Kl EQUHHiafT Hit Classified GEORGETOWN 8775266 ACTON 8532010 Georgetown Acton Wednesday April You may now charge your classified advertisement to your Charge Account Ask for details VISA Ctwcfc Your Ada For Accuracy OnTrwHrat Inaartton The lnd- Ad on Fra Prat not be the coat of more than one incorrect insert km Any errors in the Classified should the attention of the Classi fied Department aflar the tint Insertion Ad are mad to error reduced th value the ad Cafc or 8532010 Monday to Friday D ADAIR Ronald Susan nee re pleased to an birth of their first ion Michael David April lvt weighing a lbs Proud g rang pa rents are Mr and Mr Pert Belleville Mr Mrs Georgetown Special to Hod theOBstatf at the Georgetown District Memorial Hospital CONGRATULATIONS Mr and Mis Brent on the Amanda First giaat and daughter for Mr and Mrs A E Matthews Pleased to announce their child a girl Amanda Leigh Born April at weighing lbs at Georgetown Mem Proud grandparents are Mr And Mrs Bob Mat thews and Mr and Mrs Noel Geo town Great grandparents are and Mrs Albert Matthews Georgetown Ethel Laird of Mr and Mrs Roy Bradley of Georgetown N Hilda Weston and Dorothy borough Great great eels Mb tin a Birthday on April is Mrs Nursing DICKIE John nee are delighted to an ir first child Erin Br end a Born at Grace General Hospital in Ottawa Saturday March 6 at pm Erin lbs J ois The proud grand parents are Roger and Adam Alberta nee Grail are pleased to announce the birth son Robert John at Johns Newfound I a rut Friday April lit weighing I lbs A brother tor Jim and Proud grand parents are Mr and Mrs Robert Freeman and Irene Grail of Georgetown Is very proud to announce the birth Georgetown District Memorial Hospital April weighing lbs Proud parents are Paul and Susan and grand parents Mrs Hilda and Mr and John all of Georgetown LOCKERBIE- Gladys are very pleased to announce the birth of Justin James at General Hospital on Wed April at I M an Mother and baby we I Tile brother fc Derek- to Wong and maternity stall al Guelpn General Hospital sill and Nancy nee South art thrilled to an the arrival daughter Cat MM April If at General weighing lb 1 Proud grandparents are Mr Ed Mr Stephen eldest son Mr and Mrs George also Of George CURfiAN Mary Caibonear Newfound announce the engage mem the daughter Angela Bryan Victor son of Lorn Marlon Mauery Q Coming youngest daughter Shirley May to Paul Victor son Douglas J McCallum To lake place June BROWN Thomas on Friday April 15 at the Halton Manor Milton Tom Brown formerly George own loved husband of Josephine dear lather of Mary Mrs William McLean IMrs Gordon Hart Gerald Englsh Joan Mr Donald McLean and George I own and the tale James Loving grandchildren at Jones Funeral Home Edith SI Georgetown Saturday evening until IS Monday then Holy Cross Church for Christian Burial Mast at oclock interment Greenwood Cemetery On Wednesday April the Lord took onto himself in his year our beloved father and grandfather Loving husband of Helen Paima nee Georgetown Wayne of Toronto Sydney and Shirley of Grimsby Jacob and Edmonton Also remembered by eight grandchildren Funeral services were held In the Christian Reformed Church Acton on Saturday April at clock Interment Cemetery Acton Home address McLaughlin Suite Brampton Ontario LiV3Nl Cards Thanks THEIamllyof the late Stanley Eyre Sincerely thank everyone lor the prayers cards donations Mowers and many other kind Illness and sudden passing a very dear husband lather and grandfather Special thanks to the am attendants night nurses at Georgetown Hospital McClure Jones Funeral Home Kennedy and who have helped him through the past special thanks to Rev Ridley your support and words of comfort WE WISH to press our thanks to our family and friends tor making our jack JIM party such a success We would like to tend a special thanks to Susan Williams and all ntr coworker for making this an event WE WOULD to thank relatives lends and neigh hours lor towers cards and kind oilers help during my stay