International Peace Camp approval if given wont come maybe until fall NEC planners say International Peace Camp likely wont rec permission If at all to develop a cultural and recreation centre on property south of Speytlde between High way and the Town Line from the Niagara Escarpment Commission NEC until the cad of June at the earliest And if there are any appeals it could be the fall before the matter is resolved Peace Camps development application win likely be circulated to Helton Hills the region provincial of the environment natural resource and tourism and recreation health unit the regions ecological environ ment advisory committee and Region Conservation Authority this week if flnal details of the project are submitted to the NEC quickly enough The circulation process takes about four to six weeks before all comments are reviewed by NEC staff Then they formulate their own recommendations and the ap plication goes to the Commission After a decision is banded down by the Commission the applicant neighbors or any circulating agency can appeal the Ion and a bearing will be beld in Kills council chambers After a decision is banded down by the Commission all property owners within feet of the out side perimeters of the acre site will receive notification and they have days to appeal At a hearing all neighbors not just those living within feet could testily Then the bearing officer would review the evidence and forward a recommendation to the minister of housing No development or building on the site can lake place until after the NEC makes a deci sion and not until the minister of housing makes a decision If there is an appeal NEC planners Pat and Keith Anderson and Landscape Technician Dave Wells reviewed the process the Interna tional Peace Camp application will follow as well as the appeal process in an Interview Friday Tfaey explained under the section of Ihe proposed Niagara Escarpment Plan governing most of this property a recrea tion centre Is allowed Threequarters of the property is classed as Escarpment Rural the balance on the east side of the site 1 Escarpment Natural Development could only take place on the Escarpment Rural However just because the International Peace Camp appears to be a permitted use doesnt mean there can t be problems Anderson said Scale or size of a development is con along with other development criteria they said Hills has no restrictions on the International Peace Camp property according to Town planner Ian Keith because It is in the Niagara Escarpment Commission jurisdiction Control in entirely through the NEC he noted The NEC can from Halton Kills planning policies but Isnt bound by the Town view Ware in the hands of the NEC on this Keith explained The Esqueslng Official Plan designated this land as Special Policy Area Two which means NEC control In the new Halton HUls plan which isnt approved yet the Interna tlonal Peace Camp property Is designated NEC complimentary area and public and private parks and recreation areas are permitted So summing up Keith noted the and Halton Hills plans say this development Is permitted and so does the NEC proposed plan and the NEC has development control One Impact Keith sees coming from this development If It is approved Is heavy traffic on two rural roads IS Slderoad west of Speyside and the Town Line He said he cant see outside of the NEC wanting Town comments any reason for the International Peace Camp to have to deal with the Town Councillor Pam Sheldon suggests Halton can have a stronger role In the applica tion process for this development then Keith envisions now She says a toning amendment passed in because of problems with other major recreational uses in the rural area says no more major recreations uses will be allowed Sheldon also noted In an interview that the NEC proposed plan says where a municipalitys restrictions are more severe man the NEC then the municipal controls take precldence The NEC planners backed her view to an extent They agreed that where municipal poUciea are more restrictive then the NEC tries to follow the municipalitys wishes They acknowledged there Is the zoning amendment which Is an Indication of municipal wishes but the amendment isnt as strong a point as if the or proposed Hills Official Plans didnt permit a recreation centre The planners noted that will be something Kills must clarify should the toning or Official Plan pohcies be followed Also the planner believe Hills can be given site plan control of the ite plan agreement with the Menduintfs If you happen to have some asparagus and have run oat of Ideas of how to serve it why Dot make your favorite quiche and add the to it Town a condition of approval Peace Camp plans a small amphitheatre in one of the picnic areas and there are several fields tor picnics The Peace Camp offi cials who have been In touch with the NEC have been made aware of community concer about entertai noise by the planners The picnic areas are several hundred feet from the Town line but the planners pointed out noise does travel great distances and that may not be far enough into the interior to avoid problems The main building a seminarconvention Eden Mills Art gallery opens soon by Mrs G Opening in the village on the afternoon of Sunday May Is the new Home and Native Land Canadian Wildlife Art Gallery This writers friendly neighbor Ian and Debbie Nevin will welcome you to their place of business located at the rear of the big red brick house across from the side of Norms Coffee Shop Some of the works by artists Robert Glen Michael Dumas and J will by exhibited These paintings are all wildlife and all Canadian Twenty to artists have been invited to attend this Grand Opening The were hostesses for another successful noon luncheon on Wednesday The Friendly Seniors met In their cozy room on Wednesday May with mem present A special guest was Mrs Elda Jackson Euchre and refreshments were enjoyed by all present The tornado was big news last week and is now a thing of the past