Acton Wednesday 1 07 ladies attend district WI conference May 25 in the than for the Cad annual meeting of Hilton District Womens In stitute Nerval Presbyterian May IS at 1 pm with Mrs Norton presiding Welcome was extended to 107 ladles by Mrs McLean president An tin presume In conducted by Mrs J ShorUll was assisted by Mrs Lind say Mrs Alexander ratified 13 branch directors at which lime 1 reports were distributed Mrs B Benton sec read minutes and financial reports Ironside Mrs Sinclair determined voting method to be standing and ma In her presidents address Mrs Norton urged everyone to enjoy meetings have some fun be willing contributors and always remember the Mary Stewart Collect PRO Mrs J moderated standing committee and other convener reports Mary Van with her accordian led a lively sing song Carole Stewart Klrkby editor of Home and Country advised there will soon be a new forward booking format and asked branches to forward items of interest and events for publications Nancy Schmidt home economist ex pressed thanks for sponsoring Clubs summary days quilling course etc There will be a two hour microoven course featuring advantages dishes menus also foods More Sense than dollars advo cated watching TV Town and Country Ontario The 1983 Fall Convention will be on Oct and at the Royal Canadian Legion Guelph The theme will be It a small world Delegates will be Mrs Lindsay Mrs Norton and alternate Mrs is the responsibility of Mrs Betty Armstrong Acton Mrs Norton was named to attend May 26 Hal ton School Board meeting In Burlington regarding a proposal to eliminate grade from family Studies and Arts program to be only offered to grades and The District quilted Banner Is to be completed for the Oct convention Resolutions convener Mrs 0 Vansickle reported on May officers conference at the University of Waterloo Members arc asked to view the film Not a Love Story Mrs Lasby presented 1 slate of officers who were installed by Mrs Nancy Schmidt as follows Past President Mrs Lindsay President Mrs Norton 1st Vice Mrs 2nd Vice Mrs G Trcveranus 3rd Vice Mrs G Sec Treas Mrs Benton Standing com PRO Mrs J Ass t Mrs Mould en Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs F J Short ill Citizenship and World Affairs Mrs K Cairns Education and Cultural Afairs Mrs Family and Consumer affairs Mrs Cowan Resolutions Mrs Curator Mrs J Bird Safety Mrs A Agricultural Advisory Mrs D Lindsay Alternate Mrs Anderson Federation Agriculture Rep Mrs G Campbell Fed Rep Lindsay Alternate Mrs J Auditors Mrs G Black Mrs Mormon There were no resolutions to debate this session A delicious dinner was served by Mrs G Treveranus introduced the special bead table guests from Wellington Centre Peel Wellington South and Dairy Princess and Ellen The evening session began with Mrs Alexander retiring provincial Board member distributing ten hand books to all branches and presented update S V P workshops proved valuable The topic as a thought on stress something we must all face and do something about it affecting different people in many ways Alter Oct will fill orders of over 00 as articles are to be made more readily available in the future Reminder Lee Home week May June 1 and with South hostess ChnstmasatthcLee Nov 30toDec 1 Lee Assessment fee Tor 1964 is to be 19c per member Agricultural Museum WI Hall open from May 11 10 from am toSpm Royal Winter Fair WI information booth to be id a new location this year To award scholarship and bursary win ners a marking scheme as a guideline is advocated Is to make a quilted wall hanging consisting of one embroidered block with name and map of district The project is to be completed Sept 1 and sent to Mrs Adamark for assembling and quilting New Brunswick is Ontarios twin this year Fed News for or more to same address subscriptions in crease due to financial difficulties FWIC June 1985 Convention will be held at University of Western Ontario London In conclusion Mrs Alexander expressed sincere hanks Tor support kindness the luncheon in her honour gills stamps etc In appreciation Mrs E Norton presented a pin Displays were set up In various locations including quilted articles convened by Mrs Wilson curator Mrs J Bird and coupon Fresh water and sanitation for A girt stall convened by proved profitable A donation of voted for Coupon to buy a water pump to aid Fresh Water and Sanitation project Roll call Pennies for Friendship List of Branch officers and an Country proved both interesting and entertaining by 12 branches Courtesies were given by Ashgrove Nassagaweya to host the ISM District AnVmnl meeting CAN OFFER YOU MANY SERVICES THAT WILL MAINTAIN PROTECT YOUR CAR Annual Rate TORONTO INTERNATIONAL CENTRE Airport JUNE II 11 Friday and Sunday 1000 a in to Admission S3 SauonandohudrenU JO and at better pUic delicti Royal Bradford Exchange c Specie Features Kitetans Make that dream kitchen In your future a realty Custom designed to suit your needs at prices well within your budget Quality workmanship Cablneby by some Canadas top manufacturers WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Showroom Office Centre 1 70 Hwy 7 west Brampton Juatwest of Hwy 10 on 7 Bypass NOW OPEN BOX PLANTS FOR SALE WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF ANNUALS AVAILABLE 70V PEAT MOSS LOAM ALSO AVAILABLE LOCATED BETWEEN LINE WEBTOF ON EMBLETONROAD OpanDaftr Anyway You Want It Thla Sumner Via THE ONLY STOP CHARTERS SnMTON TURTLEBEACH TOWERS BEACH HOTEL SEAWWD MgatetoBa HDUWDM HEDONISM n Netril hot ream lor A dub vacation with and 679 J969 Pricaa quoted art far 1 hating via Air J tonic on Friday a Saturday via nonatop an Sunday via Air Jamaica an mora Saturday Include rnaala and open Prieia do not Ineluda laitiand The Quality Package Holiday People roos agency 8770138 GEORGETOWN MARKET PLACE THE PLA CE TO SA