in Georgetown Hospital A special thanks to Mr and Mrs Boyle and the Guild lor their prayers and flowers Aim to Ford and Browning along with the of Ward Catharine ft Eric Jones EE RAY MARY to thank everyone involved In making their Wedding Anniversary days lives The cards gifts and I tn to thank my friends Churchill Church for cards and thanks Linda Bow en and the Cancer Society Volunteer Drivers lor transports don to the Princess Margaret Edna THE FAMILY late McDonald wish the during the floral tributes Conations to the Heart Fund Union Church dies Rev Ian end the Funeral Home E WOULD like thank Ford an CHAPMAN in loving memory a dear mother Ola who passed away April 1981 have since I lost Life has never been me same That I do not think Lovingly remembered by Reg Greg and P Landrlault AN I memory of Our wonderful Dad and Grandpa George Ernest Ernlr 1 April We had a Dad heart or gold Who was more to us than wealth untold Without farewell he lei I asleep With only memories lor us to keep Beautiful memories are wonderful things They last till the longest day They never wear out they never get lost And can never be given away To same he may be forgotten To others a part the But to us who loved will Sadly missed and always loved by daughter Sylvia son husband father and grand father Kenneth who passed away April Always with us thought Wife Helen Wayne Shirley Wesley and and Fred AN INVITATION for relatives friends and neighbors to Open House In honour Mr and Mrs Wellington Wilson Matt a Wedding Anniversary Saturday April at Presbyterian Georgetown at P m please neighbors to an Open House reception honoring their wedding anniversary on Sunday May from J J pm to be held at the Acton Rand Halt Wallace St Acton Bet wishes only IRELAHrjVWAUSOGLAND Jury TO Tour fuBy escorted PEGGY KNAPP Join this exciting It day tour that includes 1st class Accommodation I meal extensive seeing I special including The Royal Agricultural Show The International Musical Eisteddfod Medieval Banquet Jury Cabaret The Theatre in London AH tanas service charges and gratuities AP and per your and furtfif contact Ian Blair Malta Trawl MS2C 4164874111 ReiuindolmocoaLh oil Comjil Tour Snot Museum it Shopp Sunclsv All fully CALL 8540216 NOTICE DRURY HIGH SCHOOL cordially Invites parents guardians of students to PARENTS NIGHT on MoaAfri25tf bvtween the hours of to 930 pm ParentTeacher will be hold on Monday April from to JO pm Student reports will bo mailed on Tuesday April Interviews may be arranged for parents unable to attend by calling Robert Bate man Ideas In Art Tickets may be picked up the Cultural Centre Son on J flr during library hours Bruce KIDS FOR TVI CT5 TV now beginners tor special TV Studio Tramrng act CWrimerciataMovlosTV Series Places limited Parents FLEA MARKET Every Sunday For Information ACTORS FOR TV TV Sounds tag now new people tor Spec TV Studw training to act in TV SeriesTV Commarctst Movies Part AJ ages For your cai sooot OPEN HOUSE Thurs April 28 acroaafrom Office ACTON HIGH School Drama Club Done to Death a mystery comedy In two act April If 30 at Adults students with Cards S3 Senior and children under 11 ARTHRITIS Me dlcal Aspects and Control Facts and Fallacies Whats new in treatment a lecture with Sydney Arthritis Society Georgetown Public Library 30 Free Programme United Church Anniversary Sunday May 1st clock Guest speaker Rev Jeff Davison music by the Nerval Youth COMPUTER School Summer school lor children running weekly during July and August We have one instructor for each ten students and one micro computer per student Offering this marvelous learning opportunity half each day computing and hail sports and for only Adult evening course also available The director has over elementary teaching experience For further in formation and registration form send a stamped sail addressed envelope to Reck wood NOB CDEOIT Valley Artisans Informed late Workshop Saturday to pm Course Fee SIS Instructor Sharon Students must have taken beginner