Halton Family Services offers help in Acton by Anne Unemployment is becoming a major stress in family life Family Services counsellors are tuning Jack Knight assistant executive director with the agency claims the workers are seeing a vast number of clients with prob lems related to unemployment and financial stress places a major stress on marriage and family life Knight explain ed And although one cannot blame unem ployment for breaking up a marriage it certainly causes difficulties in families which are already experiencing problems Family Services a United Way- funded agency recently extended its kt vice to the Acton area with a family coun sellor available one morning per week The counselling service is available through Acton Social Services and Information Centre at 111 Mill St When we opened the Acton service last fall the counsellor was booked solid If the need for family counselling services in creases in this area we 11 be extending the time the counsellor is available Knight explained The a gene which also provides family counselling on a service basis for Ilalton Region Social Services Depart ment has been in existence since IBM Formerly operating exclusively In the Oak ville area the expanded to include Milton last at the request of Mil ion United Way then branched out to include The agency Knight added also provides an employee assistance program for Board of Education another reason for establishing itself In the northern areas of the region Acton residents can also visit the Milton office but we are aware of the trans portation problems in the region he said Hence a halfday per week office arrange ment in Acton The agency provides counselling for in dividuals couple marriage and family counselling services and group counselling sessions Groups deal with such topics as interpersonal relationships stress and relaxation Family life education is another function of the agency This Is more a preventive program than a couns and problem- related function Knight explained Clients needing the services of other com munity or government agencies can also find Family Services helpful As an advocacy function we help people who are having difficulty getting services such as Social Assistance by cutting through the red tape for them Some people come to the agency seeking parent child counselling to them deal with discipline problems with adolescents while others come in seeking separation counselling or even financial counselling The Consumer Credit Counselling service is part of our function Knight ex plained The service helps people who are in debt over their heads to sort out their finances and pay off their creditors At times of high unemployment the credit counselling office is rather busy be noted Unemployment can cause a family more troubles than simply the financial ones Often old beliefs and values must change Women who have traditionally stayed at home must go out into the workforce and husbands who have always seen themselves as the breadwinners have to cope with thai Knight pointed out Also a family man suddenly laid off suffers from a loss of self worth All these things put stress on family situations The agency is addressing the problem with a special sixweek group in April called Coping with Unemployment The session Is a pilot project which will include eight participants and will deal with the short and longterm effects of unemploy ment The Acton Golden Age Club celebrated their Wednesday in St Albaui Parish Hall Charter members Bert Davidson Elsie Reed Annie Lambert and J oka Hargraves were present GeorgotownActoo Wednesday March Golden A Mark 19th anniversary The members of the Golden Age Club celebrated their lth birthday on March 16 The members were entertained by the choirs of Balinafad which were great enjoyed and to them we extended our grateful thanks Supper followed and Elsie Reed a charter member of the club cut the luscious birth day cake which was made by Mrs Keith of Acton to whom we extend our sincere thanks Dont forget the bake sale on May Police seek flasher Police beat Six burglaries this week Regional police report six homes were broken into recently in Acton There was also an attempted burglary About In camera and related equip ment was taken from a home on Churchill North sometime overnight Saturday Thieves also threw on rugs and whipp ing cream on the hall staircase as well as overturning beds and leaving the lights and television an police say Damage is estimated at According to police reports thieves entered the house by breaking a basement window The basement window of a home on McDonald was smashed enabling thieves to get inside the home sometime overnight Saturday No vandalism was caused in this house but an unknown amount of properly was taken police say Two homes on Norman Ave were broken into Monday sometime between and Regional police report Both homes had their basement windows smashed About SI in cash was taken from the first home while an unknown amount of jewelry was stolen from the other Police report an break in at Flour Mill on Mill Street West at 10 Saturday According to police an employee who was working at the time spotted a car in the area of the scale house Four screws were re moved from the lock on the scale house but no entry was gained Four dollars in cash identification papers and credit cards were stolen when someone entered a house on