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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 27, 1983, p. 4

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Mm TELEPHONE 5191 and Ednori Ofta Founded In awy by Et Acton 0n1v copal 30 pat Canada CO in as Canada Don Ryder Director of Adveruscng Ken Bellamy Hartley Coles Managing Editor mail Acton Prat sod Lid group suburban which A Whitby Advartaw Aurora Bolton Ennrproa Brampton Post TM BurCngton Tha Etoolcofca Advari war Guardian Tha Pom MarthamThornM Economwt and Sun Aon Champion Maaanauot Nam Tha and Sun Mtton Tha Nam Tha Era North York Mnv Oaky Friday Baavar Othawa Tha Richmond HilThomhft Lixal Tha Scarborough Mirror Tnbuna EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Saw r Goto fchnryy Spans Robin Pad Nolan Darkroom Nancy ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Watt Cook Kk Davy Susan McKnnon Sandra BUSINESSACCOUNTING OFFICE S ChcMtrtlon Dan Need broad front to fight aggregate A broad front is needed to fight the provincial govern ment on the aggregate menace Citizens groups in Halton must join with similar organizations around On tario dedicated to the same fight to stop Queens Park in its tracks It may also disturb some to mention dollars and cents but in all likelihood people here will have to raise funds to hire lawyers and researchers to battle the provincial government and aggregate industry In addition the region Halton Hills and Milton must touch base and work with other municipal juris dictions like Cambridge and to push for more policy and legislation con cessions from the govern ment solicit more help in pressuring the Tories from the Liberals and This battle cant be left to umbrella organizations like the Association of Municip alities of Ontario local councils representing the people around Toronto who will bear the brunt of quarry and pit development must present a united voice of protest Sort of an Assoc iation of Municipalities of Ontario against aggregate is needed We cant allow the pro vince to employ its old tac tic of divide and conquer to wear us down on this issue We cant allow petty pol itics differences in opinions or personality conflicts to prevent us from working to gether in and work ing with citizens and mun icipalities across Ontario to stop the government Groups from Bruce to Milton united a few years back in an organization cal led the Interested Citizens Group or ICG to battle the province on another of its Our readers write grand designs the hydro corridor Some will point to the tow ers just outside town and say they failed just as forces against aggregate will fail But the ICG didnt fail If anyone thought theyd stop the corridor totally they were probably dreaming What the ICG did accomplish was to delay Ontario Hydro make the government branch dot all the and cross all the The ICG made powerful Hydro listen to them at hearings and meetings They forced Hydro into concessions It cost them money but they exhausted every legal avenue in slow ing Hydro and making the inevitable corridor much more tolerable and safer People here are fooling themselves if they think there isnt going to be some kind of protection of agg regate lands in North Halton They are also fool ing themselves If they think there wont be some new pits and quarries up here in the future It would be fool ish too to leave organizing and protesting until the blasting starts and tbe min ing equipment is moved in The time to stop this threat is now before the legitimizing policies direct ives and legislation are in place The goal in this fight will have to be to delay the government force it to make many more conces sions make Queens Park listen to us make the ag gregate policy and legisla tion more palatable and minimize its impact as much as possible Theres no time to waste in joining forces and getting down to work The govern ment isnt taking its time neither can we Drivers not stopping Dear Sir Recently I have been doing some crossing guard duty at the Willow and Mill Streets corner I was there five times and out of the five times seven cars did not stop when 1 was in the centre of the highway with the stop sign up and not because they didnt have the time to atop Im sure if one is not exceeding tbe speed limit one should be able to stop in SO feet Very fortunately the children remained on the sidewalk until I told them to cross or there would have been a tragedy have heard complaints about this problem a number of times but until one does duty as a crossing guard one does not realise how bad this problem is I do not know If all tbe crossing guards have this problem but I dont know bow some drivers keep their operators licences seniors and disabled also use these crossings at corners that are marked as cross walks I am yours sincerely a very concerned Name withheld on request of A of- IT From the editors To print names or not Coles slaw Part two So some of you think we should publish photographs of burglars Well It simply cant be done How are we going to get the photos Just to make sure we checked with police last week They us the mug shots Mug shots often arent taken at the time of arrest Besides what law gives the police the right to release a persons photograph and humiliate them before theyre even found guilty we get these pictures Invite the accused into have their pictures taken Hardly likely many will snow up Do we observe their homes until we can take their picture with a long lens once they are on the side walk or other public property Hardly a wise use of our news staff and it could be dangerous If the accused takes offense We cant take pictures In court rooms photographs are illegal and many