Over 175 at special service Over ITS people attended lb Memorial Service at Cemetery of the Fifth line of Enn Township Howvrd Graham was the or the day Rev from Churchill Community Church giving an Rev that in cemeteries the kernel of what are is buried here but the essence of what they were lire on He alio noted is not neces ury to preserve something physically for It to live on He enjoys walking through a strange cemetery and looking at the names and dales on the tombstones He has learned so much history of the community in thai way The Hoot family headed by uncle and father Bennett provided the musical selections for the day GoorgetownActon Wednesday July 1963 Public meeting Thursday about apartment seniors By Barbara Funk Those of you in the township who are upset about the exterior the senior citizens building should attend the public meeting to be held tomorrow Thursday at the Town Hal The meeting will begin at p m and will give Era mow taxpayers an opportunity to express their feelings regarding the building If it is at all possible for you to attend please be there this might be the last chance to do anything about the residence Congratulations to George Ingle of Harris St who won in the draw of July Mr Mrs Ingle just celebrated their wedding too The Squirts lost their soccer game on June to A The score was They came back to win on Jul against the team from Acton Score was In s favor The Eden Mills Hock wood team is now in number one position in their division The Lions clubs of District A and A IS are sponsoring a educational Inter national Youth Camping Experience at ttildwood Campground near St Mar Lost Saturday 50 from New Brunswick Colorado Minnesota Texas Switzerland Austria Gaban Finland Italy Israel Germany Netherlands Cameroon Denmark France and Japan began arriving at Toronto Inter national Airport where they were met by Lions who escorted them to where they were met by their host families The youths will be with their host families for the first week prior to camp and for two week after camp The camp program lasts eight days with the youths participating In activities such as singing swimming water skiing dancing group games as well as group discussions on various topics Rev Wigston begins role Mr a l by Mrs Miss Isabel and Mrs Florence Martin attended funeral services for their cousin Mrs Isabel Radeck in Rapids Michigan Sympathy is extended to all the members of the Lowrie families in their bereavement of this lady Eden Mills Presbyterian Church and Stone United Church are sharing worship services Sunday about for the summer Rev Gostonyl Is the minister for July and for August On Sunday the Rev Sam Wigston will be in charge of the worship service as he begins his role of new minister at the United Church Rev William Toronto was a recent visitor with his mother Mrs Mcintosh Mrs Betty Marshall Mr and Mrs Mike Marshall and spent the long weekend at their cottage at Doe Lake Mrs Ramsey opened her home for the Jum meeting of the Presbyterian Women The president opened with a poem My Kitchen Prayer The literature on the Mission Stud for was presented and over or a later decision Pennies for the fellowship of the Least Coin were receiud and dedicated by Mrs Mrs Ken Neeb gave a reading on The and Mrs Ramsey read the scripture from James and Women of he Bible from the Glad Tidings Mrs Tubman Mac Donald and a clothes pegs contest showed Mrs V Montgomery as winner Age is a quality of the mind was read by Mrs Harden The giving of Youth Ccr tificatcs was discussed and held in abeyance ROOS TRAVEL LOOKS AT Your Week Ahead HOROSCOPE ARIES March Ajvltl TAURUS April GEMINI May 20 CANCER Jim July 22 LEO July 23AU0 VIRGO 22 23Octobw 22 SCORPIO Octobr 2ovwntr SAGITTARIUS 21 CAPRICORN AQUARIUS January 2frfabtuary PISCES 1 DID YOU KNOW Im than 2S0OO w CALL ROOS TRAVEL 87741138 Rebuilding a life shattered by violence easy The experience can be long and painful for both victims and their families In the event of such a personal tragedy the Injunes Compensation Board is there to help With financial assistance to lessen the economic and emotional burden of personal physical injury Should criminal violence strike call us The process of is simple and informal The help may be invaluable Because people dont always just bounce back For more information The Injuries Compensaoon Board University Avenue 17th Floor Toronto 1Y8 THE CRIMINAL INJURIES COMPENSATION BOARD Ministry of the Attorney General Ontario ATKINSON COLLEGE VITUS MARKET KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BINGO Holy Cross Church Auditorium EVERY THURSDAY 54 numbers numbers MOO SB numbers SOtfBl numbers 200 58 numbers 2 Max 239 KIM FRUIT 49 CABBAGE SPAGHETTI SAUCE BAHAMAS 99- KAISER BUMS 139 SPAGHETTI SPAGHETTI 149- RAISINS 99 BULK FOODS PRUNES Cake Pan Rentals Wo moke Birthday Cakes ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT LAMDFia COMPONENT OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT YOU ARE INVITED TO A MEETING TO DISCUSS THE PROCESS BEING USED TO IDENTIFY LANDFILL SITES IN HALT0N The preparing the Regional Municipality of Halton Landllll Component En vlronmental Assessment have completed the stage of study which evaluated alternative methods or disposing Halton Solid Waste It was determined that the disposal system should be resource recovery based with one component being landfill At this stage In the study the consultants will begin the Site Selection Process to potential Sites in A number of potential areas wilt be Identified by the Fall and alter further detailed studies a preferred site or sites will be selected The search for potential landfill areas involves an initial screening process to identify areas of Halton that are environmentally socially and economically acceptable The screening process that the consultants will use and the environmental social and economic factors that will be used to select areas will be available lor public review Residents that are Interested in how the Region future landllll slles will be Identified are Invited to an Information Centre to discuss the factors to be used In the screening process with the consultants and Region of Halton stall Location Administration Building Bronte Road Oakrille Ontario Wednesday July 19S3 Time The public Is invited to attend the Information Centre at their convenience during Ihe hours noted above A report describing the factors to be used In the screening process will be available For further information ptease contact Paul Attack Burlington DavJdJVarley Regional Clerk THE STATEMENT IN STONE Now Open to the Public A Buy and UP TO oft last years prices Nona NEAREST FACTORY OUTLET ACTON PRECAST CONCRETE LTD flR 2 ACTON ART BOUWMAN NURSERY R R 3 GEORGETOWN 87B 2142 BOLTON 17 SOEROAD BOLTON 857 41 453- MM T 1MMM74W first 99 OPEN MONDAY FMMY Ask about our Seconds at Bargain Prices CAU US FOR GUARANTEED INSTALLATION 6x6Timbers with order of pavers PAVING STONE