Greenore last Wednesday between midnight and 5am and took a purse Police say the purse was sitting on a landing at the bottom of some stairs entry was gained through an insecure door while the family slept Thieves smashed a window in the rear of a home on Churchill Rd South between 30 p m and midnight last Wednesday nabbing cash police report A 19- yearold mother of two was walking with her children along the beach area of Prospect Park last Wednesday afternoon when a man ap proached her and exposed him self Police are looking for a white male to years of age five feet six inches to five feet seven inches with long shoulder length dark brown hair She described him as being very dirty and unkempt had a thin face with a pointed nose The suspect was wearing blue jeans and a long sleeve sweater with red sleeves Regional Police are looking for two men who allegedly assaulted a jogger at the Donut Time Coffee Shop on the comer of Highway and Churchill S last Tuesday night Police say the man Jogged past two young men who said something unintelligible to him He ignored them and headed for the coffee shop He soon dis covered the store was closed and when he went to leave one of the assailants struck him in the face area The second person grabbed him from behind and wrestled him to the ground The victim managed to escape Police arc looking for two white males in their late teens or early about feet 10 inches tall and around pounds One had dark wavy shoulder length hair wearing a khaki type hunting jacket while the Other was wearing a black and green hunting jacket A McDonald family discovered that between a m and on Wednesday someone had pulled the stems from the tires on a pickup truck causing the two front tires to go flat About in cash as well as credit cards and identification was stolen from a female teachers wallet at Acton High School between and 4pm Friday afternoon A female was assaulted but police report no visible injuries in a domestic dispute at the Glenlea Plaza at Queen St Saturday evening No charges were laid in the incident A 23yearold Acton male was charged with being intoxicated in a public place Saturday evening while later that night a 26yearold Acton male was charged with having liquor in public view A car stolen from the Olde Hide House parking lot during the day was later found by damaged Just north of Acton Halton Regional Police report the car was driven Into a swamp off the highway and all the windows were smashed Police are looking for a male white suspect about 23 years of age with dark hair wearing cowboy boots The 1975 Mercury was worth about Si Halton Regional police report an accident at Caravan Trailer Rentals Depot on Commerce Court Thursday morning resident a laborer sustained injuries to his lower left leg after two bars of steel fell on his leg The accident occurred at 8 a m He was taken to Hospital by ambulance police report Knox Alert meets The Knox Alert Evening Group held their March meeting in Ihe Mary Ellen Anderson Room The President opened the meeting Prayer and Ruth Marshall took charge of program with a Reading Sheep Gone Astray based on the hymn The Ninety and Nine by Ruby Banks Then the above hymn was sung Ruth read the scripture and gave the prayer Babe gave a short reading and a hymn sing followed What A Friend We Have In Jesus Work for the Night is Coming and Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross Ruth closed the pro gram with a reading Believe Lilian took charge of the business calling for the secre tary and treasurers reports which were read and adopted Our allocation for 1983 for the general fund is for the supply and bale and cents per member Babe offered to look after posters for the bake sale and Martha Toebes offered help from her husband if more posters were needed Ruth moved that we dis continue the birthday box but have birthday greetings at each meeting for those that have birthdays The motion was seconded by Gladys Davidson It was suggested thai we get a wooden plaque on which to put In Memortam plates also a new tablecloth polish and shine up the table and possibly gel new chairs especially for the table Roll Call was answered by a favourite hymn and the offering was received with Lilian giving the offertory prayer The Mizpah closed the meeting after sandwiches with a cup of lea were enjoyed VIVIANS VARIETY STORE MAIN STREET SOUTH 8773301 Groceries Dairy Products Smokers Needs Good used Calculators Coffee Makers Other Items CB RADIOS MOBILES BASE Lots of Used Books Editors desk ConlinuedfromPagc4 traded away a few seasons ago for Ron LeFlorc Randy Charlie Lea Bill Gullickson and Scott Sanderson Bill Virdon who I watched quite a bit is quiet on the bench but hes running nononsense camp Everybody is working all the time It quite a sight to see major leaguers playing T ball in a balling cage while a game is going on or stars going through drills on adjacent fields after theyve been lifted from a game And judging by read in Ihe papers the players are all for a tough camp they really believe theyll finally achieve greatness as a team this year The Braves again are offering little in the way of pitching but lots of muscle at the plate I saw Bob Watson Chris Cham bliss sluggers Bob Horner and Dale Murphy Glenn Hubbard Jerry and other top Atlanta players I also saw Gene Garbcr and Bob Walk pitch poorly Phil unfortunately didnt work in either