GeorgetownActon Wednesday June C3 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL mi FORD FAIR WONT wagon auto Aortal family vehicle Sale priced at 13995 Call Georgetown Chrysler siatronwtgon condition as li Asking DO 53 attar ftp ford Granada A condition auto transmission am cassette Mull be seen or bast offer V after FORD cap made camper Would like to trade lor car evenings FORD LTD Country Squire station conditioning condition or best otter Please call after FORD LTD auto b radio new brakes excellent condllon Certified Ashgrove FORD Mustang Turbo am cassette low mileage Sale price WW Red with black Interior Call Georgetown Chrysler 1979 FORD Mustang economical A am cassette tires On sale at Call Georgetown Chrysler 5101 FORD Torino door auto a rad excellent condition Radial tires certified 1395 Serves Station FOR SALE Lauren an light or after Call HONDA Civic owner new tires Call 7S79after7pm HONDA Civic mileage good Ion 13800 paint ob Certified Call Service Station fM4 1977 KAWASAKI low mileage excellent condition Stock burgundy certified asking 00000 call 3804 KAWASAKI Honda CC KAWASAKI LTD low mileage excellent condition Woman drive 17 KAWASAKI KOM dirt bike 1330 in mo KAWASAKI excellent condition never raced asking Also Ball 3 helmet available ALUMINUM Camper Cap insulated rear door wired root vent cupboard screened tide windows Call 153 with captain seats am stereo radio metallic copper Trailer attachment Best otter HONDA Hawk 400 excellent con I Km Shoal fair engine guards back rest and rear carrier Must sail Moving West or bast otter Coma ft Check out our used motorcycles Ova used bikes In stock for de livery at FANTASTIC SAVINGS AS carry day unconditional SUM RACERS BRONTE ST MILTON 197 HONDA Twin star leu than miles excellent con BE 1911 like new low mileage must be seen 00 best offer YAMAHA low mileage excellent condition 877 and add a room Call 877 14 GOLDEN Pa lew condition needs upholstery repair Asking Saturday noon way fridge s A furnace sleeps A condition STARCRAFT hardtop camper sleeps six fridge way lighting sink water wardrobe 1740 Molars PADDLE Boots plastic for and people Tops available Credit River Boat Company la SAILBOAT Main aru sails lully riggec with trail r CREDIT RIVER BOAT CO FOR Marc Scott boat complete marina SALES SERVICE t STORAGE AIMQUE BUSINESS are looking for number of produce and sell quality consumer products lo local bus prof as contractors car defers hotels and restaurants sales noma holders friends of prospects lot these products Is endless And there vie no competition All products are pro quickly and mply by a proven method on a machine that Is smaller than an electric type writer and can be operated In your home or A compute system costs Complete details Please write to Box Sutton KAWLTON Ontario L9C5S3 FOR SALE part or full time franchise furniture stripping business Small Investment For more Information Dave at 877 MXS0 excellent condition Owner never raced 8773381 after Its A Great Place To Vis the ban plat is keep up to on ranu of the area and work at Rtfshi your own hometown TOWN OF HALTON HILLS TENDER ROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Sealed tend ore clearly marked as to contents will be received by Mr K Richardson AMCT Clerk until 12 Noon Local Time Wednesday June 22 1983 for the supply and delivery of approximately 25 200 tonnes of Granular A to various locations Tender forms may be obtained from Mr H Patterson Purchasing Agent 36 Main Street South Halton Hills Georgetown Ontario Lowest or any tender not accepted Mr K R Richardson Clerk Administrator Town of Hatton HUls 36 Main Strmt South Hill Georgetown Ontario L7G4X1 BE Auction El Auction Sain AUCTION SALE FOfl ROD at the farm LOT of ESQUESING turn left or ON FRIDAY EVENING JUNE AT 730PM CATTLE REGISTERED Hard See- brad by Ranch of Okie Mb Bom Jen 197B Sad by Gold Standwd COW1 BO For MomMtoi at Max Stony Rockwood Auction Lie No Hafion Auction holding an Auc ton Sat Saturday June at m for Mr Mrs Joseph Berry of ISZManStS also known Acton Hon FURNITURE bar oak tacking book shell with drawer gate lag Walnut drop leaf table good order comer china cabinet lit Ska new year Duncan table chain Eaat Las de newly covered gcsOJenrjek bedroom blanket box cheat of a 19IO