RES Wednesday March 9 Thro bedroom detached bungalow close o schools and hopping Asking Call Pearl lor information QUALITY STYLE Open concept Largo blight Irving room with fireplace 3 bedroom end Three walkouts to cedar dock large Five to Go nam and downtown Georgetown acre tot Asking STARTERS DELIGHT Start oft with this conveniently located douched bungalow with c bedroom Well maintained Inside and out Realistically priced Can lla SwiUer at COUNTRY WITH A DIFFERENCE Spacious stone split lev 1 bedroom home in Halton offers large 2 c and huge country kitchen with wood stove fireplace in living room and room Lots privacy lor only ACHE FARM storey home new Steel barn box alalia dies minutes from Georgetown Priced a For an evaluation your property ask for Pearl or FORECLOSURE Reduced to 900 lor quick sale bedroom Largo living loom with I replace adjoin ng ng room Fenced yard Its burgh Call lla tier 877 9500 COUNT SHEEP arm bush open land with barns and ponds Older bedroom house huge kitchen and car garage sonar a to About 10 miles from Georgetown Call Reg Cooper for ONLY bedroom bungalow piece master bedroom living room with replace kitchen with walkout miii deck Full basement with walkout Went to see Call for to brae depth yard For mora appoint call llaSwruet 8779500 DREAM HOME SITE Five acre parcel of land with uses All for spring buldng Alk Pearl lor more mat on 7006 FIRSTTIME BUYERS Ml 900 buys you your own home Eat kitchen large living room andwalkouttosundeci beautiful ACRES Scenic wilh good folds woods pond Only ti Several good home sites Asking For oilers 9500 Georgetown II Reg Cooper EG NORM PEARL COOPER SHCLMR SWTTZER KERBY 8778050