course previously and must register by April This workshop win teach as applied posters decorative borders and alphabet Dipping nibs and coloured Ink will be used Paper and workshop ore sup piled Students will need dip pens holder Instructor at cost ol approximately 14 Further In formation call Pat Bell or Janice Smith at INTERESTED In Christian Secondary Education Come to the Christian April fl pm Principal Mr Bar and someol his colleagues the Toronto District Christian High School will have a slide presentation on this High School to be followed by question period Refreshments served ON SATURDAY April 1963 at IS a In Room of Georgetown High School the Lung Association Is sponsoring a talk by Miss Janice Church on Exor induced Asthma Members the public SEVENTEENTH Exhibition ani sale of paintings by Palette and Pencil Club the Golf Country Club Georgetown Friday April to Saturday April am Sunday April i noon to m Free Admission THE DAUGHTERS St Georges Anglican Church monthly PLAYERS WANTED Acton Fastball Club Must be years or older can Ray Graham after TOWN OF HILLS 1983 TAXES INTERIM BILLING In accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act pursuant to By law No 832 adopted by Council on January the first two instalments of taxes for 1983 will become due as follows ALL WARDS FIRST INSTALMENT FEBRUARY 23RD1883 D INSTALMENT APRIL 27TH1Be3 The above instalments represent an interim billing of 1983 taxes based upon onehalf of last years residential mill rates The final tax bill will be issued about the middle of he year and will also be payable in two instalments normally the last Wednesday in June and September Upon default of payment of the interim tax levy as set out above a penalty of one and one quarter 1 percent of the amount in default shall be added on the first day of default and on the first day of each and every calendar month Ratepayers who have not received a tax bill should make immediate application at 36 Main Street South Georgetown or by telephone or 1 PAYMENT OF TAXES These taxes may be paid at the locations and in the manner detailed on the back of the tax bill G F Usher A CT Deputy Treasurer Tax Collector THE HALTON ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Invite public to participate In Id celebration EDUCATION WEEK April student activities computer choirs resllngs art poetry displays MALL Toes A Thurs 1230300 Wed Thurs ft Fit 1230300 Thurs Tots 1230300 BEOfttETOWII Mxrjrnoc house LOST mans black wallet Georgetown Market Centre bet Restaurant and Brewers Retail Important papers only Friday 30 and LOST year orange cat Whiskey King area EH WANTED English cedent condition Wonts to buy antique tables chat dresser clocks pocket watches wood tools crocks and oil lamps tor upcoming sales Please call James Forbes CASH FOR GOLD AH gold end Hive len ds ma I gold Damaged and broken items Special pneos tot Canadian and condition Also buying foreign silver coins Buying Monday to Fn day to Eds In NOut IS Main Streets Acton Ontario Exclusive Agent in Acton for Northland Gold Silver Inc WANTED Scrap Iron Metal Cars Trucks or Old Machinery Phono 8532014 BE EXPERIENCED AND ALTERATIONS St nut 619 SPRING SPECIALS Prateure treated a ft or per lineal ft torrms ad aide at par mil VANGEEST HOUSE OF Hwy Just west Daily til Closed Sundays Finest Farmers Market OeBatCeitrt 2 Mik litre Bag JUG CITY Main St North Build Your Own Greenhouse OUTDOOR DOOR SALES HO Spring Sale Now MARINE KID Acton LOSE 1029 LB DISTRIBUTOR PATIO STONE Garden benches Garden edging 8779953 DEPflESSHiT I HAVE THE LOSBiGWBGHTI FEElMGGfiUTI CAaOWfflTHY HERBAUFE DISTRIBUTOR dovetail you move It 13000 77 DINING room suae mahogany Antique bed oak table condition mint EL DEGAS guitar year old Mint condition Em par odor bate guitar Mirk alter FIREWOOD birch and maple Split and delivered Kindling GAZEBO condition firm lain GIRLS bicycle or agios cap for pickup truck please call after OiRLS bicycle Ilka newj Ladle air ran stove hood Call after