of the games Fort Lauderdale winter home of the Yankees was the biggest I visited and very modern It held over fans most other parks I visited accommodated just to I saw the Yankee starting line- ups as well a all the Oriole regulars In a hit I say New Yorks lineups because Ihey have so many front line per formers albeit many a little long in the tooth that Its hard to say who bock again Billy and owner will use They used three first basemen Ken John and Don Baylor Craig Nettles Butch a former Red Sox and Angels slugger Andre Robertson a highly touted rookie and Bert Campanerra played second shortstop and third I never did see Roy another talented in the two games I saw Free agent tion Steve Kemp Dave Oscar Gamble Jerry Humphrey and Lou all saw action in the outfield Not much room for any rookies on he Yanks They even have two first line catchers Rick and Butch Wynegar Can you imagine the payroll As tor the pitching I taw their newest Bob Shirley and another of their left handed starters Shane Raw ley work All they Mem to have is lefties but maybe theyll peddle some of their excess first basemen or out- fjeldcn for right handed pitching New Yankee Dale Murray for the Jays looked good as did the Goose and George Fraiier the reliever who lost three world series games couple of years back I saw another Yank veteran Rudy May have a pretty rough ride Against the Yanks the Orioles used all their starters Eddie Murray Ken Singleton Rich Rick Dcmsey Cal Ripken Dan Ford John Lowcnsteln and Gary a formidable lineup New manager Joe also threw some good arms against Billy and his Pin Stripes including Scott McGregor and Tippy Mortinei I see much talent from the Rangers just Buddy Bell Mickey Rivers and Bucky Dent I saved Ihe Red Sox for last I was delighted to see Carl Yaistremski how often do you sec a guy wholl soon be in the hall of fame He was greeted by wild cheers every trip to the plate Jim Rice Jerry Remy Wade and Glenn Hoffman were Sox starters I glimp sed By the way in case youre interested heres the scores from the games I saw White Sox 1- TigersO White Sox 1 Expos 3 Cardinals DodgersG TwinsBAstros5 Red Sox Yanks Expos 5Yanks in 10 innings Braves Braves Besides seeing the stars I was pleased with how close o the action you are even in general admission seals Players and managers took the games it appeared more seriously than I expected and this was a pleasant surprise especially since tickets prices arent cheap general admission to for a field level seat I witnessed some great pit ching and some fine hitting The pitchers were more effective than I expected and was sur prised to see some strong bitting too I thought with small parks would be easier to belt homers But the distance to centre right and left was about what it is in a major league park the fences just arent quite as high There was a homer practically every game I even saw a grand slam but not as many as youd expect to see The most though werent hitting or pit ching even though I saw some name barters like the Morris pitch nohitters for four or five innings before they were lifted No the most lasting impres sions were the speed and defence You can see Tim Raines Willie Wilson or Willie McGce steal on TV but to fully appreciate lighting fast dashes you have to see them in person And Smith and Graig Nettles as wonders to watch gobbling up every ball hit near them Smith is brilliant on close double plays My big regret was not going to seethe Yanks and Pirates drizzling that night so skipped It figuring it wouldnt be much of a game to see since for Pitt it was a split contest and in afternoon half the team lost badly to the Mels The other half of the team didnt do well against the Yanks either losing badly But I could have kicked myself for missing seeing Ron Guldry and Dale Murray combine for a no hitter and almost perfect game One Pirate batter reached base on a Willie Randolph error was also thrilled to see some old timers like Whitey Ford Yogi Berra Bob Gibbson Rocky Colovilo Bill and some other stars of yesteryear still keeping busy in spring training Charges not laid No charges are going to be laid against men who were trap ping in Terra Cotta two weeks ago says Fishing and Wildlife Manager John Bennett of the Maple Ministry of Natural Resources Officers are satisfied that the trappers were trapping legally with minor exceptions Bennett said add the trappers were issued a verbal warning which he said was more appropriate at that time than laying charges Saying the Terra Cotta trapp ing incident was complicated by a number of factors Bennett staled one of the trapi believed he bad the of one of tr property but the property baa bands and he was not aware of it Another exception was I believe mooxfted permission given by one of the property owners where be could trap to GMC VEHICLE OWNERS LAST CHANCE SAVE up to 60 AT OUR HUOE GARAGE SALE ON BRAND NEW PARTS IN STOCK PONTIAC BUICK CHEV OLDS DOOR CRASHER SPECIALS MUD HAPS 3 ANTIFREEZE FLOOR MATS WIRE WHEa COVERS CUARIMO ONE WEEK ONLY EVERYTHING MUST GO IGNITION PARTS ENGINE PARTS BRAKE PARTS BODY PARTS ETC ETC ALL SALES FINAL Cash or Certified Cheques Only Quantity Lot Pricing Availabiell A Great Opportunity For The Buff US I DEALERS WELCOMEII GEORGETOWN AMCLT SALES SERVICE PARTS LEASING GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN 8774149o 8461170 Servicing Georgetown Brafnpton end Are