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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1983, p. 8

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8 Georgetown Agon Wednesday June Meaningful summer planned for youth Two students are hoping to pro vide adolescents to Acton with a meaningful Andrea and Barbara Scfateck of Burlington are r an active and worthwhile summer for Acton youth with the help of a Summer Canada grant through North Halloa Youth Services and Burlington Youth Residence The students have been hired for a two- part youth program in the Acton area Barb described first part of the program is to set up a crisis bousing system for young people who are having trouble in their Under this program she described the kids will be taken into homes by other families in the community in tiroes of family crisis until an alternative arrangement can be made It win give kids who are In some kind of conflict with their parents a chance to let off some steam Barb explained Then with luck a reconciliation can be made with a minimum of intervention from outside agencies If the crisis housing program gets rolling during the summer there is a chance it will continue throughout the year for local adolescents Andrea added The second most industrious part of their jobs will be to give young people between the ages of 11 and is something to do this summer be it recreation such as swimming sports or handson work experi ence for kids who do not have summer Jobs We want to get them involved in com work park cleanups playschools and perhaps some for the elderly as well anything which will direct tbetr energies in a constructive way during the summer Andrea explained Some activities are already arranged tours of local businesses roller skating makeup demonstrations for girls and others have yet to be arranged such as school and college tours We want to show kids that theres more to life than going to school and then dropping out sometime Any local adolescents can Join in the summer program Barb explained But if they are swamped with kids wanting to participate she added theyll have to screen them to ensure that the ones who really need It will have a chance A lot of kids are fine on their own for the summer They have part time summer Jobs or they already are involved with a recrea tion group We re aiming to involve the ones who have nothing much to do kids from unstable family backgrounds who are some- VI THIS MONTH FREE ESTIMATES 8778247 Watch Your Mai Box Each Week For Our Super Value Coupons FANTASTIC SA VINGS AVAILABLE THOMAS NOME VIDEO DISC REHT1LS EM Acton DotMl Parti Mlton We back your every move MOVING STORAGE LIMITED 8458118 A Afternoons at Fine Valley Relax on our porch with a long cool drink or treat yourself to a slice of our home made pie with freshly whipped cream Theres always something scrumptious at Pine Valley Farms Serving daily 12 to pm times at odds with the rest of the com munity Were hoping to have a sort of preventive program she added Anyone however can Join In no need for an offi cial referral They began their project by contacting local groups involved with young people service clubs local agencies high school counsellors public health nurses and others A lot of groups are showing a willing to help theyve discovered Program begins July and Andrea and Barb hope to start by meeting with groups of kids to talk about the project A meeting place has yet to be decided on Anyone wanting to contact the students about the program can call Andrea a thirdyear psychology student at University and Barb a tintyear psychology student are hoping their summer youth program will provide Actons young teens with something meaningful this The Lilly Chinchilla Ranch RR I Rockwood was a hub of activity Saturday for a chinchilla lair attracting people from Ontario and Quebec There were exhibit by chin chilla product sellers and some of the animals were also for sale The focus of the activities was New York city buyers Sfd and Roienfeld who pore ha ted the best furs they found at the air About ISO chinchilla rant hen and others Interested In the trade attended Acton raises over 16000 for Cancer fund drive Over was raided by the Acton Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society in their April drive surpassing their goal of Exactly was raised including the residential industrial and commercial drives according to campaign chairman Gloria Coats The captains and canvassers did miles of footwork and a lot of knocking on doors reach that amount Mrs Coats Keel that the volunteers of our society are dedicated people to have achieved this goal The Acton community certainly care It lleallirr Kokcinu Jean Karen Gloria ItclmVindrvil Captain Come Krantndunk Mane Ilia Jinet Marshall Marilyn Murray Pal Alice MUngbm Robert Itan Captain Janice May Hoar Vera Colt Paul Man Jordan Nan Hunt llcpktm Pauline Diamond Captain Win Captain Barb Alice Bridge Ruth KtUgujh Mary Rouse Belly VakrwJa Captain Annette Ian Dorothy Kay Yvonne Kay Allen Lambert Vera Blanche EbieHallooay Captain Sharon Helen Nancy Morion JcarphiwForcr Margaret Sinclair Captain Fran Knyuk Jane June Doberthein Fred Sew Jay Pauline Captain Sue Salt Dorothy Ann Thorpe LeanneTaylor Carolyn Carolyn