Victorian poait aria char oak point tool oak hat minor with hooka ft atorage cupboard double door Victorian parlour table A drawer cheat drawer cheat lyre back chain 2 crucian coop Singer tewing with cabinet order wicker hexagon end cedar bo iron labia end round card table maple occasional chair odd footatool chair telephone table pme able 4TV rack desk MISCELLANEOUS PRIMITIVES COLLEC- Handmade cookbooks can opener raxSo kitchen boa hand made scatter several hand made quit Centennial crest storage trunki several minora PAINTINGS Early Hub bard St signed oil paintings Ormandy and others APPUANCES refngentor door brown range brown automatic washer Beany automatic dryer 21 ft lnvenal frawer vacuum small wicker basket several potted El hanging plants complete place settings of Rodger piste hi case bedding I nans excellent order stiver plated candle sticks double lamp swag lamp amber base atoctnc lamps ghan GLASS CHINA Cut glass water pitcher Toronto Lg cut crystal glass vase Com flower crystal vase several stemware fancy cups ft saucers several decorative china sot of Old MSI china dishes several salt peppers crystal vises Blue Mountain pottery 19101935 Jubilee plate church plates one several hanging wait plates setting of dishes assort mml of dahm planers other glass wars assorted wall ornaments GARDENING EQUIPMENT ACCESSORIES Garden tools Sunbeam lawn mower step ladders IE lawn chars potto umbrella labia chaise lounge matt ess assortment of handyman tools including nuts bolts under Preview at noon day of sale For further nlor phone Auctioneer Please no early Lunch labia Merchandise the above sale very well kept AUCTION SALE FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WM J HYDE at his lata residence Queen Street in GEORGE TOWN ON SAT alec stove serf dean oven Harvest Woods apt site rawer Zenith frost free fridge Superb auto washer as new dryer Zenith colored TV RCA radio record Etoctrotux Vacuum Sunbeam Sec FURNITURE 9 pee Oak Dining Room Surragood one pee gold floral good pee Walnut bedroom suite Cedar cheat Double iron bed Small oval coffee table Telephone table chair Oak armchair SmsH dresser 2 Continental single beds Piano stool Iron crib Victorian table Chroma table 4 chairs Hump top trunk good one other Single treadle sewing machine table Sev CLASS SILVER ate 2 old OS lamps 2 chimneys Teapot Rogers EP on Copper SSver card dish aver flower basket SHver gravy boat stand cutlery Sliver cov vegetable She dish llWine Champagne p Also colored glasses Cup an nior Pun id Glass Fruit bowl Glass vase 16 Devilled Egg plate Glass cake plate Glass plates Glass Sandwich plate Lge Plantar a Peanut Jar MISCELLANEOUS- Sev teal good Picture frames Picnic tabla w timbrels Slide Projector Screen stools Lge Sugar Karoo with a Ideal for flowers Milk bomesSudbury 51 Lake St John Paris Ont pal Steel Implement wheels Gas mower- Bedding Iron pots Aluminum ex ladder Wooden ex ladder 3T Garden toota For furthar Information call Bob rivets TERMS Cash or cheque with I Sale to settle Estate Not for accidents MAX STOREY ROCKWOOD AUCTIONEER License No L 000388 AUCTION SALE For Mrs Lois Lane Wednesday Evening June 16th at 30 PM Location In at the Fairgrounds in the Agricultural Hal on Robert St Sale Consisting Of Regular antique furniture glass rugs hand lawn tools coBactablea misc ate Additions From Tha Former Mttton Music Store pc Maxwin drum set Stewart drum set Taytor wan A system Taylor watt speaker cabinets Taylor watt Taytor 25 watt guitar phis many other musics accessories TERMS CASH OR CHEQUES PROPER ID Lunch PREVIEW FROM ON SALE DAY Mrs Lena la moving to quartan Owner of Hal board not rssponsAaa for Auctioneer Chris A Phone June 30 Vic Johmtoa Community centre Streets PrrtILaflllbitwaM AUCTION SALE Sat June 11th at 11 Location In si the property Maai b Streets From take to Make left on Main Street 1 mile east to Dime Street Seas Consisting Of- Modem Antique furniture some glass lamps Uvea mac etc FunVtun Night stand both psmt pot cupboard dressing table with oak dining room table pme vest labia oak wardrobe chest of drawers modem Queen sua bedroom suits as newt 4 room chairs pra kitchen cupboard with dish racks I walnut dressing table painted dresser marble top washstand Victorian parlour chair Vict