CORVETTE MB auto mite certified iO I door automatic original Lady asking or best offer Aspen wagon a auto PS air AM A greet family See at Georgetown J litre auto P B bucket console rear wiper gauge stereo white wall road Huge selection of colour Special pricing See mem at Georgetown Chrrtler CHARGER new parts excel lent need body work Maverick 1975 FORD El Van new brake MOO Mil MM rough FORD LTD door FORD LTD Country Squire Wagon p air toning body and motor excellent condition Call after FORD Mustang cyl with auto con Hie a conditioning Approximately mile certified Call FORD Pinto automatic new FORD pickup with camper Must am FORD Van CMC Pickup halt ton JOS cu n side step short box mag wheels am certified or IMMACULATE one owner 17 Sapporo auto Great ng and a pleasure- Jo Calt Geo s I arrived one JUST chback 4 cyl speed Great on gas and very affordable at Call Georgetown Chrysler 77 1979 Collector I looker See it ai Georgetown Chrysler 77 SUM Duller JUST arrived one Slant six auto A great running car Sale price Call Georgetown Chrysler MM JUST Dodge Kampages a tics and I speeds PS All colours Great trucks See them at Georgetown Chr LOOKING for a certified used Be Bat Motors St LUXURIOUS Chrysler Newport auto p top throughout finished in a beautiful maroon two tone it won be here long at Georgetown Chrysler 1971 MAVERICK as is Pest offer MAVERICK miles Good for parts after MONARCH need body work new lire a brakes Best offer Hi 7 MUSTANG auto bucket scats and console shift Ai Is for parts or Call 1949 MUSTANG Can be restored or good parts Make an offer JTeJTT 1974 NOVA auto 170000 or 197 OLDS Cutlass uncertified 877 mi after PLYMOUTH TO door hatchback cylinder automatic etc One only milts 1SJ7S Call Fred DMier CTIIB POPULAR model Grand Ml equipped- Loo Md great In gny with PONT I AC loaded very good condition At is Can after 7157 HI 1979 HONDA Kms cert Saddle bags ana fa ring available 877 after 77 1911 HONDA CRN HONDA ke excellent ton SO SEE SEE HONDA lONLY IMS HONDA ON SALE Meat one of the moil impressive sports machine In motorcycling history AntlwtrijrMtfttdMlI BronfSL Milton Coma In ft Chack out our motorcycle Over used bikes in stock for immediate de livery at FANTASTIC SAVINGS Ad used carry day unconditional warran ties the racers edge MILTON 8754212 Custom with IS In excellent tion led with helmet ST 3i93 or 7001 1000 new pant rear tire backrest and carrier Also HONDA speed m lei many spares n AW ASA I used only months alter m 877 MOPED lor solo less than mid SUZUKI 75cc rl ke Very good condition Call Richard ai 177 176 YAMAHA XS4Q0 Special on Full lace helmet EG EIGHT loot camper lurnai four 1773737 truck S sleeps PRIVATE SALE TOWNHOUSE Georgetown Newly decorated 3 bedrooms attached garage basement broad loom Mortgage 11 til Jan 1988 Monthly payments 93 PIT Near GO train GO for mora info THE REGIONAL MUMCPAUTY OF Tender ComlniGtlon 100 mm DU Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents be received by the Office the Regional Clerk nbl 00 Local Tana Tuesday 1B83frx Construction mm Forceman No Regional Landfill Site Specifications and Form of may be obtained from the Office of tho Purchasing Department 1151 Bronte Road Ontario A certified cheque payable to the Regional Municipal ty of Helton the amount specified In the tender documents and a signed Agreement to Bond must accompany each tender Tenders win be opened at 2 1 Local Tana Tuesday July 1SB3ifheReglonal Headquarters Committee Room no Bronte Road Oakvile Those submitting tenders era Invited to attend or any tender necessarily J Moore A CPPO Pubic Works Manager of Purchasing TJS GALLERY AUCTION SALE at pm BOS PARTIAL LISTING tarns Wig oak pnrratrvs tumture Including a beautiful oak S toll top desk harvest chicken coop chairs round oak table chairs oak wardrobe oak side try side cabinet walnut room suite desks 3 bookcases assortment occasional tables dressers oak stand onyx Door tamp students lamp Russian tray clock set with canrJetatn clock a setectkin of and brass prints minors finers etc ihrliCaajliiiitltnir -tEnESHHBfTt- BE GeorgetownActon Wednesday Jury AUCTION SALE