Ballmafad Homemakers host parents WI GeorgetownActon Wednesday March by Smith The daooe was on Saturday night March 19 at the Conunuaity Centre with a good crowd enjoyed dancing to the music of Ledger The members and mothers were entertained royally on day afternoon when the leaders and members of the A H club prepared a delicious luncheon the basement of the church The tables were and nicely decorated with the i colours spring flowers and candles Each girl represented a European country and wore the native dress of the country they represented They each were responsible for making and serving the food which was traditional for their particular country was a variety of foods on the buffet table Hot dishes including soup salad and relishes and Irish Soda bread The first course was followed by several kinds of desserts After lunch the girls put on the skit they will present at Achieve ment day April Two contests were included in the program both won Mrs Christine Curne was given an award for completing 12 clubs Margaret president of the WI on behalf of all those present thanked the girls and their leaders for Fond relatives and friends came out in a great number on Sunday morn ng to the church service came to witness the sacred cere mony of Baptism when Mr and Mrs- Timothy Hilts presented their little daughter Lori for Baptism Prior to the ceremony Rev Bandy called the Sunday School scholars to the front of the sanctuary and explained what the service meant The ladies choir sang a beautiful anthem The sermon and the hymns were appropriate to the service ItwssgoodtoseeMr Baker out to church with the Plnkertom He is making his annual March visit from England where he is the guest of his daughter Ruby soninlaw Bob and their family Dublin 441 Crazy cookers busy by Stephanie The Dublin Club has once again started a new dub Ontario Heritage This will be a cooking club The started the club on B The recipes we tasted were Pumpkin Soup Scotch Eggs Irish Soda Bread Maple Baked Apples and salad Vie named our club The Crazy Cookers Our members are as follows Jackie Lloyd Smith Joanne Bobbins Stephanie Jennifer McLean Kathy Johns Mary randy Appleyard Saodi Hunter Tammy Hunter Kelly Kennedy Ion Chenworth Riaa The second club was held on February IS when we held elections of of fleers The results were president Joanne Bobbins vicepresident Sandi Hunter secretary treasurer Appleyard and press reporter Stephanie Our leaders who help us in every way they can are Mrs McLean and Mrs Johns by Mabel This year we blinked and missed it Missed what you say The maple syrup season we say We began to be suspicious when the honey bees started to drown in the sap Thatdidnt usually happen until theend of If we had needed the old maxim that the early bird gets the worm we would have tapped our trees he second week of February did so probably have a nice bit of maple syrup now from our 11 maple trees we managed to get about three pints of syrup and even If the weather gets ideal for syrup making frosty days we will probably stop gathering sap because the maple buds arc getting larger and largir and this means the syrup will have j bitter taste The robins are here the crocuses are blooming and the time of sap making Is over Let check he soil may be ready for planting Theft vandalism in public buildings a threat to life Mead Theft and vandalism of fire protection equipment in residential buildings in Hills seems to be ever In creasing says Fire Prevention Officer It Bob Mead The fire hose cabinets and portable fire extinguishers are placed in public buildings and a pa r I men t complexes for the protection of property and more importantly for the life safety of the occupants of the building Any person willfully damaging or stealing fire protection eqiupment is Jeopardizing the lives of the tenants of the build ing he warns The willful destruction of the fire hose is a criminal offence under Section 2 of the Criminal Code subject upon conviction to penalties includ ing life imprisonment If anyone has information or witnesses destruction or theft of fire protection equipment please contact the Region Police Department or the Hills Fire Department 1133 The life you save may be your own POPE STARRET CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Anne Sorrel Starrer 232 Guelph Street Hahon Hilla Georgetown Ontario 8731601 Toronto A WTRENTON DENTURE THERAPIST 2MMNSTN GEORGETOWN ACID HOURS 9 8 Weekdays Sam Saturday BY APPOINTMENT MAKE MONEY the most que ng plan tho country today wild GEORGETOWN VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE SERVICE BECOME A MEMBER OF AN ELITE TEAM OF AMBULANCE PERSONNEL SERVING HALTON HILLS AND AREA cations are now being accepted from residents of H lis Applicants must be at least 1B years of age male female WE OFFER all train ng necessary uniforms and many other benefits For more information phone 7772 or visit the Ambulance Hall at 12 Street GOOD REASONS to as your good CAR HOME LIFE BOAT Robert Tait INSURANCE LTD GEORGETOWN 877 6148 CHECK OUR SUPER FOOD VALUES 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