GeorgetownActon Wednesday April C3 Sporty Mania V speed a little car to drive and good too Call Chrysler 8771181 Anniversary arrived Ford tone paint Nicely and priced to can Georgetown Chrysler Anniversary world Toyota Corolla ii very affordable Call Chrysler HOB FREE Stock purchase our Anniversary Challenger cylinder Sporty good handling tone sliver and red Showroom conation See I a I Georgetown Chrysler FREE SPEED bike our buy this car Plymouth auto am lit Ion Only Jim See it George I own hryiert77 Special IMS door Excellent and Only lev See t at Georgetown Chrysler ONE FT meti brake I IMS GREMLir HONDA Civic Hatchback fog i ghti block heater ruslproolrd lew brakel LOOKING lor 1 MAZDA Wagon A Anniversary minded sport car See It Georgetown Chrysler FREE SPEED with stock its our Anniversary Excellent condition for I he year Very low miles Runt great SIWvOO As or certified See at Georgetown 10m Anniversary Special Brand new Dodge Coll Only linstock hurry Call Georgetown Chrysler 5106 our loin Anniversary I Corolla speed root like new BOO miles Ho seller In me world 7aM See It at Georgetown Chrysler FREE SPEED our 10th Anniversary Dodge Van cylinder Only miles See I at Georgetown Chrysler 877 one lell See Anniversary arrived 181 Ford Only original mm In fantastic cond I tic interior II at Georgetown Chrysler 877S108 10th Anniversary Great lor work or recreation ini Chev Excellent throughout Priced to sell at Georgetown Chryiler SUM 111 our Anniversary Wagon Country Ford Fairmont Wagon cylinder auto ex cedent condition Perfect family car Nicely equipped and very affordable WW Call Georgetown Chrysler SI Anniversary Fairmont Wagon a cylinder auto air conditioning pi and much more immaculate See It at Georgetown Chrysler In SIM FWD Dodge Omni door hatchback top con lion cylinder speed and only mile Call Georgetown 77 OLDS CulUOS door factory air condition MAZDA Station Wagon auto WW 197 MUSTANG pi air Auto ex eel lent ion Call 877 1974 PLYMOUTH Saletl original miles ex cedent Ion SI 700 certified or SI uncertified 878 7155 me custom door hardtop automatic power steering power AM FM excellent condition Certified Asking S3 Phone door factory air striking red two tone clean miles Stock Sales 877 1978 Safari or best offer Alto Dodge good running condition As Is 9548 SUPER miles Good body certified 1974 door Sedan 4 cylinder Mike Burns AulO Sal Toronada 1 door hardtop V AM FM la pa player HUN DA Ltd edition Excellent condition SHOO HONDA 750 CC restored Immaculate IV bags new paint many extras and new parts ready to tour Call KAWASAKI condltlon will certify Asking HMO alter 850 IS highway pegi or YAMAHA S3 0ME FECIAL UZUKIS WEVE KNOCKED THE BLOCK ILL PRICES SUZUKI BRAMPTON CYCLE MAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF SUZUKI- MOTORCYCLE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES f N THE AREA REDUCED Brampton Cycle has involved staff who know your needs and know your sport BRAMPTON OFFERS SECURITY OF A LASTING DEALERSHIP SERVING THE PEEL REGION SINCE WERE IN THIS BUSINESS TO STAY THIS IS NOT A SIDELINE 22 Strathearti Ave Brampton 7914011 HOURS hard top sleeps central heating top model Excellent TRUCK Camper with over cab sleeping cupboards Sink sink pump propane stove and ink icebox AC ft 1978 SMC FUN CRAFT Van fully equipped power steering power crakes automatic engine portable chain condition certified Pleas contact 878 or MAROTOP trailer stove ice box neater Good con diton KOODOO 877 CANOE SAt 845000 CREDIT RIVER BOAT CO NOR FOR Doral GLaitfon More Scon canoe paddle SALES SERVICE STORAGE lttllfctVI El mm a Boats Bast Prices ALS MARINE Acton PADDLE plastic for and People Tops Opportunities MactsheOfTheYes part in tremendous growth home computers through your own bull In your own lima Suit your now and enjoy the of a Texas Instruments Computer in your own 7367 I B else the reit of your lite we will introduce you to tttii years top I ranch lie and dealership nil Full or part time Investments at For Information on seminar In your area lend name and ad dresi Box 988 The Canadian Champion Main St BE ft MOBOOM TGWHHOMES hydro lies Rett requit only no pen 10 CO Shciwocd Court basement mom aikoui to GO Centigvine St r FOR RENT NEW CO OP a July 1st bed tt1 270 days jU TENDERS L Auger Chatrman Willy Director TENDERS THE BOARD OF EDUCATION SALE OF REALTY JOHN WILSON PUBLIC SCHOOL SITE AND TOWN0F0AKV1LLE The Board of Is prepared to accept lenders to purchase land containing approximately acres and the existing building containing approximately square situated at 1 Third Line in the Town in the Regional Mum of Tender documents may be obtained from Mrs Moore Central Administration Building Guelph Line Burlington Ontario L7R322 Sealed tenders will be received until 3 m on the day of May 1983 the Central Administration Building at Guelph Line Burlington Ontario No conditional offers can be accepted Terms must be cash Highest lender or any tender will not necessarily be accepted For any information or an appointment for inspection please contact Mr Harley