For the Estate of Dava Lindsay Thursday Evening July at 6PM Location At rendenca Part Ave Acton Furniture Etc- Victorian 36 erne table sofa oak 1 table blanket boxes 36 long deep single board construction ft good ones chair with pe seat pressed back chair piano stool with glass baa daw feet 48 bed with box mattress wardrobe with drawers day bed kitchen table 4 swivel cross drawer metal cabinet drawer metal fling cebnet step fr V tables Marconi floormodel radio walnut cabinet good Hoover vacuum cleaner Superior humidifier Torcan fan clock style redo 36 round moror large be velled glass mirror IS good old frames sheepskin rug scatter rugs quilts wooden flannelette blankets cotton sheets Era large offer of table China Glass Etc- Partial dinner set with 2ZK gold overlay fancy cups saucers Copeland Royal Albert etc English crna cake plates 3 hand plates several vases Ciechoalovakian candy dah signed candy brooch sugar shakar HP Nippon footed sauce 2D turkey platter German china dog large chine horse statue old Jackie Coogen statue Urge fruit bowl with silver overlay large water pitcher with silver overlay large with silver overlay looted cake plate with silver overlay old glass sherbets silver covered vegetable dish silver casserole vase appro pea of silver flatware pee stainless steel wine set nice wicker trays brass tea kettle brass dog statue nut dish copper horse barometer floor lamp with marble base table lamp old oil lamp T V lamp cuckoo dock large wall mourned magnifying Misc Items Trotting Assoc year books 1M9 new horse blanket lawn bowing balls old buck saw Ocean Blend tea cad ft step ladder sprayer tubs garden tools about cedsr rails 3 cords of dry fireplace wood Safe management or Auctioneer not ra sponsible for accidents Sale evening TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH I Property sold PREVIEW Auctioneer Ward Phone 8786730 AUCTION SALE For the Estate of the late Helen R McDonald Sat July at 11 AM Location In Georgetown residence on Street Queen St a almost opposite Georgetown High School north Street I olio known OS Hwy No Sale Consisting Of Almost a I antique turn glass china lawn hand tools some quits tt boat with 7Vi Outboard motor ler flatback cupboard be to be no oak veneer option bookcase socio lory pots pans misc E dishwasher small elect anew Furniture cupboa panes of glass oath door Ibel to be plnel oak ch cab net glass on front Et sides ant walnut table Chester eld with match cha r Jacques Hayes table old gramophone cab not Queen Anns Oriental rugs lower table ha I tree drawer pine chest with mustache pulls I 1 drawer ne table rabbit ear plus other odd side cha walnut bed w ih box sideboard v id backer dropfront bookcase ass rs oak top of cupboard small ret p no chest ant que nursing panted drawer Jocquos Hayes pa mod oak van double oak bed oak drawers oak arm V Tree plant nger sowing bookcase motal cob no I metal I tables metal walnut washitand 8 drawer bonnet chest Ih rds maple inlaid table lamps walnut framed ror double on bod brass m steamer trunks Vctonan mrror Ipantodl old room le lop pictures f ames Collactables Mlsc Etc old 1 various crocks somo old quits old books cream cans clothes dryer wr assorted hand lawn garden tools vacuum stop ladder nil regular gloss chna pots pans small appliances plus many other small too numerous or listing TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER ID Executors or Auctioneer not responsible for Sate necessary to settle Estate Auctioneer Chris A Schouten Phone 2576 ALTON HILLS AUCTION SALES will be Sale Thursday July a at Ivercreok Trafalgar Roai North between Acton and Georgetown FURNITURE Oak round table old leaves Hexagon pedestal made in eiceneni Single pedestal roll top desk excellent order Wicker fern stand love seat Wicker sewing basket Wicker footed sewing basket with handle LAMPS Blue lamp Mm BuDseye lamp Hand Lamp GLASS ft CHINA Seven paces of Cornflower Several decorative prates Hob I water pitcher Canadian Drape water pitcher Blue and pitcher Pressed Glass etc COLLECTABLE PRIMITIVES OUS Small German flrsque Doll kid body older Apple peeler Wooden