judges extend the ban to tbe entire building and grounds This scribbler took a photograph in a corridor in the Milton court house a few years back and was almost charged with contempt of court The film was seised The law says no cameras in court but the Judge has discretion of where bis Jurisdiction extends This judge decided It included tbe building Now for the question of printing names to embarrass tbe parents and teenager Youre right it likely will em barrass the parents to see their teenagers name printed in the paper as charged with a crime But parents cant always even often It appears these days change youngsters behavior Lets face it no matter what parents do some kids are bad apples Thats why our courts are so crowded Does it change behavior em barrassing the parents of an off who isnt living at home anymore who is say In his or her Ms Not much good Id say Do you want to be responsible and sub jected to public ridicule for some thing your son or daughter does In their 20s Will printing the names of children in the 13 14 or age group responsible for some of the breakins in Acton do any good The parents may or may not be able to prevent such actions from being repeated But theres one other big problem It is against the law to pint tbe name of a Juvenile as being charged convicted sen tenced or anything So were talking about a small groups those 16 and 17 if you figure parents are responsible until voting age or is 17 18 IB and if you really want to stretch the time parents have Influence over their offspring OK so youve embarrassed the parents But I doubt youve embarrassed many teens by printing the names for all charges The kind of kids who break Into your home except In rare in stances arent embarrassed about charged and going to court Ive seen them In court Its dis gusting Dressed In any old thing standing or sitting In a gait which doesnt reflect fear of the con sequences or respect for the law and court What they say when spoken to doesnt Indicate they care much either And usually they have along an entourage of friends Its almost as big a badge of honor to be caught as it Is to get away with a burgulary Youre still a big shot especially when you get away with It with nothing more than a slap on the wrist probation even a community service order I frankly cant understand these parents who say if their was charged and name was Suited theyd make sure It never again Tell me what more youre going to do after the childs name has been printed that you wouldnt do anyway after learning your teen ager has been charged As for potential crime worried victims what are you going to do If you see a person on your street whose picture youve seen in the by Gord Murray Free Press editor paper or whose name youve read In connection with a charge Call the police right But if the person Isnt breaking the law what can the police do A person can walk on tbe street anywhere any time all they want A person who has been charged with a crime can stand on the sidewalk and stare your house for hours and the police cant do much about it until they trespass And If youre a good neighbor involved In Neighborhood Watch or not and you see someone who shouldnt be in your neighbors yard or climbing through a window or Inside a neighbors car arent you going to call the police regard less if youve seen that persons picture In the paper or read their name No I think the only value for running names of people charged and covering cases In court Is for news value as a possible though not probable deferent to others in cases which are severely dealt with by the courts and to give readers an Indication of tbe court system and penalties being handed out Covering breakla cases in court will only satisfy curiosity of readers which Isnt a bad thing Id vote for printing all tbe names since readers seem so Interested If I didnt fear the paper would become the Police Gazette and if covering every case wasnt such a mammoth almost Impossible job for a community news pa per And would covering burglary cases act as a deferent I hardly think so considering tbe majority of penalties involved probation fines community service orders and other penalties but rarefy a jail CoaiianedoBpaget May the school creek be a showplace Heres a lip of tbe old editorial cbapeau to tbe teacher and students of the Grade 13 environmental science class at Acton High School for their work on the School Creek And to Induuntn for donating the rocks for their channelization project The work the creek is expected to solve the unsightly problems during dry summer months when tbe channel of the creek is nearly dry and overrun with weeds They to have achieved what has never been possible before narrow ing the channel so tbe water la the creek flows fairly swiftly and prevents the eyesores of former years It was only last fall that a make- work project rece a grant to take tbe weeds out of the creek It has been the subject for several Somehow they always seem through and tbe area in front of library looks an overgrown Jungle Instead of the beauty spot it could be Sue this area with Robert Little School grounds and the library to atowtm the front parlor of Acton it gets a lot of attention from motorists on 7 and IS High ways It would receive a lot more if it was developed more along the lines of a garden Ive mentioned before in this column that my admiration for things of beauty docs not extend as far as creating them As a gardener Im a good fence viewer My thumb has always been a little more flesh colored than green as my wife will aver Confronted with tbe choice of two weeks In solitary or a fortnight in the garden I would take tbe solitary every time Id let so else do