chaise lounge of arm taakwood coffee table kitchen stools blanket box a wardrobe 3 drawer table of hand carved chairs several odd chairs Vict over mantel chid s chest of drawers picnic tabic other tables baby crib magazine rack several minors table oak chest drawers chairs pine table covered bo several carpets side tables plus furniture not kited Oak dock Ore Chin Lamps Cotfactabls Mtec Etc meat putter pheasant platter Royal Wedding plate Diamond Jubi lee plate 11897 English butter don Copeiend Spodo plate old Widow meat plate of berry carnival glass silver top sugar shaker Webb cased set of dessert Et forks early French sandwich plate sat of plated coffee spoons modem bowl set pressed gloss glass lamp shades lamps Engtoh china pi John Peel tankards Engtah vase cutlery primitive tools wicker travel trunk books wicker baskets pictures prints case toys lots etc etc too many other tents for bating TERMS CASH OR CHEQUES WITH PROPER ID Lunch truck on premises Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for ac cidents on Sale day Auctioneer Chris A Schouten Phone 8782576 AUCTION SALE Fri June 10th at 6 30 m Location In at the Fairgrounds In the Hal on Robert St 1B80 Lada owner sedan kilometers ng earthed Amhorat upright piano antique mode fumlure applances household turns guns fishing camping equipment Auctioneer Ward Brownndgo a HI bedroom Georgetown at Centre IKK woman Pay half starting July lit IMJ PPER large bedroom bungalow garage broad loom backyard WOO DO Including utilities ily HI til J El Win ltd to ONE BEDROOM accomodation wan led Georgetown area electric heat for ES CODP Jul 1st fails 3 381 GO Large treed lot spacious room waft out la patio includes parking hydro appliances flslerences regutr adults no pats Mnulas a GO Station Sherwood Court Meadowbrook fid Unit 9 Burlington blocks north of Bunt Si BEDROOM for renl per month south of Georgetown 10th Ask for Peter TOWHKOUSES bedrooms baths Ins had baseman laundry room carport backyard walkout Dose to rtwy GO CentrBvUle St Kitchener 30 minutes from SIMM TV AH AUTO body shop and targe trucks capacity J monthly downtown Georgetown Avail able September 1st EXECUTIVE country Georgetown Avail able June monthly References required HOUSES duplexes farms Wc have Over listings days HALL for Newfoundland Contact LUXURY torrent 3 bedrooms appliances end unit per month plus utilities Call Space70o square proximately avail trance parking space RETAIL store lor rent July 1st 1MK square feet lots of potential tor SHARE bedroom ites fiats piesesl III Over listings tors 7 days BEDROOM heat appliances in lydrt BEDROOM apart fridge end bedroom Available mmedlalely SI40 month First and rent No hydro extra references please downtown plus Ave Acton Fridge STO0 a month Peter or TWO bedroom apartment per month Available July f rst and last s renl No pets references please 457 Dont forget to GIVE before you go RED CROSS Blood Donor FOR RENT FURNISHED OFFICE DOWNTOWN LOCATION 877 bedroom apartment Ideal location 1395 monthly utilities In eluded No children or pets 1 LARGE one bedroom Very qu building Available August 1st For more call MODERN bedroom entrance Musi seen Williams area Altera 5457 Viewing by point men I ONE garage preferred July 1st occupancy BO ROOM ft BOARD needed for working person would prefer country home Acton Rock wood area BS3 COMMERCIAL space available downtown Georgetown sq ft plus washroom and storage Additional ft available 950 ft of warehousing Immediately In Georgetown ACRE farm ne Orton Excellent represent Real Estale Ltd Realtor CAN YOU afford MorlcyMlll Co Op In broad loomed PRIVATE Qui I town Ground floo Call 1132 Jllr PRIVATE bod si on 8778842 the Permanent OWNINO THIS IB ACRE ORCHARD WOT AN INtroSMaUUTY 1st You can trad equity in your present 2nd The revenues from tha orchard and th store will mote than pay the mortgage You don t even have to quit your Job operate it Interested Call Cadteun 87TB244 or HI Vendor consider your smatlsr bungalow split la vet home as down payment on his large bungalow on K acre ravin lot I MOO A MEW OWNER ACT coma and sew ma Thay re asking only 4M0O for mall I have a nicer finished It a lonely out hare nobody Surely there a someone est there that Ca Rudy right away at or TVtill you wont ragrat ft