planes Lg Camel be Colony ben Assortment of Stoneware Brass Norther Electric tote phone Pears Pine Wooden pump Western saddle hand tooled Sugar kettle Premier cash register working glass gtl flowered jug ting Gal Brampton jug John Clarke Dealer groceries wines and liquors a post office Brampton TEAMS CashorApprovadCneque Owner Auction etc not responsible tor accidents or lost articles Saks amounting to will require I JO UPCOMING SALE Saturday July If Noon VICTORIA Ont you Can St AUCTIONEER JIMMY FORBES 13- ALUMINUM Mat tip Evlnrud boat motor utility trailer AT Can BE Acton for August 1st W up to MM everything IS included Acton HOUSE wanted for month of September comoteted HOUSE or bedroom bedroom apartment reasonable rent approximately TOWIWOMES Large tread lot spacious room out to includes parking hydro facilities adults only no pets Minutes to JEW GO Station Sherwood Court Fid Ural 9 Mocks norm Plains Brant St Afford A MakoomTfnrnhoutt AtS550 00MoDlhlY CoDp ta drags Buemcnl Stove JuryAugust Occupancy Phone 2704366 MUtltuuga BEDROOM townhousc In Acton monthly plus FOUR farm bungalow double gan monthly W HOUSES townhouses duplexes farms We have ill Over computerized listings tors for rent Newfoundland Club Contact Lane after ONE bay garage near downtown George own MS month farm bedroom pets Hwy 7 Hi WOO monlh fMSOINorvall WINTERIZED cab kitchen bedroom Suitable lor po after A PA TM T S Wo have It Over 2 computerized listings ill Homeloca tors days BACHELOR for single adull monlh and lasl one year lease Phone alter WMll i BEDROOM apart GO first and last required Available August 1st BEDROOM apart menls heat hydro appliances or 877 7830 NEW one bedroom apartment available August 1st All utilities and appliances In eluded Laundry facilities available References per afters Eg ROOM central local Ion pleasant surroundings Mature male abstainer smoker 877 IS FIBERGLASS boat compute rip Evlnrucle and trailer Only or bast offer Call 77 0 E BL E Industrial for rent from sq ft ft Secretarial answering services on premises or 1 0 of space with MOO ft of Immediately AUCTION SALE White portable sewing machine with cabinet quean sua wale bed cheat drawers chea tertteld end sink like pine colonial cedar like wood captain a bad new wash stand Sunbeam Gnlbnestar propane BarBQ pots and pans dishes electric appliances quantity of hand tools antique vanities dining room tables drop leaf tables Many other article too numerous mention Owners and auctioneers not i any day sale Terms or known ROYAL CITY REALTY Bast of Both Worlds Large Family Home Finished Rac Stiorp Extra Large Rear Yard MOM Kids Bored With Summer Holidays Already RENT A HOME VIDEO MOVIE WEEK DAY SPECIAL Monday to Friday 95 Includes 15 Movies WE ARE NOW TEMPORARILY LOCATED AT 11 Main St S Acton THOMAS I WHY WAIT CHECK US OUT HILLS AUCTION SALES a be an Auction Sale Saturday Jury at 12 Neon it Victoria between end at North of Victori Antiques on 10 Mouse Ion FURNITURE GLASS CHINA CLOCK GUNS MISCELLANEOUS PRIMITIVES CHILDRENS NOSTALGIA Approximately 380 llama Canteen Auctioneer Owner not responsibla for accidents or lost articles TERMS OF SALE Cash or Cheque with proper ID Merchandise over 00 will require 2 pieces Of ID UPCOMING SALE Thursday Jury 530 alSINrcrakOnt AUCTIONEER JIMMY FORBES DAVE ARMSTRONG SAYS Weve Moved to Georgetovvn NEXT TO MILL WORKS HIUS MOST MODERN BODY SHOP UPTOWN COLLISION Spectacles are not all created equal Georgetown Optical Unequalled Tor Eyewear Anywhere Apart from shape colour anil sin eyeglasses may look the same But At Georgetown Optical we use only guaranteed optical plastic and crown fllass lcnseso give you harper and safer vision We carry frames like Mcnrad ihe frames In Canada with teflon sell lock Ins thai High standards and quality products like these made Georgetown Optical a name to look up Why settle for less All lenses guaranteed against breakage for one year Georgetown Optical 8773562 TICALbPHVICr Georgetown Market THE PLACE TO SAVE 8771186 ENERGY SAVING WINDOWS BRING YOUR FUNS IDEAS CUT COSTS m noons STUX VINYL OFPMANUT UST WOOD PATH DOORS Oil THE PLACt TO SAVE