and Talents Choir was made of Brett Auger Sharon Dear Angela Shannon Johnston Tammy Malrs Carolyn Sewell Stacy HUlier Monlque Bartlett Bell Carolyn Vasquez Cheryl Genoe Lisa Mclsaac Stacy Perry Margaret Sale Denise Corcoran Amanda DeForest Gail Gall Sherl Lumbers Christine Miller Linda Wong Jenny Crawford Kim Gillies Tammie Hammond Donny McLean Paula Mitchell Wendy Norton Colleen Lisa Rider Bryan Alexander Julie Atherton Gillian Balkind Trine Rosemary Hynne Tracy Lanlhler Shelley Mattocks Catherine Shelley Patenaude Dana Patterson Jane Ball Tracy BarclaySmith Tracy Bruce Terry Dear Tanya Michelle Heaps Sean Angela Johnstone Catherine Kinnon Laura Masales Joyce Mclsaac Jennifer Murr Michelle Perry Colleen Stone Tim TibbltU Nicola Ann Duncan Dunn Monte Paula Raine Elizabeth Roebuck Elaine Marsh Donna Van- Lee Gallant Jennifer Koprowski and Mary Moore Class opened the with Oh Canada and then sang Rainbow Connection from the Movie th no We la e Canada that danger to In eases th A Img smoked THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF PUBLIC NOTICE ROAD PROJECTS Section 301 of The Municipal Act Take notice that the Trie Regional pal of Ha ion a pass at is be held Wednesday Wa PR SOS Replacement lour culverts crossing Line three of the culverts ate located between road and Britannia Road one culvert located south No 2 Widen of the Una and the relocation of the fl tch on the west side of 3PR506 No flPR1778 Widening and econstruction Road from lo of construction tWlfL Appleby ft west Walkers Lne The protect will also include Die of Walkers line m IB north Road and m56rij south of Road and Appleby Line 133 ft north and south of Road Through ts Planning Worts Commmee at a meeting to be Wednesday torch IB heujuncfl will hear any person who claims that his land will tie affected by ftesa tryJaws and who applies lo be heard Any person who wishes address matter must Van 190 at the address set out Pints these protects am lor hours OUmue St Catharines still haunts you Dennis Savoie Mayors birthda Grubbe bakes it Pete takes cake What do former councillors do after they retire Well one thing bake cakes for the mayor birthday Mayor Peter was surprised by a cake with can dles at Mondays general committee meeting It was brought down to the Seventh Line municipal office by Coun cillor Rosa Knechtel and baked by former Acton representative Terry The mayor turned on Sunday Everyone on council and in the audience sang Happy Birthday to Mm pointed out the Chinese New Year started the same day as his birthday so he wanted to wish all Chincee people Happy Birthday too Council then recessed while the mayor passed out pieces of his cake to everyone In the chambers Reed to hear concerns Constituents of Haltoo- Julian Reed will have a chance to speak with their member of provincial parliament next Monday at an informal wine and cheese party at the Band Hall very similar to the popular councillors dropIn held every week to Acton by municipal pol iticians Reeds party will be held from to MO pm Those planning to attend are asked to call Ray at or Harvey Klrkwood at UMNO Hymn sing enjoyed by Mrs Ron McLean The Hymn Sing sponsored by the Stewards enjoyed by a large crowd Our old tracker organ built by Edward Lye around In a church in WeUand Later taken to Woodstock and rebuilt It was installed In St Paul Church The organ was dismantled and rebuilt by Homer Kitt with the assistance of the late Edwin Watson a local church member to It is hoped that the restoration of the organ will be completed by Easter One highlight of the evening was a duet by Rev ana Timmy another was a selection by the Kitchlng Sextette The youth group sang a selection also the Junior choir under Lois Beaton and Car leaves road hits fence Greg Kitchlng played Dannie Boy on the Lunch concluded a musical treat May Ellen Nettle minister and a member of Eden Mills congregation will conduct the services In the three churches next Sunday After the services the three congrega tions assemble at After a light lunch the pastoral relations committee will report The Rev Doug Sloan will attend as representative of Presbytery Rev Lewis taking peat graduate studies at Waterloo University will conduct the services on February Congratulations to Laura and Blade Weise on the birth of an eight pound baby sister for Susan Noah and Joshua An Acton man lost control of the car he was driving last Monday left the roadway and struck a chain link fence separating two properties on Young St Halton Regional police that Kostantlnos Georganes left the road and struck the fence between and TO Young St There was damage to the fence but no damage to the car was reported You must be a Cable TV her before you can be a Avoid the lost minute rush and have cable nstalled now SUPERCHANNEL CHOICE CCHAAim 8531270 Cable MAIN ST NORTH ACTON PLAN TO ATTEND JOHN DEERE FARMING FRONTIERS A JOHN First was announced today by Bill and Don at COUNTRY MART LTD on FEBRUARY 22nd at 1 30 and 7 30 they II host a first ever combina tion FARMING FRONTIERS show and new 50 SERIES TRACTORS The program is open to all farmers in the area The film program will feature new JOHN DEERE 50 SERIES TRACTORS some with new Caster Action mechanical front wheel drive Plus many films on new for 83 equipment and Furrow On Film subjects The main door prize will be a JOHN DEERE tool chest The dealer also reports that refreshments will be served FEBRUARY 22 1983 QUEST SPEAKER Mr Brian Morrison Bank of Nova Scotia Toronto win apeak on financial matters related to the Agricultural Community 1983 COME EARLY AND SEE THE NEW SO SERIES TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOP COUNTRY MART LTD OSPRINGE HWY 24 Er 25 8339332