but sympathetic thoughts are expressed to those who suf fered property damage and are still cleaning up after Mother Nature short but furious attack McCristall appeal soon The Court of Appeals could be hearing Michael McCratalfs case by September McCristall was convicted In April 1062 of manslaughter after a six week murder trial into the death of Howard Gibbons in a fire which levelled the Dominion Hotel In August Appleby of Greenspan law firm in Toronto confirmed the the trialhavebeen completed The 12 volumes have to be read summarized and submitted to the Court of Appeals probably by August at the earliest she explained The Court of Appeals will sit down in September possibly and decide whether an appeal is warranted whether to order a new trial or whether to just acquit McCristall on the spot McCristall meantime has been out on ball pending the Court of Appeals decision since shortly after he was found guilty and sentenced to two years teas a day at Bramptons Ontario Correctional Institute Three men were charged with second degree murder Leonard Crlpps was half way through the trial due to lack of evidence Mercuri was found guilty of the charges and sentenced to life Imprisonment with no chance of parole for ten years BailwasrefusedMercuriwhenhe applied for his appeal and he has been In HamiltonWentworth Detention Centre since his conviction Arthur MaloneyB law firm will be looking after his appeal FOR SALE by owner home for located in Acton Main house has bedrooms and bath plus one larga bedroom 3 piece bath room laundry office In Rental home Is one bedroom cottage with all facilities large lit mortgage at J Thli property carries tor less than rent Can be teen any evening EH- THE PERMANENT JUST LISTED with in suits Huge loony kitchen to deck and drapes decorated Freddie Burton first sunnier the asparagus whole in a salted water until tender Then M the accor to directions Thais Just before popping in the oven asparagus a fanlike way so that wen quiche is cut everyone will get pise of asparagus SjarMte paprika cho p and fresh c chives over the op took ttraetivs Hot only will It look good it will be moat a salad sad FLORIDA mm kmbu or mam centre isnt near the old Twin Lakes buildings foundation so it isnt simply a case of restoring the old acuities The planners t reveal at this time the sixe of this building As for restoration of the old cement pool or poods on the property theyd need a permit they want to deepen It or enlarge it But the International Peace Camp members have been allowed to do some cleanup work In the pool They are allowed to maintain Ibelr road system but they cant build new roads without permission They will also need permits for the ser viced trailer camping ares and semi and tent c ares A sports field is planned on the property adjacent to the Town Line but International Peace Camp plans burning and tree screening Most of the activities will take place around the main building and main picnic area Washrooms are slated for a number of spots on the property International Peace Camp officials know they needed a permit for the trailer Disced on the last week so as a first offense they are being allowed to keep the trailer there until the r International Peace Camp first ap proached the NEC near the end of 1982 and began making its application in February continually updating it as more information was requested Father Alberto Cunha also made general inquiries at the Town plan ning office a few months ago The NEC planners said the owner of the property International Peace Camp has leased for years is a numbered Ontario company Rockwood Villagers ready for cleanup day by Barbara The long Women Institute held their Hay meeting at the home of Mrs Jack Glendennlng The club was taken for a tour of the Mushroom Farm by Mrs Glendennlng After the tour the delegates were chosen to represent the club at the District Annual to be held at the Columbus Hall They will be Mrs Mrs C and Mrs G Mitchell Mrs had a penny table of garden items and house plants set up for the dub After the meeting was adjourned the ladles enjoyed a social half hour spring cleanup will be on Saturday from a m to noon Residents are asked to put items at roadside but keep them separate from regular garbage to help with the pickup Saturday morning The controversial documentary If you love this planet will be shown at Centennial School In the Music Room at Thursday The film Is of a lecture given by Helen Coldicott President of US Physician for Social Responsibility and outspoken nuclear critic whose message is ciear disarmament cannot be postponed A collection will be taken Don t forget fireworks on Sunday May a or Monday May depending on the weather They will be at the Centre again and the Lions have planned a full evening The evening begins at IB with the Guelph Gremlin Flying dub to be followed by the Rockwood Centennial School Band at approximately Fireworks will begin at dusk The will have a booth at the back of the hall Liquid nitrogen spilled in ditch Ministry of the Environment is keeping close tabs on an area north of after a toxic chemical spill Saturday Guelph say between 300 and gallons of liquid nitrogen were accidentally dumped on the Concession of Eramosa about draining into catch basins in farmers fields resulting in the possibility of contamination About gallons of the chemical were being transported between farms in a gallon steel tank on the rear of a farmers dump truck Police explain that while the truck was going up a grade the weight of the tank and the substance tipped the dump or box back allowing the tank to strike the pavement When this happened the tank valve was broken off allowing the nitrogen to escape Hun William C Hon Jimei Sno Premier Hon RobertWelch QC TiantporUtlonm WITH PEOPLE Car Pooling Van Pooling Public Transit The energy they save today is energy we can all use tomorrow Further information on all aspects of conservation is available from the Ministry of Energy St West Toronto Ontario M7A 2B7