Captain Vic Margaret TMh Captain Cunningham Linda Pilgrim Shelley Captain Mil Iff Shelley Dorothy Milam CapUln Sua KuwUer alanine Hunt Dorothy Captain Linda Phyllla INSURANCE Fire- AutoHomeowners TenantsBusinessJLife Ml law if Barber Henley Ltd Main St S Downtown Georgetown ff IN THE WORLD White Summer is composed of Ron Builln Dave Bunln and Mitchell New band White Summer identifies with Led Zeppelin fa Pulp and Paper Reports Average Weekly Wages For make product of the quality pulp paper worker receive higher weekly avenge than many other worker The challenge facing forest right now a tuff coraperjuon in world inarkctt- Canada pulp and paper often thousands of to compete on AIRCRAFT AND PAHTS 84 ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS PULP AND PAPER MILLS IRON AND STEEL MILLS 19 SMELTING AND REFINING 46907 MOTOR VEHICLES 446 the home grouikli of foreign prod 1 a their of and levels of con thai Canadian companies must at least match or ben All those involved in the in vestors worker supphers hive to lake the longterm new and work together to bund the of Snetocs Canada Canada number one manufacturing in- pulp and paper For more tend for New Challenge a free booklet from Pubuc Semots Canadian Pulp and Paper Floor 155 Metcalfe Street Montreal Quebec by Kirstine Stewart Two students from Acton High School are part of a relatively newly formed band White Summer formerly Genocide Dnve and of Storey are two brothers who have been performing together in different bands for many years Other members of While Summer include Chris Mitchell of Poplar Ave whose stunning lead guitar lines remind one of Richie and Ron of the First Line plays thundering bass keeping all the jagged pieces together Although the band has only been together for one year White Summer has already had Its first taste of success Even though they had previously been hired Tor private parties they hud yet to work In front of a great number of people until a few weeks ago when White Summer played at Ihe Erin County Inn three consecutive dates The Inn was packed the first night People were yelling and hollering it was good said David who alter nates lead and rhythm guitar and sometime sings That night White Summer played to three encores and were asked to repeat their performance this summer on June 30 July 1 and 2 White Slimmer is probably most identified by Its Led Zeppelin influence The band considers Led Zeppelin to be their idols and often includes fantastic of such classics as Rock Roll complete with blistering drum solos from who comes off sounding amazingly like a young John Dave also recognizes Aerosmith and Judas Priest as influences on their music the band writes much of their music them selves When Dave writes the lyrics to his songs he often feels inspired when he worka outdoors His interest in the blues and acid rock is prominent in his music although Dave says that he does like some classical Like all bands starting out White Summer has dreams of stardom Not too long ago they booked some record studio time and cut heir first demo On the tape are three original songs and two cover versions They have already begun to circulate the tape They have entered It In Torontos Home- grown Contest upon so red by and they hope to hear some promising news Perhaps with a little luck they will be hearing some soon Legion happenings by McKerracher On Friday evening June new members were Initiated into the Branch under the able direction of Comrades Lot Shone Irwin John Goy and Vic Patrick About 130 members turned out to attend the initiation which was followed by a lunch and dance Congratulations to all on a very good evening As this Is the final Saturday evening for the summer to enjoy music and dancing at the Branch please try to drop in for your barbeque tickets and do your part to make it another successful occasion The Keith Wallace Duo will be supplying the live music for the evening which will commence at pm Comrade Doug Mason has all the supplies on hand and we need your participation to make It a memorable occasion Sec you at the Branch June by Mabel My Danish sisterinlaw makes a pastry using which is very easy to do While you dissolve a tablespoon or package of fastrising yeast in half a cup of warm water pita a teaspoon of sugar you mix a cup of shortening with two- andahalf cups of flour with a pinch of salt Add to this the yeast plus a beaten egg and enough milk to handle Roll out in rectangles it will make two Ice with a paste made of Icing sugar water and vanilla Now you can sprinkle with raisins or in season cherries or raspberries Fold over like an envelope and brush with cold coffee and then sprinkle with white Let rise in a warm place for about an hour Bake at degrees ft until the pastry is golden colored You will find that this pastry is really flaky and delicious Car misses deer A Georgetown driver swerved to avoid a deer on 15 Sideroad Just west of the Fourth Line causing the car he was driving to gooff the road and Into a ditch last Wednesday Haltnn Regional Police say thai Paul Steeohuii sustained minor injuries in the accident He was taken to Georgetown Hospital treated then released Damage to his car It estimated at

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