Director Auction JTlTuciionSil AUCTION SALE OF FARM MACHINERY HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ETC FOR MR ft MRS SMITH Lot Cone on 2nd Una Old Chtngtiacou Saturday April 23 1983 at 1100 Case 2090 diesel tractor duals Int 674 diesol tractor Leyand 344 tractor loader M gas tractor baler 3 furrow 3 plow 717 harvester hay bind Danuser post hols auger Triple K 3pth cultivator NH352mix mill DAIRY EQUIP 2 milker units for pipeline system milk meters 250 gal cooler Delaval 1 hp milker unit tank power washer dehorrters anvil ibreglass f cart cement mixer garden tractor plywood boat unfinished other articles too numerous mention HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS antique brass chandelier lights bar stools Inglis auto washer el dryer Westinghouse upright freezer English Western saddle el stoves other articles too numerous to mention Auctioneers note Reason for sale farm This onty a partial list There a possibility of some hay also in case of weather furniture small articles will be sold inside Owners Auctioneers not responsible for any accidents day of sate Terms Cash or known cheque Auction- Donald W Relnhatrt Sfitttgrovd 4168461071 Welcome To A Antique Collectible AUCTION SALE On Sunday April 24th at 1 pm Sbiip Viewing from Noon At The Royal Canadian Legion Church St Comer Navy Downtown Oakvtte A cMvi and oak nd walnut Tuoor Duncan Sheraton plus many cither styles complete and bedroom Bubble and chin cabrxl secretary and desks and trior clocks lor beds lamp lit top plus much much more For a mote complete and delisted tail check Sal Toronto Siar Auction section there Plenty easy parking Hi 1 Auctioneers note This the in a series of antique auctions be held at the halt through me and lad montha weeks ads Conducted by the Roaring Furniture GaRety Ontario street SI Catharine LIQUIDATION AUCTION SALE I have been instructed to sail by public auction the complete contents and fixtures of the Oakville Home Hardware Store Due to lack of room for buyers within the store Every thing will be removed and taken to the Fergus Agriculture Hall and Grounds Fergus Ontario SATURDAY APRIL 23rd at 9 a m LOCATION Fergus Agr Hall Grounds Albert St Fergus Ont Look for auction sign on Hwy 6 In Fergus NOTE This is not old merchandise a complete range of everything from hand tools garden supplies fixtures quantity of paint gift ware items household items parts nuts bolts etc etc Sale goes ram or shine Begins at a m till completion TERMS Cash or cheque with proper I Day of sale Lunch Booth Available Auctioneer Mike Kelly Ron Lamb RR 1 Guelph Belwood 3839 Lamb Auctioneers Ltd LhMJ IB FOR RENT OR LEASE Georgetown approximately Downtown or and Form mo ASSOCIATES Open House might Urge living looking tor TXS FABULOUS GALLERY AUCTION SALE THURSDAY APRIL 21 pm 505 PARTIAL ItSTHG max wtin1 toon sua Clan icftfttrrrt nicks Atua Anna iJnut piano canSe heaters Bell gn GutipH win back nurojirry Crtrob ft ttwn depend 7 old chain i ligtlt hituiii anon mi dann kilcht nine tack clans top table sel Ciysol pepper nes unusual ilernt Mr CtO AUCTION SALE For Sam Finnie and Others Sat Apr 23rd at 1200 NOON SHARP Location At Community Centre Br East No Appro of lion Antique Collectable mid Auctioneer Alex Hornby Ont 9188 LOTS loll from JIB your built on any one of a varraty o hoi CO lots Call Irene Pries 3600or51985G Inviting bedroom home with off mailer bedroom conserving fireplace in living room guest kitchen full basemen Garage on professionally landscaped lot Close lo school conservation Reduced to 874 Coll Irono Pries GEORGETOWN Spacious homo on ravine prose illy used at health Asking Ca I Ireno 3600 or OUTSKIRTS OF GUELPH 2700 sq ft custom build homo an aero Ex elusive features includo guest sued oak cupboards and ceramic skylights room inviting family room with Listed at rjOO Call Irene Pries or FARM area arable acres bedroom brick homo and 3 bedroom mobile homo Farrow finish sol up and loose housing Good income pro farm Call Jessie Fin ley 3000O 6826 FARM 107 acres miles north of acres workable Presently up for and pigs bedroom brick homo Call Jessie or FARM 90 arable acre 3 miles smith Arthur bedroom home Bam sol up lor dairy or beef liable cleaner Farmer Call Jrssia or LAND 7 miles from Mohawk beautiful build silo overlooking por Horse farm potential Call Jessie finloy 3600 or COUNTRY Privacy plus Can be yours North bungalow months ductivi iing 12 Iruil trees Call Jessie Fin ley HERB NEUMAN HEAL ESTATE LTD Woolwich ens the Permanent FAMILY BUSINESS aero apple orchard largo cooler all necessary equipment spacious bedroom ranch stylo homo roadside store real going concern Pfdntyof apples left cooler to make you money right away WHAT A WAY TO START Three bedroom townhause with finished basement appliances and a fantastic first mortgage at 10 Priced in the low JUST FOR YOU AT A LOW No words describe unique country property Over 2000 ft dream home on a acre wooded dream lot Hardy north of Highway and only minutes Go station Why not see for Cal me today for an appointment I