8 Georgetown Acton Wednesday March 9 AW TRENTON tun 8 Weekdays 9m6pjn Saturdays BY APPOINTMENT RockAhngWI Ladies on committee Rockalong monthly meeting was held March 1 at the home of Sirs J Ramsey The president Mrs B presided- After the opening ode and Mary Stewart Collect Mrs B read article describing landscape buildings and surroundings as one crosses the border between Ontario and Manitoba March is National Nutrition month and the theme is Choose nutrition now a pays The open house for the quilting course is to be held at the Legion York on Tuesday March and p Mrs G Mitchell and Mrs Bayne were named the nominating committee The president reminded all conveners to have their reports read for the annual meeting in April St Aibans ACW Each member is to take an article to the next meeting suitable for sale at the gilt table at the conference in Vancouver on June or at the sales table at the Eriand Lee home Ontario and Manitoba are twinned for this year so the program convener Mrs B LeRoy showed two films on Manitoba On to the Bay the story of the building of the Hudson s Bay Railway and the Hut ten tea These were very enjoyable and educational The meeting closed with the singing of O Canada and Mrs J Ramsey and Mrs K Spence served a delicious lunch Mrs was courtesy convener Karen Archibald modelled a mite Pete VMlerwatahltat leather from the Hide Home at the Curling mat Eldon Comfort is guest GOLFERS Bolton and Qaorgotown GoH Coursu have a few memberships available for 1983 season Membership as low as Special discounts before March 5th By joining one golf course you are auto matically a member of two SOME TOURNAMENT DATES STILL AVAILABLE For more c1 8572050 The February meeting of St was held in Luxton Memorial with 14 members in attendance Roll call was an by a donation to the Primate World Relief Fund The meeting opened with the Guild Prayer following which Mabel Bark man read the minutes of the last meeting The treasurer Marion Storey gave a very encouraging financial report or the year which indicated a year of hard work and dedication by the members Following committee reports Mrs Bans Mitchell vicepresident in charge of the meeting called on Mrs June Tribe Co give her meditation June chose as her subject The Friendship of God noting that Jesus shows his friendship in the beauty and variety of flowers the sweet singing of birds and the joy of little children Through our close friendship with Jesus we are able to feel a closer friendship with God remembering the words of Jesus when he said He who has seen Me has seen my Father also In general a good friend is one who makes us glad we are who we are one who is concerned even when hurting and showing empathy instead of sympathy We can show our friendship not only in lip service but in stretching out a hand to ease another burden In a closing poem we were advised to begin and conclude each day with God During the business portion of the meeting a discussion was held and plans made to purchase new bridge tables to be used by the euchre committee The date of November was set for the annual Christmas Bazaar At the close of the business Lorna Clark introduced Comfort the local of Ten Days for World Develop ment now in its 10th year Mr Comfort had brought a film to be shown depicting the brutal slaughter of helpless peasants in Guatemala by the government troops using weapons obtained from USA Mr Comfort stated we should put pressure on our government to make certain the strife in Guatemala and El Salvador will be settled by negotiation not by the use of force He suggested he Canadian government should review its foreign policy annually in regard to the plight of helpless Due to another commitment Mr Comfort left and Cindy Blades ran the film The meeting then closed with the Mizpah Benediction after which a tasty lunch was served by the committee in charge Obituary Joseph White Funeral service was held January for Joseph Edward White of Guelph who died suddenly December 30 In Guelph following an accident He was old Mr White was born in Dominion Nova Scotia on October 1942 the son of Rita and Lawrence White On April 1 1667 he married Margaret McDonald of Acton The couple years ago where Mr White was employed as a winder at Canadian Genera Electric Mr White was a member of the CGE Credit Union and was affiliated with the Catholic Church He enjoyed golfing and bowling Left to mourn his loss are his wife Margaret ason Brian at home his parents in Nova Scotia a brother Larry hi Boston and sisters Veronica Cameron London and Rose Marie in Vancouver Funeral service was at Shoemaker Funeral Home and interment followed at Fairview Cemetery Pallbearers were Greg Cameron Malcolm Mitchell Robert Fit Kevin Sacrey all friends and brothersin law Donald Campagnola and Rick Heather Knapton was a fine model Saturday at a fashion show of clothes from the Hide House at the Curling Club NOBODY UNDERSELLS STUARTS NOBODY WE GUARANTEE stuarts THtLmtUL