GeorgetownActon Wednesday May 1963 RET the Permanent NEED A HOME RIGHT AWAY See this bedroom townhouse with finished basement appti and excellent financing Priced in the low 50 s Vacant Waiting for you to see Call Cadieux 81 1 or ORCHARD acre apple orchard all equip and ready to go 2000 sq ft f bedroom home and roadside store well established The perfect business For more information contact R Cadieux 792 or OUTSKIRTS OF GUELPHA SUPERB HOME on i a dramatic entrance leadi a sunken living and dm room guest sued Willi lots oak cupboards skylight and will impress you family loom with a and a terrific viow will make a ploosuro master bedroom walk ant only PRIME LOCATION A acre Iho city waiting far development VILLAGE LOTS Starting from ROCK WOOD CLOSE TO SCHOOL bedroom bungalow on It lor with piofswlonal and junt a walk from a GENERAL HOSPITAL lmprev looking brick building facing the bedroom and bedroom units Ample parking on 133 tot 8 WATER ST AREA to chooM from Buy of both fully rented and each Both have electric heat For information call Iran or Representative for Ntumam RmI Estate Ltd Herb Neumann Seal Estate Ltd Woolwich Strttt Quatph CARBEBflY HOMES from with grant 1120 ft semidetached park setting On large lots 3S MAIN STREET ERIN OPEN HOUSE IN HALTON HILLS ROYAL CITY FOR SALE J feiaTTi MTOWHUVtNO country backyard ad acton Mnn noma- privet llllllllllllllllllllllllll REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD REALTOR SATURDAY MAV rrirx