the growing for me This altitude has been with roe all my life since tbe time I tried to grow a geranium in a pot ended in a tulip popping up through the soil Frustrating but It doesnt atop me from any other a and turn it into a Theres an old story about the mas who labored for weeks to ham a neglected garden into a Garten of hoed the potatoes his parish priest walked by polsted at the garden and said Isnt It wonderful what God can do Jimmy The gardener scratched the itchy spot behind Us ear and replied No doubt but you should have seen this place when He was looking after it There has always been a lot of sig about the growing of flowers History bears it out In England for instance they fought War of the Roses Lancastrians wore a red rose as their badge Tbe Yorkists wore a white rose Inspired by this rosy turn of events tbe poet William wrote IflUtpitr roM tag proration Oo And of course that master of tanguaga Shakespeare wrote The purpose of Bus piece is to show of coarse that flower power Is nothing new It has been with us since our ancestors first emerged from the trees caves or where ever scientists decide we came from next and adorned themselves with petals So I say a toast to tbe gardeners of this world Hay their thumbs be evergreen and flowers and plants they nurture envy of all us dolts who couldnt even grow hair if the good Lord had not provided tbe root Will BUI Davis Brampton Billy of good old contest the leadership of the Progressive Conservstlve party According to our Julian Reed be will and bell announce his candidature soon According to Julian BU Davis was brought up to be tbe Prime of Canada He has never had any other real interest outside of pol itics was Into mm from the tune be was a small boy a McHugb school in Brampton that me mantle of the party would one day be his to take Events over the hut few wests have given little credence to Julians view but there is a of opinion that Mr Davis is consider ing running tins time providing he can retain the premiership of this province And Im sure he could work that one out Could be beat Joe Clark or even John the wit from Newfoundland Theres a lot of money out there ssys be could As the doctor said after be exam ined the patient I dent Ilka NeHher do I doc tor but hes good to children 10 years ago Studies indicate there may be drinkable water under Fairy Lake Workmen from Snider Drilling be gan searching this week near the western point of the park In hopes of striking water Royal Canadian Legion Branch will purchase a parcel of land on the west aide of Cameron St for the construction of a new Legion Hall The land belongs to Cecil Six members of Acton Sabres Junior Hockey Club were honored at an endofseason dinner They were John Snow Bill John Shepprd Ted Hartncr Randy and Gary Jennifer Rowe was top speaker at M Bennetts annua public speaking contest Stella placed second David Drlnkwalter third Citizen of the Year George Elliott was honored Saturday evening at a gala dinner and dance in the music centre 20 years ago Apr 1113 The new S3 million Mohawk Raceway is scheduled to open this Friday Thousands of harness rac ing fans are expected to make the new elegant race track their regular Mecca once racing season gets underway Actons Womens Institute hosted more than 100 people at the Institutes Anniversary celebration held at Knox Presbyterian Church Current president Mrs Cecil Maplesden presided over the gathering Mrs George oldest member pre sent cut the anniversary cake Chester Anderson was chosen president of Acton Curling Club during the annual dinner and dance Friday night Anderson succeeds Beady Vicepresid ent is Gordon Cooper and secre tary Jim Inglls 50 years ago April ISM At the meeting of Acton Welfare Board It was announced that the sum of was raised through the recent canvas lower than expected Acton has enjoyed a unique experience In being able to finance the relief work thus far without calling on municipal treasury for one cent Fixe Chief McDonald requested from council five pair of rubber boots a rubber coat and a rubber hat Business men presented council with a petition asking that the services of a night watchmen be retained The efficiency of Mr Harrop in the fulfilment of these duties was appreciated services of Mr Mcintosh who has been church treasurer for years were highly spoken of at the enthusiastic an nual meeting of Acton Baptist church 75 years ago April lies Who is responsible for the bills incurred for by the family quarantined for smallpox Council has declined to pay them and the Board of Health has resigned as a consequence Members are AT Brown James Mcintosh and Thomas Gamble Since Billy Mitchell of Rockwood received a legacy from old country be has shown disposition to have many others enjoy his good fortune with him One of his latest exploits was to provide a social evening for the congregation of the Methodist church in the town hall Mr Isaac Francis fine red brick house on Willow St has been purchased by the Methodist church parsonage Itwas a Methodist who purchased this land from the Crown A dead horse was buried in the park the other day without per mission years ago Council regrets the frequent violations of tbe bylaw prohibiting cows and other animals from runn ing at large in this municipality During the past few months the band became disorganized by tbe removal of several of the mem bers At a meeting In Matthews hall all vacant Instruments were taken up Under tbe careful leadership of Mr J C Hill tbe band will sustain their previous high re putation There are Neither of Actons new police ceiht nave been occupied they nave been for three

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